View Full Version : pros and warpfeeds

01-01-2003, 10:51 PM
I was just wondering why I dont see a lot of pros using warp feeds.In watching video of world cup,pan am, and millenium series all I see and hear is "check his hopper, check his hopper".You would think that pros would realize that a warp feed would eliminate those pesky hopper hits. As a front player, I wouldn't dream of playing without one!

01-01-2003, 10:53 PM
Sponcerships restrictions...

01-02-2003, 12:17 AM
fear of being different...

01-02-2003, 01:11 AM
I'm surprised more Pros have not gone down the Warp path......

Sponsership restrictions ? sounds fishy to me...dunno why Warps wouldnt be allowed....

01-02-2003, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by magnum19
I was just wondering why I dont see a lot of pros using warp feeds.In watching video of world cup,pan am, and millenium series all I see and hear is "check his hopper, check his hopper".You would think that pros would realize that a warp feed would eliminate those pesky hopper hits. As a front player, I wouldn't dream of playing without one!

You're kidding me right? I couldn't dream of playing front WITH a warp feed. When you play front you HAVE to shoot out of both sides of the bunker. I find it a lot easier to switch shooting hands then to tilt the whole gun. And IMO you can't snapshoot as fast w/ your wrists turned over like that.

I guess it is just me..

01-02-2003, 01:55 AM
Its like the Z-grip, hundreds of opinions why it doesn't work from people that don't use them. The fact that so many players are not willing to try new things is holding back inovation in the whole industry.

Most players think that the state of the art in paintball equipment is just fine where it is. They just want a new body every year.


01-02-2003, 02:13 AM
I think Tom Kaye hit the bullseye... When you think about it, all everyone wants really is a new body to look at, a new color or new mill design, not so much as whats inside. Thats why we have the sluggo! yay for tk (rhymes)

01-02-2003, 06:02 AM
People are afraid of the new tech most of the time... I mean, when n2 came out people rejected it and it was deemed impractical and dangerous.

01-02-2003, 07:38 AM
Im not a pro player, but I have tried a warp feed three different times on three different markers (Timmy, EMag, Impulse) ... each time I played maybe three weekends and ended up selling it.

I didnt find it uncomfortable while sitting still and shooting, but I always had problems when sprinting at the start of a match. I would also be hitting myself in the upper leg/thigh area while running and it would cause me to slow down. I also found that it made me more hesitent to slide into low bunkers or snakes for fear of breaking it on the ground.

The warp is a nice tool and many players find it useful, but for my style of play I just didnt find it to be helpful.

Just my .02


01-02-2003, 08:10 AM
I just have one thing to say....

Y-Grip for the Emag!!!!!!!:D

01-02-2003, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Its like the Z-grip, hundreds of opinions why it doesn't work from people that don't use them. The fact that so many players are not willing to try new things is holding back inovation in the whole industry.

Most players think that the state of the art in paintball equipment is just fine where it is. They just want a new body every year.


Tom you are VERY correct, and that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard! :rolleyes: The industry needs to move beyond the asthetics (sp) and into the functional... This is a dark spot on the sport, IMHO. This is exactly why I don't care for basketball (the NBA more specifically). They (the players) seem to be more interested in their image than playing the game.

Excellent insight, Tom. Glad someone in the industry realizes what's going on.

I am a very happy Warp owner/user and would love to get a Z-Grip for my ReTro Mag...

Later ~ Jonesie

01-02-2003, 11:22 AM
if you were sponcered by worr, wdp, whoever, your gun that you use is advertisment, it takes business away from teh company of your sponcership if you have some other company's logo slapped on your gun

Originally posted by PsychoBaller

Sponsership restrictions ? sounds fishy to me...dunno why Warps wouldnt be allowed....

Evil Bob
01-02-2003, 12:18 PM
Playing front with a warp is awesome, you can go right or left without taking the TIME to switch hands. As a front player, there are times where you don't have enough time to switch hands before some bunker monkey does you ugly. NOT HAVING TO switch your hands means lots of valuable time to prevent that bunker monkey from owning your sorry butt. I use that same strategy when I go on bunker runs, I see the guy shooting right, I go left knowing he's going to instinctively try to switch hands, he goes left I go right again WITHOUT HAVING TO SWITCH HANDS, it gives me an extra second or two to do them ugly. You'll appreciate this even more when the other guy knows you're coming and he's trying to guess which side you're hitting, you have the full option of going either side at anytime, they don't.

