View Full Version : Dedication To Samuel J. Hartley...AO's own SHartley

01-02-2003, 05:28 PM
This man is the nicest guy ive ever met on ao...He is responsible for alot of the NICE sig pics ive seen. so this thread is dedicated to thanking Sam for all hes done for us, and for the good of AO, if you like my sig pic (i know i do) compliment sam, not me!

GO SHartley...ITs time you got some recognition!

The Frymarker
01-02-2003, 06:19 PM
Good job Shart

01-02-2003, 06:20 PM
congrats on haveing the most thank you threads ever:)

01-02-2003, 06:32 PM
No offense, but I think even Sam would admit he's not the nicest guy on AO :)

01-02-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
No offense, but I think even Sam would admit he's not the nicest guy on AO :)

ya, he is a lil strong with the searching.., and he also likes to prove people wrong..

other than that, hes a nice guy...

01-02-2003, 06:46 PM
shartleys a heck of a lot nicer on the searching then some, he gives the info then tells them about the search feature, thats lots better then people just saying "search".

shartley has helped me lots, maybe not directly but he has, thanks sam.

01-02-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by FiRe
This man is the nicest guy ive ever met on ao...He is responsible for alot of the NICE sig pics ive seen. so this thread is dedicated to thanking Sam for all hes done for us, and for the good of AO, if you like my sig pic (i know i do) compliment sam, not me!

GO SHartley...ITs time you got some recognition!

uh, * lets not even go there. Warning - cphilip?:eek:

01-02-2003, 07:04 PM
i guess not everyone feels that way, but its cool....

found this browsing the black cell forums....

01-02-2003, 07:05 PM
ya, he is a lil strong with the searching

understatement of the year! :p ;)

01-02-2003, 07:09 PM
Sam is probally one of my more favorate members on AO ;)
SHartley, your a really nice guy, and I appreaciate what all you do around here as far as directing new members, creating sig images, ect. If you were running for the Moderator title then I would defentally vote for you.. If there was a vote :p

01-02-2003, 07:27 PM
PolishSausage... banned three days for creating a false account just to flame...

Banned your new one and will permanent ban you if you try and come back in that three days with another. Final warning to you.

01-02-2003, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
PolishSausage... banned three days for creating a false account just to flame...

Banned your new one and will permanent ban you if you try and come back in that three days with another. Final warning to you.

Well that would be all well and good, except that PolishSausage did not create that fake account or create that post! He is and was currently with me at the time that the post occurred, and neither of us were on AO. You must have the wrong guy, and whoever it is wasn't punished!

01-02-2003, 07:39 PM
btw, sam, good luck with the new online store dude, cant wait till its all ready...

btw.. whats an understatment;)

01-02-2003, 07:43 PM
Im being sincere, and that is just disgusting to think that shartley gave me <B>*POOF*</B>...thats wrong man.

01-02-2003, 07:45 PM
sorry man, no hard feelings, I was just kidding around due to how you were like "he's the nicest guy on AO!":D

I apologize...

01-02-2003, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

uh, * lets not even go there. Warning - cphilip?:eek:

and by the time i got it quoted cphil edited it i found it hilarious but yea shartley is a great guy AO just wouldnt be the same without him and he does the greatest sigs ever.

01-02-2003, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

Well that would be all well and good, except that PolishSausage did not create that fake account or create that post! He is and was currently with me at the time that the post occurred, and neither of us were on AO. You must have the wrong guy, and whoever it is wasn't punished!

I have the right account. he is the ONLY one with that IP. Makes it easy. If he has someone else using his computer then he is responsible for it as well. DO not push me any further. Ban stands as I called it. And now you are on notice too. Drop it or you will lose this one...

01-02-2003, 07:49 PM
Sam is a good guy! He is honest and I value that above most every other trait. He will tell you the truth without flaming. He can be a bit long winded at times, but he is a nice guy so cut the flaming!

