View Full Version : x-valve

brandon cozad
01-01-2003, 10:03 AM
break all this stuff down for me in regards to the x-valve;
1. should i get an adjustable reg-have preset@800
2. should you keep your old setup(bolt and stuff) or trade in to AGD for the new bolt valve
3. what parts do you use retro or can you get thye rt/rt pro parts kits
4. will the parts kit for the classic have some stuff that will work no the x-valve
5. what are all these power tube spacers i have for? looks cool to have stuff though.
6. and somebody please give the the real deal on what this valve will do for me in regards to reative trigger. i hear so much but i think the people that are telling me dont really have a clue either. please explain the mechnical change that the marker will undergo and what this does to the operation of the system.
thankyou to who ever tries to answer my questions-really, thankyou :) :) :) :)

01-01-2003, 12:50 PM
1. Adjustables are nice with retros, but not necessary. They let you adjust the reactiveness of the trigger.

2. If you have lx, I'd keep it and sell it separately. Otherwise send it all in.

3. Don't really understand what your asking.

4. I think a few of the o rings are the same. I think.

5. Power tube spacers, to adjust your power tube spacer size. If you get lx with the new x vavle, these aren't really going to be needed.

6. Reactive trigger will kick back every time you pull the trigger resulting in a short and snappy trigger pull that is difficult to short stroke. You can only use air with this system, not co2. For technical details, either do a search or check out airgun.com. Hope that helps.

01-01-2003, 12:54 PM
an adjustable tank will allow you to adjust the reactivity of the trigger...meaning how hard the RTness pushes back on your finger...very nice to have

you have to trade in your bolt and sear ad youll get the new level 10 bolt and an RT sear

the XValve will fit all parts from the RTPRo valve which is identical to the Retro valve

the classic parts kit will have...maybe 1-2 orings that fit hte X

the powertube spacers are no longer needed on an X Valve because it has Level 10 bolt

the "RT Valve" provides an extra push when you pull the trigger. for example you have to push with 5bls to get the trigger to go back, but it pushes your finger back with 10lbs. (those numbers are fictional).

01-01-2003, 02:10 PM
preset tanks of 800psi work dandy.

you get to keep your bolt and spring when going retro. Just replace the powertube spacer and tip top when sending it in if you already have LX

RT parts kit is what you will advance to

few o-rings

The rt valve will give you a noticeable increase in rate of fire. the trigger is returned at you with more force then it took to fire the marker.

brandon cozad
01-01-2003, 02:56 PM
thanks for the reply's-i'm getting the picture now

01-01-2003, 04:00 PM
and uhm, xvalve is made out of aluminum so its like. way lighter than the normal retro valves and AIR valves..

01-01-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by rikkter
and uhm, xvalve is made out of aluminum so its like. way lighter than the normal retro valves and AIR valves..

like 4oz....