View Full Version : EMR - Twin Towers <Evil is Recruiting>

01-02-2003, 12:34 AM
***EDIT...it is being reported Tom Kaye will be at this one***

Anyone wanting to play in a SERIOUS scenario game should be at EMR May 24-25. This game is going to have all of the biggest, and BEST; scenario teams and players at it. Plus expect ALL of the equipment; Tanks, Laws, mines, night vision, thermal gear, and a number of special items.

It turns out that a MEGA team in the northeast, RTD is currently "undefeated" and needs some competition. So far, it appears that everyone from Texas, Florida and several other states are joining forces to correct that over sight.

This an MXSportz event run by Pacman (cough*mother*cough). TB, from Scenario News, will be our general. A Texas favorite, Nudi, she will be his XO. Further, there will be several HIGH OCTANE players like Viper that will be playing all out. This will be the throw down of the year in the scenario world.

Based upon the great performance of the Borg at Spplat, I am here recruiting on behalf of TB. AO, join us. Tom, join us. But be prepared to play all day and all night because this game will be intense. Contact TB directly to get more info [email protected].


BTW some great additional information on this game...

GREAT Viper post...
http://boards.eesite.com/board.cgi?boardset=viper007&boardid=Other&thread=4&spec=4747520 :cool:
TB's site

01-02-2003, 12:37 AM
May 24-25: "Twin Towers." Seventh game of the MXS nationwide paintball scenario event series, "Chronicles of War." EMR, P.O. Box 728, New Milford, PA 18834. (570) 465-9622. http://emrpaintball.com PMI event paint only. Thousands $$$ in player prizes; role-playing; special characters; costumes; pyrotechnics; music; awards. $50 pre-registration entry fee prior to May 7; $60 day of event. Noon Sat. to 2 p.m. Sun. For more information: 281-565-9381 or email [email protected]

01-02-2003, 12:38 AM
excuse me if im Wrong , But isnt it Kind of Early to start " RECRUITING " since its in May which is like 4 months away?

01-02-2003, 12:54 AM
How many times do you think the team will wipe??

01-02-2003, 02:32 AM
isn't EMR having a MAFIOSO vs FBI scenario on 3/29/03 ???

wish they would update their website... but thats wut Ive heard through the grapevine....

02-24-2003, 01:19 PM
Tom Kaye, the man himself, from AIRGUN DESIGNS will be coming to E.M.R. PAINTBALL PARK on May 24th & 25th for the MXSPORTZ 26-hour Scenario Game "TWIN TOWERS". He will be playing the part of SAURON and active in the game throughout the weekend. For more info on the game go to www.mxsportz.com or for EMR go to www.emrpaintball.com . Let's all give TOM the EMR FAMILY welcome. Glad to have you part of the family TOM.

02-24-2003, 02:35 PM
This should prolly be in Scenario Forum so I will move it there. I know! Its new to me too! :D I will leave a forwarding link here to it.

02-24-2003, 02:53 PM
Yep its true! Just worked it out this weekend. I will be there in person and bigger than life!


02-24-2003, 03:09 PM
Tom just put up an Official announcement for you click here (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=69747)

Patron God of Pirates
02-24-2003, 03:14 PM
I'll have to wait a bit before committing, but I would love to go to this. Do I get a fighting Orukia (sp?) Jersey?

02-24-2003, 03:32 PM
umm... It's TWO Towers, not TWIN Towers:o ....

02-24-2003, 03:45 PM
Meh! I like Twins better! :D ;) :cool:

02-24-2003, 05:19 PM
im in. day after by b-day, yea

02-24-2003, 06:24 PM
I am am member of RTD...do I play for the RTD, the conquerers, or offer my assistance to AGD and bring RTD down for the first time...

decisions, decisions

02-24-2003, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by Darkstorm
[BThis game is going to have all of the biggest, and BEST; scenario teams and players at it. Plus expect ALL of the equipment; Tanks, Laws, mines, night vision, thermal gear, and a number of special items.

I'd like this to be verified! As I understand it - EMR DOES NOT allow tanks, laws, or granade launchers. I bought a Tippmann TM203 and was severely disapointed to find out that most scenario games do not allow this equipmwnt any longer.

