View Full Version : Warp Question(s)

Blak Magic
01-02-2003, 11:02 AM
Hey I have a few questions for you people with a warp. I've had mine only used it in 2 games but I love it except for 1 thign.

1. battery dies fast

2. I outshoot it with my revy x-board...

3. When im shootin out right side (im left handed) you are supposed to like tip the warp on its side and pop out... i've tried everything , that feels so uncomfortable, and my shoulder is almost always showing a little bit... any tips?

For the battery dieing/out shooting I was looking at a pro team products 12v hookup,but someone told me that my revi was problem and i need a halo <- ack expensive!

Whats your opinions and if anyone has any pictures of them shootin out the otherside with a warp could u post them so i can see, i saw 1 on airguns site but i bet ya 10bux you would see his shoulder :D


01-02-2003, 11:07 AM
Are you leaving the battery in all the time? Cause if so thats your issue ... either take the batteries out after each use or install an ON/OFF switch mod.

Dave K

Load SM5
01-02-2003, 11:22 AM
Also keep in mind that if your shooting out of the right side (gun tilted a lot) the warp will feed paint but the hopper can't. Revies can't feed at big angles. The idea about tilting the gun to fire out the bunker is to pop a few shots at the bad guy and the right the gun up a bit, while he's down, the allow the hopper to feed. The hopper should catch up after a few shots. I had a 12 volt on my warp for a long time with no problems.

Evil Bob
01-02-2003, 12:04 PM
For the battery problem, you can either get the 12v mod board or you can splice in a second 9v battery lead and run 2 9v's in parallel (solder the + (red wire) to + (red wire) and - (black wire) to - (black wire)), this will double your battery life and still run only 9v into the existing board. Cost to you is $0.98 at Radio Shack for the second 9v lead and 15 minutes of time and patience. You will also want to get some shrink tubing to put over the solder points, which will run you another $.50 :)

For shooting the marker at angles, you have to go with a HALO or the "Eggolution" from Brass Eagle which can feed reliably at 45 degrees. If upgrading isn't an option, you will need to train yourself to shoot short strings (8-10) at a time, which sucks when you have someone making a run and you want to gun them down. I really suggest going for an active feed system as you don't want to have to limit your play style by the hardware you own.

-Evil Bob

01-02-2003, 12:12 PM
as for you outshooting your revy i'll bet that its just on long streams which is where the revy has gaps, try intelifeeding the revy, it will take care of the gaps.

and for batteries an on/off switch and a 12v mod will give you a long long battery life.

Blak Magic
01-02-2003, 05:10 PM
Ok so i guess ill get that 12v hookup, not gonna install on off switch cuz i don't know how and im not that electrically inclined. But still that shootin out the right thing is so uncomfortable and when you lean the gun on its side i can still see part of my shoulder...

here is a pic of what it would look like me popin out ride side of bunker... warps not on but its same concept if the arm of the chair wasnt there you could see my shoulder

01-02-2003, 07:43 PM
black if you want I can do an on-off-on mod to your warp..all i need is the body...you pay shipping. I've done it to four of our team mates warps and it works great. basically it's an on-off-on switch...you can swtich between two 9v batteries or turn it off completely. I'll also replace the stock 9v connectors with some heavy duty ones from radio-shack (my stock ones tore after about a week's use).

All you gotta do is pay shipping to/from me and cost of parts from radio shack (shouldn't be more then a few bucks) I'll do the rest. No big deal, it'll take me about 30 mins of work. Here's a pic of mine and what'd it look like when done.




of course if you don't want the switch there I can try putting it elsewhere, just that we've always put em in that spot..seems to work the best..

01-02-2003, 07:47 PM
works best til you accidently try to bring it up or down and it switchs it off ;\. happend to me in a few games lol

01-02-2003, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by rikkter
works best til you accidently try to bring it up or down and it switchs it off ;\. happend to me in a few games lol

hehe I've never had that problem...One of my buds mounted his underneath the pulley assembly on the "back" of the war;p...works great fr him there..I suppose I could put it there, I've just never had a problem with it, and the switches I got from radio shack are real hard to just "bump" them into position.

01-02-2003, 08:15 PM
just mount them sideways. mines in the same spot, but it has to go left to turn on. havent bumped it off yet.

<shameless plug>
black magic, you could always by one of my NiMH warp batteries. last 7x as long as a alkaline 9V, and they are rechargeable. :D PM me if your interested.
</shameless plug>

01-02-2003, 11:30 PM
If you move the gun over more your shoulder should be less of a target (You don't have to keep the tank on your right shoulder), or just rotate your exposed shoulder back.

The real test will be if you keep getting your shoulder shot during games not if you can see it in the mirror.