I've used a warp on the front line now for over a year, it's made one hell of a difference for me, no problems with my elbow or shoulder hanging out, and you have 100% vision so you don't miss anything. The beauty of it is it will even fire upside down for those really ugly bunkering situations in which you find yourself falling over your target and landing on your back. (I've done it twice in the past year, both times on slippery, muddy fields). Knowing that the warp will fire 10 rounds in any position (including completely upside down) is a big plus!

-Evil Bob

Bad Dave
01-02-2003, 12:26 PM
Think about it like this, as a pro would you take on a bit of kit that moved you backwards in terms of playing ability? guys that have been playing for years are used to the balance of their gun etc. switching to warp will initially be detrimental to their performance. they can change air, barrels even gun and the balance is still very similar and can be setup in similar ways such that only minor adjustments are needed to get used to the new kit.

Now you might argue that in the long run it would benefit them but this would mean taking time out and getting used to it.

Evil Bob
01-02-2003, 12:42 PM
I agree 100% Dave, it took me a good two weeks to get used to having the warp mounted. But now that I have it and it allows me to play better, I won't go back.

-Evil Bob

Bad Dave
01-02-2003, 12:47 PM
When you look at some decent teams schedules they are playing tournaments fortnightly and training weekly so they have a much tighter schedule than most.

I tried the warp for a while and believe that it is an effective bit of kit but not for everyone.

01-02-2003, 12:50 PM
sponsorship ... spellcheck :)

I agree that it would help a LOT of their games but like you said, when your a pro you feel your best when everything is familiar. When you put your gun in your hand and you know every inch of it and how if feels, adding a new component (regardless of effect) that changes that takes some getting used to it.

I have played with a Warp and I love it (but i dont own one yet) ... but I can see why people sometimes have issues with it, regardless of the improvements it adds a new feel to the marker.

Well to each his own ... mine just happens to be yay warp!

Dave K

01-02-2003, 01:56 PM
Bob Long himself uses a warp feed on his Timmy. Many of the BL Ironmen use them to. I believe if you search this forum, you'll find a custom feed adapter on an Intimidator. I think TK made it for Bob, or Bob made it. Here you go:


01-02-2003, 02:31 PM
yeh, bob has a strange feed system on there...its hot though

anyways...i think warps are goood...nice things to have

01-02-2003, 05:36 PM
It doesn't take me long at all to switch hands. Defiantly not more than a second.

01-02-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by JEDI
Bob Long himself uses a warp feed on his Timmy. Many of the BL Ironmen use them to.

Though the latter part of the 2002 season, he wasn't using a Warp anymore, he was just using a HALO.

Bob Long is the only pro player I saw last season using a warp.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

Blak Magic
01-02-2003, 09:43 PM
I think the main reason Pros dont use warps is just that.

They are pros, what the heck do they have to improve on, they get free crap for playing a sport they love. Its kind of like trying to change someone that loves cockers over to another gun, just aint gonna happen... Change would require practice with a new item as well, but i see alot of the younger teams going with warps all the time. I think warps will be a force to be recconed with soon.

01-02-2003, 10:47 PM
I think warps will be a force to be recconed with soon.

I definitely agree, I think warps will be everywhere in pro tourneys in the next year or two, so long as teams are allowed by sponsors.

01-02-2003, 10:53 PM
I've had my warp for over a year and played many tournies with it. It can be a tremendous asset. Our team has four guys out of seven that use warps. Many times the other teams are overheard befor the games "I hate those things, they are so hard to hit" while looking at our warps. That in itself is worth it to me. And yes I play front.

01-02-2003, 10:56 PM
I've converted to of my teammates to warpfeeds after they played against a couple. :D

Blak Magic
01-02-2003, 11:55 PM
Think of it this way.

AGD- Make of guns / warps

Say a team that uses oooo autocockers by WGP wants to run warps.

Does agd want to JUST sponsor them for warps, not really they want them to use their guns and warps.

So its kind of hard to smooth things over

01-03-2003, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by dcmander

You're kidding me right? I couldn't dream of playing front WITH a warp feed. When you play front you HAVE to shoot out of both sides of the bunker. I find it a lot easier to switch shooting hands then to tilt the whole gun. And IMO you can't snapshoot as fast w/ your wrists turned over like that.

