View Full Version : Most unsportsmen like game ever

12-31-2002, 10:13 PM
I dont no if this has been posted or not. I found it at FON its dynasty vs. aftershock at the mardi gras open 2k2 here is a link i think you can right click as chose save target as to download it http://www.forceofnature.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&req=getit&lid=27

12-31-2002, 10:18 PM
do I have to sign up to watch videos on FON?

12-31-2002, 10:22 PM
yeah, they started that a little while back

12-31-2002, 10:24 PM
ya, its free, its well worth it.. believe me...

this is the movie where the dood needs to be tackled by the refs right? and all the dudes are yellin BS

12-31-2002, 10:26 PM
Yea thats the one espo also you need to download naughty dogs vs exile naughty dogs last guy pulls off the deadmans walk to elimenate 3 people and win

12-31-2002, 10:32 PM
seen all of them...

its the one where hes behind the lay down can and hes like "i think im out" and the ref;s like "then get out", and then he dead man walks them....

once agian...ive seen everyone on FON, and Pig.tv....

watch the "brass eagle road to aruba" on pig.tv... some teams use stingrays, and some use rainmakers.. then others use really high end markers... pretty funny.

Pile & A Half
01-01-2003, 01:16 AM
Dang...I can't find it. Maybe I'm totally blind....more than likely it's right in front of my face. This sounds intresting.

01-01-2003, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by SpongeBobSquarePants
pulls off the deadmans walk to elimenate 3 people and win

is that just pretending to be out, walking across the field with your gun in the air, and then blastin the other team once you get to 'em?? is that LEGAL??

01-01-2003, 02:07 AM
Kind of, but you don't raise your gun. As far as being legal...Depends on where you are. Welcome to paintball.

01-01-2003, 02:14 AM
Hey Spongebob...I see you noticed the Mardi Gras disaster game where Kenny blasted Ollie about a hundred times then got tackled by head ref Frank Connell. As fun as it was to watch, I was working with Force of Nature at Mardi Gras and I was the video cameraman that shot that action from the right tape, where it went down. Problem with that is that every ball Kenny shot that missed him, hit ME. I got PEPPERED so bad I had to stop filming. I ended up getting about thirty seconds of the incident and about five minutes of the ground and people talking in the background while I was trying to walk it off. :rolleyes:
Not that any of this matters of course...just figured you'd get a kick out of hearing it from the guy BEHIND the camera.

Sir Chopsalot
01-01-2003, 02:17 AM
LOL i just watched that dead mans walk, ive watched it 5 or 6 times now and its not getting any less funny "what are you doing!?!" soooo good

01-01-2003, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by Josh2Xtremes
Hey Spongebob...I see you noticed the Mardi Gras disaster game where Kenny blasted Ollie about a hundred times then got tackled by head ref Frank Connell. As fun as it was to watch, I was working with Force of Nature at Mardi Gras and I was the video cameraman that shot that action from the right tape, where it went down. Problem with that is that every ball Kenny shot that missed him, hit ME. I got PEPPERED so bad I had to stop filming. I ended up getting about thirty seconds of the incident and about five minutes of the ground and people talking in the background while I was trying to walk it off. :rolleyes:
Not that any of this matters of course...just figured you'd get a kick out of hearing it from the guy BEHIND the camera.

WOW thats amazing i bet that hurt alot because he didnt let up, great footage though man.

Cow-Yea its legal as long as they havent pulled your arm band

01-01-2003, 03:20 AM
Josh, that sux bro! kinda funny tho also!

Hows the pb2x commin?

Ive watched all the movies, but what was the reasoning for him peltin him? bad call? he wiped what?