I also can appreciate his dry wit. I am a bit sarcastic myself!

01-02-2003, 07:50 PM
Drop it - cphilip

01-02-2003, 07:57 PM
I'd best hop in while the thread is still open.

By far Sam, Sam is one of the better infulencing forces of AO. Not even counting the sig pictures... Which I have turned off anyway :)

01-02-2003, 07:58 PM
This is for Fire by request. I am not showing off still. Well maybe a little!


01-02-2003, 08:01 PM
Here is another Fire:

01-02-2003, 08:01 PM
nice...i had an option to buy one a while back for 1700 it was bought at the am-open it was a bit outta my price range....

01-02-2003, 08:03 PM
Sorry Cphil...couldnt resist...wont happen again;)

01-02-2003, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by cphilip

I have the right account. he is the ONLY one with that IP. Makes it easy. If he has someone else using his computer then he is responsible for it as well. DO not push me any further. Ban stands as I called it. And now you are on notice too. Drop it or you will lose this one...

Lose this one? I'm sorry SIR, but I don't like your tone. I'm sick of being treated like crud by you mods. And why am I on notice? What did I do against your precious fascist regime? I can understand the ban, however I'm telling you it was not Tyler who posted it, it may have been someone from his network of comps, which happen to share IP's, but not him.

So I'd suggest you don't push ME any further...

01-02-2003, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

Lose this one? I'm sorry SIR, but I don't like your tone. I'm sick of being treated like crud by you mods. And why am I on notice? What did I do against your precious fascist regime? I can understand the ban, however I'm telling you it was not Tyler who posted it, it may have been someone from his network of comps, which happen to share IP's, but not him.

So I'd suggest you don't push ME any further...

Ok you have decided to go too far. I will tell you one last time that there is only one member here with his IP. HIM. And it matches. ONLY ONE. So I got two choices...I can ban the IP or ban him. I was lenient. And I was still willing to be lenient with him as he has not festered this issue. YOU HAVE. So I now I suspect you may even have something to do with this. HE OR SOMEONE USING HIS ISP ACCOUNT DID IT. Thats obvious. And it seems you or he or whomever is using his ISP account does not know enough to realize I could tell. Now you got caught. Your warning was for your previous reference and you insistance on pursuing this lost cause. And now you want to threaten me? I am giving you exactly 5 minutes to apologize...then I will finsh this situation off. Do not get your freind a permanent ban here nor yourself. Its not worth it. I am waiting. Cool yourself down or suffer the consequences of your actions.

Added on edit. Polish you may email me if you have some explanation for this other than what I must assume now. I will not take if from anyone else though. cphilip@clemson.edu

01-02-2003, 08:47 PM
Apologize? What for! My first comment may have been out of line, but for defending my friend, who was not at his IP at the time of posting? We know that someone using his ISP committed the offense, we established that. What I'm trying to tell you is that it was not Tyler (PolishSausage) himself.

And as for your suspicion that I had something to do with it, I take offense. I realize that my first comment may have been construed as out of line, but I also think that if I had made that comment about, oh say Spongebob, I wouldn't be having my lemon reamed about it. A double standard, no?

I'll cool down, sure, I'm just telling you that the person who posted that was NOT the regular PolishSausage that posts here. So for my first comment I apologize, but not for defending my friend.

*edit* I missed the part of your post that said if someone on his computer committed the offense he is responsible. Then I suppose I apologize.

01-02-2003, 08:54 PM
Ok I am willing to listen to reason and any explanation I can get that sounds possible I will listen to it and reconsider it if need be. He can email me and we talk. Fair enough?

Hey! its only a three day ban for gosh sakes!! :)

01-02-2003, 08:55 PM
dont even worry bout it man, read my edit.

unfortunately I believe that PolishSausage is choosing to not return to AO, but in case he does, only make it a 3 day ban please

01-02-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

And as for your suspicion that I had something to do with it, I take offense. I realize that my first comment may have been construed as out of line, but I also think that if I had made that comment about, oh say Spongebob, I wouldn't be having my *** reamed about it. A double standard, no?

