View Full Version : Hey, how about a "HOW TO" forum?

01-02-2003, 06:01 PM
With all of these very technically advanced memebers on this forum with tons of great advice on how to neat things and rig there markers. So how about a place to store and display these threads?

What do you all think?

01-02-2003, 06:55 PM
there would have to be a big disclaimer on there... :D

but yeah, sounds like a cool idea. Already kinda got something goin' on in the AGD store with the intelifeeding thing, but the 12v/on-off/led mods for warp feeds and all the assorted things that have been going on could be archived somewhere...

someone else could take the initiative, and host a webpage, and then AO could just vote if something is "how-to-page" worthy.

01-02-2003, 07:04 PM
er . . . how to . . . well probably not but good idea. The bigger major forums don't have one do they? And most people don't post "how to" anyways, I could be wrong. . . BEST OF LUCK!

Spray Painter
01-02-2003, 07:26 PM
butters could tell us everything he did to his markers to make them shoot that fast and have a step by step how to. :)

01-02-2003, 08:07 PM
Don't we already have one called the "Tech Forum"?

Ask how somebody did something and they will tell you.

01-02-2003, 08:16 PM
I thought the exact same thing Battlegroup.

01-02-2003, 11:20 PM
Yea the tech forum is a kinda..."how to" or you could use it that way...


01-03-2003, 10:30 AM
There are several sticky how-to threds in the tech forum already. It might not be a bad idea to have a page where this sort of thing wont get lost in the clutter.

01-03-2003, 01:15 PM
thats what the tech forum is for and most of us already know "HOW TO"

01-03-2003, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp
There are several sticky how-to threds in the tech forum already. It might not be a bad idea to have a page where this sort of thing wont get lost in the clutter.

that's my point, plus the tech forum should be if you have a problem with your marker.

The "how to" forum can be if you did a unique mod and want to show it off. For instance, the thread on how to drano polish your freak barrel. When i went looking for this amoungst all the other junk, i had a little difficulty finding it. In a new forum, it would be a great deal easier to sort out the rif-raf.

01-03-2003, 05:29 PM
i dunno, i'm kinda undecided...it could be useful, if sumbody made sure it was used correctly and it didn't get cluttered up, which would would kina ruin the purpose.
on the other hand, it kinda seems like a second tech forum.
i dunno, i'd hafta see it before i judged it.

01-03-2003, 05:32 PM
I think it is a good idea, however then one forum will lead to another and soon there will be tons and tons of different forums on AO. I think there are enough forums as of right now. Besides, I think the Tech forums is already kind of like a How To section, with the exception of the daily technical problems.

01-05-2003, 02:11 AM
the idea sounds cool, but i do not think that it will fly. simply because of the lack of howto documents you are likely to find there. there are not many reasons to compell someone to write and maintain a howto document, and answer all of the questions that go along with them.

also, if there were such a form, you would need a way to seperate the quality howtos from the topics like, how to remove your safety, how to attach a botom line....

01-05-2003, 02:28 AM
I defiently want to know how Butters was able to make his RT shoot that fast, I think a How to page is a good idea, it just seems that the Tech forum is basically the How to

01-05-2003, 10:12 AM
here is how he got to 25 bps (just pieced together by stuff floating around)

he dropped an emagnum board (also known as morlock or tunamagnum board) in his emag so he coud adjust the sear dwell (beleve it is set to 20ms, (the time that someone warned not to go under for sear dwell, probally by tunaman or butters)) as low as he could go without chewing up the sear, to increase the charging time of the marker. this also lets him set his emag to automatic, as shown in the video.

he uses lvl 7, not lvl 10, because lvl 7 will cycle faster, and he dosen't have problems chopping so he figured why go with lvl 10. (he was selling off his lvl 10 kit right after he got one right after they came out).

he ripped out the existing warp board, wired the emagnum board right up to the warp motor, allowing the emagnum board directly switch on and off the motor, at 18 volts. this spins the wheel faster, and gives increased feed speed. (warning: some have experienced problems burning out the mosfet on the emagnum board that is switching the warp motor, using the mosfet on the emagnum board to switch a secondary, more robust mosfet is advisable)

01-05-2003, 10:16 AM
the first time through, i thought you said emag.....

as far for the rt, you can increase the reactivness of the trigger by 2 things. shaving the on/off pin to a shorter length, or increasing the input pressure. either of these 2 things can make the trigger hard to fire a single shot, a combination of these 2 things is sick.

(warning: if you are shaving down your on/off pin, calipers are a bonus, and make shure to have a couple spare pins for when you file one to small, also keep an unfiled one for when all else goes bad)

(warning2: almost all tournies, and most fields to not take kindly for you going into runaway mode and will kick you out.)

01-05-2003, 12:54 PM
see, 314159 thats the exact quality stuff i was talking about and some people can throw in pictures. All you would need is a moderator to help police it and move the stuff to the tech forum when needed. They do that as it is now anyways.

01-05-2003, 08:35 PM
the toughest part about providing information, is that it is never enough. if you provide text, they will want pictures, if you provide pictures, they will want video....

i have showed a couple of the projects i have worked on, online at times. and it always ends up, that i spend more time supporting the information online, than actually working on the projects themselves.

by trying to help people out online, and having it take up a lot of your time, and having more negative reactions from people, than positive ones, you just stop caring... this is about the point where i stoped carring: "well hey im done reading this topic. feel free to PM me with a vid.... until then think what you want it doesnt make it true. basically it comes down to this , you cant show me proof that your right and it hurts you to admit it. have fun in your fantasy world i'm done dwelling in it. later"-blackmag3

the main hinderance is to support people posting the info, if you want a forum that supports walkthroughs and howtos, there are a lot more supportive envyroments than ao.