01-01-2003, 03:31 AM
Hoooo, boy...where to begin. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Well, in my opinion the altercation stemmed from the World Cup of the previous year, where a rough call turned Aftershock's on-field victory into a scoreboard defeat to the hands of Dynasty. The bad blood carried over to Mardi Gras, Kenny got a chance to take some pent-up frustration out on a rival team, and he did so by emptying a hopper into a rival player and an unsuspecting photographer. Of course, he ended up getting slam-tackled by Frank Connell (never fun) and given the boot for the remainder of the event. But I think everyone's over it now, it's been almost a year.
And yeah, in retrospect it's funny as heck but BOY it stung a little at the time. It's different when you've got adrenalin pumping and a gun to shoot back with. When you're just standing there like a doofus with a camera, they tend to leave a mark!

01-01-2003, 03:40 AM
When you arent playing and the adrenalin isnt flowing it is really painful to get shot. This is why you wont see me reffing events like the world cup. Those guys must get shot so much its not even funny. I can understand why they can be a little testy throughout the event.

01-01-2003, 08:12 AM
Dead man’s walk…. Something that will get you lit up if you play with me. If you are “out” and do not CLEARLY raise your marker way over your head, you are open season still. I am surprised it works at all… even more so at higher level tournaments. :rolleyes:

01-01-2003, 10:30 AM
maybe I downloaded the wrong video..... Femme Fatales Vs Fat City on Dye field at World Cup 2002.

the fat city team is just down the road from me... and they handed it to Fatales.... but I didn't see any bad "sportsmanship" on that video... infact, kinda wish all games were like that..... the capt for fatcity at the end of the video gave the other team credit for playing a good game......

01-01-2003, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by Josh2Xtremes
Hoooo, boy...where to begin. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Well, in my opinion the altercation stemmed from the World Cup of the previous year, where a rough call turned Aftershock's on-field victory into a scoreboard defeat to the hands of Dynasty. The bad blood carried over to Mardi Gras, Kenny got a chance to take some pent-up frustration out on a rival team, and he did so by emptying a hopper into a rival player and an unsuspecting photographer.

From Ollie himself, I heard it was over a chick...

01-01-2003, 01:35 PM
dude..i watched that deadmans walk a few times.....damn that guy was shooting fast!!

01-01-2003, 01:48 PM
do I need realplayer to view those videos?
Cuz if I do I'm screwed. The thing wont work on my computer.

01-01-2003, 02:04 PM
I've watched the 'Shock vs. Dynasty game many times. If you look closely you can see Kenny get shot right on the top of the head before he gets "tackled". I say "tackled" because the ref kinda fell off to the side when he get into the firing lane of all the players in the dead-box. Very interesting to watch. I also got a kick out of the dead mans walk. There were actually four players left. He shot out three, and one shot him back so they called a one plus on.

painball- I use realplayer to watch all my FON and PigTV videos.

Lone Wolf2
01-02-2003, 12:57 PM
That was hilarous.But i dont see why they have to start yellin BS constantly.Im gonna watch it again.

01-02-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Dead man’s walk…. Something that will get you lit up if you play with me. If you are “out” and do not CLEARLY raise your marker way over your head, you are open season still. I am surprised it works at all… even more so at higher level tournaments. :rolleyes:

I'm with you here. I shoot anyone on the field who isn't a ref, isn't on my team, and who doesn't have their gun in the air. It makes it even easier when they walk slowly twords me out in the open. :D

Evil Bob
01-02-2003, 03:44 PM
From the video, it looks like Kenny fired on the ref as well right after the first ref jumps in to tackle him but rolls off to the right.

-Evil Bob

01-02-2003, 03:44 PM
Still not the worst bit of stupidity of the year.

I think that goes to the major team that had a player sniping from the sidelines. Can't recall ofhand what team it was, and they booted the player (Think it was Aftershock, can't remember though).

Edit: Oops, Avalanche not Aftershock

And of course, Las Vegas Open and the incredible screwing of Strange by the refs.