I guess it is just me..

you dont really know how to use a warpfeed then. when you shoot left, you just tilt your gun to the side, and you can use your right hand to fire. also, all that sticks out is ur barrel. if u play sup air ball, and control the bunker, all they can see is ur goggles, so all they think ur doing is looking

01-03-2003, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Blak Magic
Think of it this way.

AGD- Make of guns / warps

Say a team that uses oooo autocockers by WGP wants to run warps.

Does agd want to JUST sponsor them for warps, not really they want them to use their guns and warps.

So its kind of hard to smooth things over

Well they dont have to get a sponsership by AGD, they could get a Pro Team sponsership and still use warps.

01-03-2003, 12:21 AM
Here is my input. Now, i am not a pro, however i do play tournies and try to play with the big boys whenever i can so i think i pretty much know what the demands are. People want guns that are light, extremely fast, and have a "bad boy" attitude look that is just screaming "I am going to bunker the bleep out of your behind". I've used a Warpfeed for a little while and noticed it is significantly heavier and slightly off balanced on some markers. The real reason why i didn't keep my Warpfeed was because I felt like i was being restricted on shooting on the left side. Yes, i know your supposed to tilt your gun and that is exactly what i did however it is hard to do it without your left shoulder sticking out. Surely its not impossible to do it properly without your shoulder sticking out, but it did cause some incomfort which i personally think was not worth it. When playing against some good eagles, having a few inches sticking out can make all the difference. IMHO, shooting over top just dosn't work. There are just too many bunkers that have advantages if you pop over the top for too long. Now, my personal needs do no reflect what i think of the concept of the product. I think the idea behind it is very thoughtful and a great inovation.

Keep up the paintball technology AGD.

01-03-2003, 12:24 AM
sponsorship restrictions? lol dosn't work that way. Say your team is sponsored by DYE Precision and you are to use DYE Ultralite barrels. The restriction would be not to use JT or CP barrels. AGD is the only company that makes the Warpfeed type product so since there are no other companies making such product, it just wouldn't make sense for a company to say your not allowed to use the AGD Warp feed at so and so tournaments. However, I am sure they are allowed to buy and use whatever they want but the company will keep supporting them if they are using their products in major tournaments and what not. I am not certain of this because I have never been sponsored by DYE or JT, so if anyone who is more formilar on this topic correct me, please do.

01-03-2003, 12:56 AM
I tested the Prototype Warp.
I was truly impressed by what it could do,
even if we had to be Extra Careful of how we
handled it because of the material's used
in the prototype.
I had Warp's on my Tribal and my E-Mag for
about 1 1/2 yr's and loved the way they fed
my marker's. Then came Halo, this thing feed's
my marker's just as fast as I can fire it.
And I've made my marker about 1 1/2lb's lighter,
I know how to handle a marker with Warp but
because of where I play it's not so necessary
for me. I would'nt play for a team that did'nt
have a mix of at least 6>4, 4>3, 3>2, 2>1,
with Warp's taking up the Big end of the equation.
I'm just one of the guy's that fall on the small
end of the same equation. I guess what I'm saying
is a succesful team really need's a mix of feed
system's, spread properly on the field.
BTW Tom I need to talk to you about swapping
my E-Valve for an X-Valve:rolleyes:

Major Ho
01-03-2003, 01:20 AM
Paleeze, have you all ever played the snake with a warp feed. It works wonders...Just think about it, bending over backwards in odd angles, then my zgrip helped out a LOT too...
Like TK said, people arent willing to try new things...It might be human nature, maybe we are all creatures of habit.

01-03-2003, 01:25 AM
It depends on the company. Some company's sponsorship contracts say that a team can not use a product made by a company that competes with them in any area.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

01-03-2003, 01:40 AM
Originally posted by halB
you dont really know how to use a warpfeed then. when you shoot left, you just tilt your gun to the side, and you can use your right hand to fire. also, all that sticks out is ur barrel. if u play sup air ball, and control the bunker, all they can see is ur goggles, so all they think ur doing is looking
Yes, I do. This is exactly how I feel also:

Originally posted by FeelTheRT
I've used a Warpfeed for a little while and noticed it is significantly heavier and slightly off balanced on some markers. The real reason why i didn't keep my Warpfeed was because I felt like i was being restricted on shooting on the left side. Yes, i know your supposed to tilt your gun and that is exactly what i did however it is hard to do it without your left shoulder sticking out. Surely its not impossible to do it properly without your shoulder sticking out, but it did cause some incomfort which i personally think was not worth it. When playing against some good eagles, having a few inches sticking out can make all the difference. IMHO, shooting over top just dosn't work. There are just too many bunkers that have advantages if you pop over the top for too long. Now, my personal needs do no reflect what i think of the concept of the product. I think the idea behind it is very thoughtful and a great inovation.
Great post, that is exactly how I feel. It just causes too much discomfort and creates balance issues for me.

