View Full Version : Poll: Freak or lvl 10? PLEASE HELP!

01-02-2003, 06:10 PM
aight, here's the scoop. I have a choice for my e-mag, please give me your opinions. It's vert feed and I have an Evolution II hopper (17bps)

01-02-2003, 06:19 PM
What is causing you more problems on the field...
Poor paint to barrel matching, or balls being chopped by the bolt?

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

01-02-2003, 06:20 PM
I don't have the gun, it's an option when I get it lol :)

Evil Bob
01-02-2003, 06:36 PM
You'll get more benefit from LVL 10 right now then you will from the Freak. Get LVL 10 now, stop the chopping, then save up and buy a Full Freak a few months down the road.

-Evil Bob

01-02-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by JeedaiKnight
I don't have the gun, it's an option when I get it lol :)

So you want to know what to buy to fix problems that you may not even have?

OK, don't buy either one - I've got some old grips that I'll sell you for $100 - you've got to get them!

Or, consider this... I know it's revolutionary thinking - but - USE YOUR PAINTGUN. You may find that you actually like it the way it is, before you go dumping extra money into it. You might find that with the Evo-II you don't have a problem with ball chopping. I didn't put Lvl10 in my E-Mag because I use a Warp feed on it, and with the Warp I have never broken paint. I put it in my RT, where I did have ball chopping problems with '99 revys, and there it did a great job.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

01-02-2003, 07:25 PM
uh... thanks for the lesson billmi, I'm not an idiot. :mad: I wanted to know what you guys thought was better for a stock e-mag, but I am getting lectured. I won't pay extra for either one, it's part of a trade. i get one or the other OK!? SO WHAT IS BETTER IN YOUR OPINION IF I HAVE A EVOII FOR A HOPPER! THAT'S WHAT I WANT. Please don't insult me. just let me know what you think would be better for my e-mag. Thank you.

01-02-2003, 08:08 PM
freak isn't all that great, if you want a barrel kit get one of the ones with longer inserts or backs. go lvl 10 for now

01-02-2003, 08:14 PM
First of all, bro, relax. Bill is trying to help you. You see this stuff all the time (people asking about upgrades for markers they haven't even shot, let alone own). Be happy that there are people here who are trying to save you time, energy, headaches, and money. If you had posted more of the relevant information in your first post, Bill probably wouldn't even have posted ( or he would have and still provided information of the same quality).

Since you said the value of the trade does not vary based on whichever you choose, I say get the Freak, sell it, buy the LX, and then you have about $80 left over to buy a better barrel (LAPCO, IMHO).

01-02-2003, 08:15 PM
More info would be needed as to what the freak would include...
-if its just the adapter get the lvl10
-if its adapter + insert +tip then either way but id go with lvl10
-If its a whole freak kit then by all means take it.. (since its worth 2x a lvl10)

you most likely wont have chopping problems since you have the evo2 but then again im not entirely convinced barrel kits make such an enourmous difference.. so I would personally pick the one worth more and sell it

01-02-2003, 08:21 PM
thank you, but all I wanted to know was the answer to my question, and if he had said "shoot your gun, then decide what needs to be fixed more, accuracy or breakage" then I would be just fine with it, but sorry, in my opinion, he was an ******* about it, not exactly endearing me to his opinion. Thanks to those who are trying to help me without insulting me first. I want to know what needs in your opinion to be fixed more with the emag, lvl 10 or freak because I don't know what it shoots like. thank you.

01-02-2003, 08:32 PM
jeedai is getting a lvl 10 kit from me because im the 3rd party person in his trade and i asked if there was any way i could get the freak...

at the same time im giving him the back and the front so he will have everything EXCEPT inserts. Im not a mag person alf helps me out alot when i have to work on mags....

there is no need for any bigotry(sp?), all is good jeedai is a very good person i know him from the IOG.IF he asks for help guys please do not insult him he has fired high end guns and in my opinion why buy a marker without the ability to upgrade it.....forums are to help people and to disscuss things....not to flame each other over irrelevant(sp?) things.....