I can say for sure I've called them recently about the LAWS and granade launchers and was told "no way - they could take off someones mask" so please let us know how you got your info.


02-24-2003, 11:21 PM
"tanks, laws, or granade launchers"

I can't tell you about tanks and EMR, but the Rules do allow them.

There are now two types of LAWS the old kind and the new kind. The old ones shot grenades, mortars or such, and multiple paintball lanchers etc.

Some of those were banned because they could take off a mask. I am not sure on multiple paintball but I think the answer is no go.

The new LAWS are ones designed to shoot the nerf footballs with fins. ***edit*** Even at 20ft it will NOT knock a mask loose.

Of course mines are okay, hand thrown grenages are okay. Even smoke is okay, I used lots last game. MXS does not allow lasers but Viper does. Of course, night visions, thermal, qbeams and such are allowed.

Just send PACMAN an email if you have a question still.

02-25-2003, 12:55 PM
I am in with Patron if I get a Fighting Orukai Jersey, especilly one that says Oruck on the back I am totally in. But I have a question, is Tom playing Sauron or Saudumon? Becuase Sauron is not in any of the battles in The Two Towers, so does that mean that Tom is just gonna stand above the battles and look wicked tough and menacing?

Just Curious.

Patron God of Pirates
02-25-2003, 01:01 PM
LOL... Yep. Tom just kind of hangs back and watches everything go down with the all seeing anti-chop eye. ;)

02-25-2003, 02:01 PM
Do I go to this or the AO Megameet?

My wife won't let me go to 2 in a row. Which should I attend?

02-25-2003, 05:29 PM
Darkstorm you crack me up. It is a 10hr drive and I am playing a scenario with MXS in Indiana at the start of the month but I will try to be there. This is not to early to start planning trust me.

02-25-2003, 09:57 PM
just to let ya know, recruiting for this game started back in june of last yr.

02-26-2003, 01:34 AM
Some things to add.

First, it IS Twin Towers. Not TWO Towers. Why? Copyright! Legal issue. Which is why it's also the first game being "Ring of the Fellowship" and the last game being "The King Returns." Just reworded slightly to save their arse, basically.

Second, Tom will not only just be playing (I assume he's playing, it is Tom afterall). But actually be in the role of Sauron the Deceiver. The Dark Lord himself. Congrats, seems like I know who my boss is now.
(side note: Glad to see you jumping head first into the scenario/big game/ recball area of paintball there Tom. I also hope you don't have to abandon tournaments that much to accomidate.)

Third, the desire of your own Uruk-Hai jersey with your name on the back..... close. I am actually constructing "armor" vests for the Uruk-Hai to wear. Of course this means severl dozen which gets expensive. Right now, I'm thinking of a 'first come/serve' instead. Making a max of 50. Materials ain't cheap, not to mention all the time/labor I put in to making each one.

Fourth, for the rockets. Mortars are actually allowed. However those TM203 style you might want to call. A mortar shooting a handfull of paintballs is all right in EMR guidelines. Shooting grenades with them, that's a no no. There actually has been a time where the grenade launced ripped somebody's mask right off as it crashed down on him.
It's not a ruin-fun or sponsor a "legal" item that you can buy right conveniently at the proshop. Especially since they don't have any! But it's a safety issue, EMR has been well known as one of the safest and well run fields in this country, and it plans to stay that way for another season.

I'll add the 5th in a little. Have to go find it.

Patron God of Pirates
02-26-2003, 08:51 AM
First come first serve eh? Well, if I can't nab one of those I'll just have go as a berserker. I'll paint the white hand on my mask and wear nothing but a loin cloth and my pod harness........ :D

J/K............... Maybe

02-26-2003, 10:02 AM
Loin Cloths all the way Zach!!!

02-26-2003, 11:46 AM
For those of you wondering what is legal and what's not, read over the rules: http://www.scenariopaintball.com/rules/

If you have any questions, I'd ask on MXS's board, or e-mail them directly as said above-

Hope to see a bunch of you AGD'ers at T/T, this time I get to shoot with ya instead of at ya (ShatnerBall). :D

02-26-2003, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by Meph
Some things to add.