Great product, doesn't fit me. Just like the Zgrip.

01-03-2003, 03:03 AM
I think it just stems from ignorance. I played my 1st tourney with a warp feed Emag. Ppl were looking at me like I was weird, and a few brave souls actually spoke to me about my setup. After some clarifications, (yes, you can shoot sideways and upside down) the ppl I spoke too were geniunely impressed. I dont think its right for ppl to dog it if you havent even tried it.

"Its too heavy"
"It throws the whole gun/me out of balance"

Its just like everything else in life, you have to work at it to get better. Trying it out for 1 or 2 sessions to me is not a viable chance. Im purty sure that these pros didnt play 3 times, and all of a sudden they were really good. To me, having a warp is a great addition. Others disagree, but at least they have tried it (Im sorry, but 2 or 3 times to me is not trying it out) and dont like it. Plain and simple, a friend says that they are heavy, throw everything out of balance, "doesnt really help my style, since I dont get shot in the hopper anymore, from playing so long", etc. and other ppl hear and dismiss the product. Its about finding out what works for you (trial and error, experience, etc.) but still keeping an open mind to things around you that change, so you dont get left behind.

01-03-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by billmi
It depends on the company. Some company's sponsorship contracts say that a team can not use a product made by a company that competes with them in any area.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

yes but there are no other products like the Warpfeed so i just don't think it would make much sense for a company to say NO! You can't use the AGD Warpfeed!.

Evil Bob
01-03-2003, 12:38 PM
"It only takes me a second to switch hands"

The problem with that is that's a full second that your hand is not on your trigger, you are not ready to fire. What do you do when you are playing hide and go seek around a bunker with someone on the other side? Keep switching back and forth? The advantage goes to the guy who can shoot first, especially if a ref is watching closely.

With the warp there is no need to remove your finger from the trigger, you are always ready to pull it... left, right, upside down, doesn't matter, it will feed and you don't need to switch hands.

-Evil Bob

Blak Magic
01-03-2003, 01:55 PM
Yea but shooting out one side with warp has great advantage over another, instead of switching hands you have to lean over and its a really annoying position and not a very mobile one at that.

but warps kick.

If I was agd, i would not sponsor another team to just use my warp and use their own gun. IMO its like oh here use a warp we make but not our guns, cuz they must not be good enough for you.

PTP makes their own guns too.

01-03-2003, 02:37 PM
WOW! Sounds like we have alot of different opinions out there.Whether you use one or not,everyone agrees that the warp is an excelent product.It just comes down to personal "feel" for everyone, hopefully you will feel one again and change your mind about it. As of now my warp works great on my Angel, but i can't wait to put it on my new E-Mag Extreme! My whole team uses mags and a couple warps and we would love to be sponsored by AGD and spread the good word about warps and their awesome guns!

01-03-2003, 02:50 PM
Hey Bill, are you sure about bob and the latter part of the season w/o the warp?? I was talking to Mike Carey a few weeks back and he said that Bob was using the Warp at the world cup with the eggies2.

Evil Bob
01-03-2003, 03:53 PM
Blak Magic...

You don't lean over any more then you do when you're playing tight to keep your shoulder/rest of your body behind the bunker out of harm's way.

Like I said, it did take some getting used to as the warp does add weight and bulk, but the tradeoffs for not having to switch hands in mid fight and always having your hand on the trigger regardless of the side you're shooting out of is priceless. Once I got used to it, I won't go back.

-Evil Bob

01-03-2003, 06:27 PM
tom is right, nobody wants to try something new... me on the other hand.. well look at my sig img, z-grip and warp!

01-03-2003, 09:40 PM
you either love them or you hate them(whether not liking the feel or playing against them). You wanna hear a lot of griping about the warp feed, go to any field where MIP or the AGD Pride/Lions are playing. Its all about getting people to experience the Warp(with and/or against them). Whenever we practice or on the rare rec days I always have an extra gun with warp set up for people to try(most want to try it after getting tagged by someone with one). By doing so I've been able to get a few to buy one on the spot, and a lot more to seriously consider it.