LOL I no its not my business but you mentioned me so it just became my business. I will agree if he would have commented about me there wouldn't be such a big deal. But still i think it was out of line but what do i care i got talked about.

01-02-2003, 09:05 PM
Hey look if its a mistake then I will be willing to listen. In fact even if its a moment of bad judgement I will listen. All I am looking for is the truth and some contrition. I often lift temp bans early when I see good reason too. Have him email me. And its only going to be a three day temp ban cause the picture was not porn or anything like that. It was the genertion of a multiple account for flamming issue that pushed it over the edge for me. Makeing up a new account is evidence that the poster knew he should not have done it so he tried to hide it and do it anyway. Thats a pet pev of mine. I like to see people not hide behind stuff like that. Its dishonest. I do not care for that.

However I think Sam looked stunning in a donkey costume! I am sure he will treasure the flattery of someone going to such lenghts to "immortalize him" ;)

01-02-2003, 09:21 PM
damn...sorry sam, this was supposed to be my way of thanking you for being a pal, but it turned out to be a grudge match between C-The Mod-Phil and Syntax-The Bad Don't challenge the curse filter - cphilip-Error!!!


01-02-2003, 09:32 PM
heh... well this is one of the reasons we often close "popularity threads". Without reason sometimes. Its almost always someone has an axe to grind with the subject member and will. They rarely are sucessfull no mater how much moderating they get.

In Sams case he tends to like to be "argumentative and controversial". Even downright agravating sometimes! :) He loves that stuff. And so people tend to love him or hate him. There seems to be no in between. So it's best you not realy even try to start these kinda threads at all. Many members would do the same to me too! :( But then there are a lot of them that are nice and polite and just say nothing at all cause they got nothing good to say. God bless them!

Also people need to remember two things. one, It's the internet and Two, ...it's the internet... :D

There is only one button that exists in all the places in the internet. Universal Ignore button. It's in your head. Use it! :cool:

I will let this one sit a while longer but I fear its doomed from the start.

01-02-2003, 09:34 PM
look in the corner of each post, it says "ip logged." so unless theres some guy who went through all the trouble of spoofing his ip just to get him banned from a paintball forum, then he did it himself.

01-02-2003, 09:49 PM
thanks...its over and settled privately. I would rather not discuss the issue further in public. It's between me and him and we have settled it that way.

01-02-2003, 09:58 PM
Well… I have been following this all evening. Very interesting to say the least. ;)

I would like to thank those that deserve thanks.. to each in their own way, and for different reasons… Thank you. :)

As for Popularity Threads….. I agree. But, I must also point out that a “Thank you.” thread is not really a popularity thread. We see THOSE types of threads all the time on AO (popularity) and it never seems to be much of a problem until those axes which need to be ground get brought out. And those that know me, know that if there is a valid issue for negative response I am all for it. But petty flaming and all that other crap is not needed, nor warranted.

Some folks took a few little jabs and that was quite alright. I even found it amusing. But I think we all know when it goes over the line.

It is also a shame that I see threads thanking others on AO for all sorts of things quite frequently, and this does not seem to happen in them. And sorry, folks can not blame the actions of OTHERS on me, or my posting style. Personal Responsibility… remember? ;)

Doomed from the start….. I agree on that point as well though. But again, not because of me, but directly because of other people’s lack of self control. I do not encourage these threads (thanking me for things), but admit that I don’t mind being thanked. And I don’t think they are wrong, nor should folks shy away from thanking people, or being nice to them, either in private OR openly on the forums. That fosters good feelings, respect, and all that I thought AO was about….. or does that apply to those other than myself? ;)

In closing…… THANKS! :D

01-02-2003, 10:01 PM
And on that note I shall close it up. Seemed like it was on an upbeat note and I think its a great place to leave it. I could comment on but lets leave it where it is.