Second, Tom will not only just be playing (I assume he's playing, it is Tom afterall). But actually be in the role of Sauron the Deceiver. The Dark Lord himself. Congrats, seems like I know who my boss is now.
(side note: Glad to see you jumping head first into the scenario/big game/ recball area of paintball there Tom. I also hope you don't have to abandon tournaments that much to accomidate.)

Third, the desire of your own Uruk-Hai jersey with your name on the back..... close. I am actually constructing "armor" vests for the Uruk-Hai to wear. Of course this means severl dozen which gets expensive. Right now, I'm thinking of a 'first come/serve' instead. Making a max of 50. Materials ain't cheap, not to mention all the time/labor I put in to making each one.

Errr, not to get too geeky here, but the Uruk-Hai are Saruman's, not Sauron's, peeps. So if yer an AO'er, and you want to play with/for Tom, and MXS sticks to the books/movies, you can't be an Uruk-Hai. But hey, live and let live.

Just had a thought: if Tom's Sauron, then who's going to be the Nazgul... hmmmmm.

02-26-2003, 07:47 PM
Don't worry, I've read all the books. I know that Saruman made a hybrid creation of Orcs and Gondor men called the Uruk-Hai. But he did it in the fact that Saruman is nothing but Sauron's puppet. Creating them for the army of Mordor.

You can't get too geeky around Scenario players. You'll be surprised at how intelligent some of these people are and the number of books they've read.

For the Nazgul, it'll be mostly the same people as last year. But they're recruiting a couple other new people to the group. Not sure who.

02-26-2003, 09:01 PM
I am on RTD as well, and psychomag, you had BETTER be playing with us ; )... we need to beat these texas boys back to where they came from.

Anyhoo...thats all

Medusa RTD
02-27-2003, 12:30 AM
Nice to see some other RTD members around here.

PsychoMag, don't back out on us man, sick with RTD.

02-27-2003, 06:59 AM
Hello All,
This is Rich, Captain of RTD Paintball Club and I will be Comannding the side of the Fellowship againt the Evil foes at the MXS/EMR game in May.

1st (and this always the 1st thing) to CoFFey (NiTrO)
No question, no excuse. Not only do we not tolerate it among ourselves but it is not acceptable by anyone. As far as I and the members of RTD are concerned, anyone wiping has no colored tape. I will open fire on anyone cheating regardless of which side they may be taped for. They are an open target until they leave the field.

2nd- (a little more lighthearted)
To Psychomag: Ah excuse me DG, but I expect to see you there taped for RTD and smiling. This will be the largest gathering of RTD members ever assembled at one event. I expect over 120 RTD members at this game and I am not passing up the photo opportunity this affords.

PLayers have already registered from the state of Washington, Az., CO., TX., Ohio, Fl., Both Carolinas, Rhode Island, MI., as well as the more local states.

There will be players there who played in the very first ever scenario game and players attending their 1st scenario game. There will be players who have been playing paintball for so long, that when they started.. they had to go into the woods and throw colored stones at each other. :-)
(ya see it's a joke, :-) ..there weren't actual paintballs back then so they had to.... oh nevermind. :-) )

This game is going to be a BLAST!!!! The only ones who won't enjoy this game are the players who can't be there.

ALL DAY Saturday (noon to 6 pm)
ALL NIGHT (8 pm til 4 am) and
most of Sunday (8 am til 2 pm).

Don't miss this event!!!!!

Rich RTD

02-27-2003, 08:02 AM
Join EVIL....stop the RTD MADNESS.

Stop the really OLD school humor, stop the puns, stop RTD.

02-27-2003, 08:06 AM
All Hail AO_Army Evil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well I got my leave forcasted for them 2 weeks... now to see about getting there and stuff.

***Edit*** Anyone got any suggestions about flying in there or NYC and hooking up for mass-transport? ***Edit***

02-27-2003, 10:06 AM
Yes, the Texans are coming! It will be my first time to EMR, and I'm stoked. While I am coming as a member of the Mayberry Marauders, I am working to get a couple of my fellow Fightin' Texas Aggies to come, and looks like we will be bringing a few! Look out RTD, here we come! :D

02-27-2003, 11:06 AM
edweird....there is a bus going from Houston for $160 or so. There are also people flying into different spots...Rev Splatter found a place that he is flying into from Houston for $300 and will carpool (a very nice guy with god on his side)... Check viper's site for Rev Splatter or the Hosuton bus.