01-02-2003, 08:55 PM
Get the freak kit, normally i would say go with LvL 10 but if your not having too many chopping problems why risk the problems and havoc of Lv 10. Its just not worth it, get the freak and improve the accuracy of your gun, you will shoot darts. Level 10 is there for people with chopping problems if your not having any i dont see why to add it. Plus with level 10 you have to install it, then tune it, then make sure its working lalalalallalalala waiste time here, waiste time there, dee doo dum dee doo doo , tune some more. This dont work, add this, take this out, dee doo dood dum. Catch my drift...? :rolleyes:

Go with the freak, whats wrong with having such a sweet barrel. No hassel with a barrel....

01-02-2003, 11:10 PM
Level 10, no question. The reduced recoil and dry barrel (no paint dripping in it) will improve your grouping on those high speed strings as much as a good barrel.

01-02-2003, 11:19 PM
It would make sense to get the freak kit because it's worth more, but it doesn't even come with the inserts...isn't that the whole point to the freak kit??!!

I would get the Lvl 10, then just get a boomstick...that's what I like to use on my miniRt...when I had a regular Rt classic...I also shot with a boomstick...they are nice...don't get me wrong...freaks are nice...but is it worth that without the inserts???

01-02-2003, 11:19 PM
take the full freak, it is worth it, if you see choppage down the road, get the lvl 10, i doubt you will run into problems. If you do, and you dont want the lvl 10, get a foamie bolt and sand down the edge, you shouldnt ever chop that way

01-02-2003, 11:58 PM
Hi Bill, Warpig is awesome!

01-03-2003, 01:31 AM
Originally posted by JeedaiKnight
Please don't insult me. just let me know what you think would be better for my e-mag. Thank you.

I certainly stand by the idea that one should evaluate their gun first, and get used to it before dumping money into "upgrades" to fix a problem they might not even have, however you didn't deserve the sarcasm along with it. For that, you have my appologies.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

Gitaroo Man
01-03-2003, 04:58 AM
blill has got a point. No need to be rude.

I'd go with Lvl 10

01-03-2003, 08:22 AM
thank you bill. I believe in that as well. I forgot to mention that it was part of a trade...I'm not spending any money lol. I'm sorry for blowing up, but...well, things happen, it's in the past. Thank you for your opinion, it's always appreciated (minus the sarcasm next time :)). Just fyi for all of you guys, I decided to get the Level X kit, but I'm also getting a freak with a .689 insert, more inserts later if I need them. thanks all!!

01-03-2003, 08:59 AM
seeing as you get either or with the trade i would get the freak. the freak is about 180$ while the level 10 is what ? like 80? so you could always sell the freak if you dont like it, buy a level 10 down the road and still have money left over. Or if you were going to get both of them still get the freak instead of having to spen 180$ your only spending 80$. If either or comes with the gun deffinatly get the freak. Its got a higher selling price(if you choose to sell it seperatly).

01-03-2003, 11:44 AM
Well, it's been said before, but go with the Level 10 - it's quite likely to save you some time on the field. While the whole paint matching thing may be important to you, just get a J&J or Armson barrel for now, and see how it works out. Worst case scenario: you sell the barrel and buy a Freak later on.

01-03-2003, 09:58 PM
Go for the Lvl 10 first, then later down the rode look into a muiltibarrel system. by the time your ready Powerlyte and Titanium Paintball should have mag back out there.

02-20-2003, 09:45 PM
You want advice, this is it.

You need to know if where you usually play,always has the same paint.If so,it must match whatever barrel you will get if it's not a Freak.
If consistant paint supply is not a problem,get the L10.It must however include all the availiable spacers,shims and o-rings.You WILL need them.
If your field carrys various paint from week to week,get the Freak.It should have at least 2 or 3 inserts or you will need those to.($15 each from S/P)

02-21-2003, 12:41 AM
People can live without the freak. I would and did get the lvl 10, and it has cool braggin rights when people with cockers coming up to their fingers in my breach;)!

02-21-2003, 02:42 AM
if you have problems chopping get the lx if not go for the freak


ps what the hell is a 2k2 emag, dont think ive ever heard them called anything but emags
and silver chrome?


02-21-2003, 01:05 PM
WTF are you guys thinking?!?!? LVL 10 over a full freak kit!??!?

Full freak kits run like $200! LVL 10 kits run like $85, maybe cheaper used.

Freak kit man.

02-21-2003, 09:30 PM
the freak kits are SO overrated. if you are getting a mag, get lvl10 and then get the evil pipe kit, they rock