View Full Version : Powdercoating your valve

01-02-2003, 03:33 AM
Anyone know if you can powder coat your valve, specifically the retro valve? I am thinking you can, if you take out all the parts except the very outer parts, so that way nothing melts when it is baked. Anyone know if this won't work? Or has anyone done it?

01-02-2003, 11:23 AM
I wouldn't do it. The Mag has VERY tight tolerances, and the extra fractions of an inch the Powder adds would be enough to throw thos off. Bedsides that, you would not be able to separate you valve halved again (or never get them back together properly, depending on how the halves were PC'ed).

Simply stated, that would DEFINATELY void your warranty, and I wouldn't recommend it!

Later ~ Jonesie

01-02-2003, 12:38 PM
as jonsie said, the tolerances on the sear and on-off pin are to the thousandth of an inch. powdercoating is about 5 thousandths of an inch thick(Generally). that would mess that timing off and would also void the warranty ...something you DONT want to do

01-02-2003, 07:32 PM
Alright, thanks for the help! I guess X-Valve is the only way get a colorable valve.