02-27-2003, 12:05 PM
Thanks Bro... houston bus sounds fun honestly!

*Post Sanz Sig for the same forum page cant handle the coolness of two Transmet MS-Paint Edweird Sig Pics*

02-27-2003, 12:10 PM
TB has also posted under the MXS message boards about the bus. It is leaving, I believe, from Paintball USA, off of Grant Rd. near 290, west of Houston.

02-27-2003, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by Meph
Don't worry, I've read all the books. I know that Saruman made a hybrid creation of Orcs and Gondor men called the Uruk-Hai. But he did it in the fact that Saruman is nothing but Sauron's puppet. Creating them for the army of Mordor.

That's not entirely true... Saruman, had his own designs for the ring. But to get to the point of this, you could also claim you are the "Southern Men" seen riding on the oliphaunts in the Two Towers.

02-27-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by alkafluence

That's not entirely true... Saruman, had his own designs for the ring. But to get to the point of this, you could also claim you are the "Southern Men" seen riding on the oliphaunts in the Two Towers.

I actually thought those were the "Easterlings" or whatever. Hmm, now to get some kind of armor with all those spikes and blades... Cool.:cool:

02-27-2003, 06:42 PM
Both "Easterlings" and "Southern Men" are correct, as Sauron was drawing all armies towards Mordor, which included both groups.

No, I am not a Tolkien geek, but I have read the trilogy, plus a couple of the other books.

BTW- Many of Tolkien's original manuscripts and notes as well as other stuff are stored in the Tolkien Collection at Marquette University's (http://www.marquette.edu) (my alma mater) Memorial Library.

02-27-2003, 07:50 PM
I think you meant desires, not 'designs', for the ring.

Yeah, well so didn't Smeagol, and so didn't Boromir. Look how they ended up!

02-28-2003, 12:01 AM
I'm looking forward to seeing some of you again. It has been awhile since Shatnerball and BTW, I'm getting tired of having to drive all the way to the great white north to play paintball against you guys...

When are y'all going to be making the trip down here? Oh well, until then I'll be on the party bus from Houston all the way to EMR. I love the concept of letting somebody else do all the driving this time!

Well, see you all in a couple of months...

Houston, Texas

03-01-2003, 03:57 PM
so the dilema is up for many of you ao-ers, play with tom or play with your fellow north easterners to shpw these invaders that we can play their scenerio, and maybe they cant play ours. i will be attending with my team and riding with good rohan to helms deep or isangard or wherever else we may be sent by our leader. i plead with you people of middle (atlantic) earth to bring your arms to bear against the evils of the twin towers!

also i am more than ecstatic to hear the agd has decided to make this move in their support for the scenerio and rec ballers of the world and hope to see you at SPPLAT attack II.

03-02-2003, 03:55 PM
man that ends the day before my dads birthday ill see if i can go and then fly back overnight or something

03-09-2003, 02:12 PM
I think the Pre-Reg deadline is just over a month away. I also know the bus from Houston is filling up.

Also, expect to see the quanity of "things" at this game like you can not believe. If it has ever been in a scenario, expect it at this game.

Also posted by Blue on Warpig....He said there are only 7 bunk houses left. And it is also reported that one Hotel is full.

"Posted by: BluE
on March 08, 2003 at 10:03:34

Just wanted to let everyone know that the bunkhouses are going fast for this momentous occasion. We have full teams coming from Texas, Florida, Georgia, California, and of course all of New England to play in this MXSPORTZ game. This is the one you don't want to miss in Scenario games this year. NORTH & EAST PLAYERS LED BY RICH OF RTD against SOUTH & WEST PLAYERS LED BY TB."

03-10-2003, 10:04 PM
actually, there are far fewer bunkhouses now. i have one of the last 3 that are insulated. i dont think that they have ever filled up this quickly for an event before. i know at the last rings game i had a bunkhouse reserved 3 weeks before the game. at the last rings game there were over 400 people there. i am giddy with exitement like some school girl.

Pyrate Jim
05-18-2003, 10:18 AM
It will be a pleasure to meet all of you.
I'll be playing the role of Treebeard, so look up and say Hi!

FWTW-I'll be looking for 'mag pump rail while I'm there. If anyone has one for sale, please bring it and talk to me.