01-02-2003, 03:47 PM
It was Jeremy Salm of Avalanche I think

01-02-2003, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Dead man?s walk?. Something that will get you lit up if you play with me. If you are ?out? and do not CLEARLY raise your marker way over your head, you are open season still. I am surprised it works at all? even more so at higher level tournaments. :rolleyes:

I've never understood why it works either. When the members of my team wanted to try it (before it had a name) I was of the opinion that NO ONE would be stupid enough to fall for it. In a tournament if you don't leave the field using the proper elimination signal I shoot you again. But I guess that's just me (or just a few of us ;) )...

Evil Bob
01-02-2003, 03:55 PM
Yeah, Jeremy Salm of Avalanche is the clear winner of the coveted "Paintball's Dumbest Moments" award. He wasn't even on the field when he shot the other players out, he was playing Lee Harvey Oswald in the nearby woods.

-Evil Bob

01-02-2003, 05:23 PM
I think the reason it works on occation (deadwalk) is that most top level (Am and Pro) players simply get up and walk off. Watch some of the videos. I guess when your used to seeing it, you don't even react. He timed it well, too. Right at the point where they thought the mopping up was done and before they could grab the flag! The other team even shouts "Clear! Stop shooting!" just before he goes. They even lowered their markers. After I picked myself off the floor from laughing so hard, I had to admire the briliance!

01-02-2003, 05:39 PM
I wanna watch that so bad but realplayer is messed up on my computer. R there any other lesser known ad-free players I can use instead?

01-02-2003, 05:41 PM
Gotta' hand it to FON, they make excellent videos. I've seen all of them (yes, even the Chicago Open DVD. My local feild plays it over and over:D ).

01-10-2003, 08:01 AM
The World Cup DVD is out being pressed right now, and we should have some more WC videos up on the site. Dave has taken over all of the editing and has already working on prepping for this first NPPL/Super7 in a month. Its always nice to hear good things about the work we do.


01-10-2003, 11:04 AM
I have had trouble checking out the link, can someone tell me exactly how to load up the video from the websites main page? That link isn't working for me.

I'm curious to see how much of the Salm incident is covered in the World Cup DVD. They might avoid it entirely cause it really has embarrassed the sport and promoters.

I have not seen the videos, but if the ref really had to tackle the guy because he refused to give up, the guy should be suspended for a tournament or the team DQ'd for that tournament, that is such BS and definitely intentional. It's not even subtle! Again, I haven't seen the video so I may be mistaken, I just find cheating at this level and Salm's level as solid reasons why our sport is rarely on ESPN and not growing like it should. And cheating because everyone else is cheating is the kind of excuse that's immature even for the under 18 tourneys.

01-10-2003, 11:15 AM
force of nature (http://www.forceofnature.com)
go there
register (bottom left of page)
then go to videos (near the upper left of the page just under the header

click on PSP then MGO there you will find the video youre looking for.

if you have any problems reply,email me or im me.


01-10-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Josh2Xtremes
Hoooo, boy...where to begin. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Well, in my opinion the altercation stemmed from the World Cup of the previous year, where a rough call turned Aftershock's on-field victory into a scoreboard defeat to the hands of Dynasty. The bad blood carried over to Mardi Gras, Kenny got a chance to take some pent-up frustration out on a rival team, and he did so by emptying a hopper into a rival player and an unsuspecting photographer. Of course, he ended up getting slam-tackled by Frank Connell (never fun) and given the boot for the remainder of the event. But I think everyone's over it now, it's been almost a year.
And yeah, in retrospect it's funny as heck but BOY it stung a little at the time. It's different when you've got adrenalin pumping and a gun to shoot back with. When you're just standing there like a doofus with a camera, they tend to leave a mark!

Kenny did over shoot oliver then Alex Ryan and BC opened fire from the dead box then Ryan Williams from shock shot Ryan G from dynasty...

Thats why kenny turns around it is to shoot at the dead box and THEN he gets tackled.....Tackled to stop shooting and sorta being protected.

Also even though they are on rival teams Kenny is really good friends with the dynasty crowd they got in a fight on the streets of new orleans with some drunk guy strating crap with all of them out having a good time.