View Full Version : its quite sad :(

01-02-2003, 06:25 PM
ive never bunkered anyone...ever.:(

01-02-2003, 06:33 PM
would you stop complaining!!! i have heard more whining out of you in my time here then i have heard from any other single person!!! get over it!!!

01-02-2003, 06:36 PM
Then bunker somebody. Problem solved.

01-02-2003, 06:36 PM
<---- not good enough to bunker!

Originally posted by yeahthatsme
would you stop complaining!!! i have heard more whining out of you in my time here then i have heard from any other single person!!! get over it!!!

well... i would but.. im so horrible its unbelievable!!!..

01-02-2003, 06:41 PM
Allow me to be a little more simpathetic. Buck up little camper. It'll happen. There was a time when I could say the same thing. But then I showed those Black Cell guys the wrath of my Emag! Whoa! Whoa! Just a joke!:D

Honestly though, it will happen. You've probably had the chance, but just didn't recognize it. Start out by just going for it. I always consider it a bunker even if some one else hits me AFTERWARDS. Sooner or later you'll be making clean runs, and marking people left and right. Good luck! GET SOME!!!

01-02-2003, 06:42 PM
I've never bunkered anyone...But i've only played speedball at a field once...

01-02-2003, 06:48 PM

ok, now that my laughing fit is over, I can understand your predicament. Well, I wasn't always the mad, game breaking, bunkering fool I am today, but once a lowly tadpole like yourself. Well, my sensei (AKA Team Prozac's captain Dave Araki) decided to bunker my sorry behind during a practice one day. Well I disliked this, and in my next game, I bunkered him! I was as the lotus flower in the wind, with the stealth of the chinese herbal tea bag, and the cunning of a fortune cookie...

And that was my first bunker move, and the rest, as they say, is history!

Well now that my pseudo-zen ramblings are finished, all you have to do is DON'T be like the frog in the pond, the frog does not seek the fly, the fly comes to him. Be a Bad*** fly and go tearing like a bat outta hell downfield and bunker somebody!

So that solves your bunkering problem, now on to your friends/hot girls/sucking at life problems:D

just kiddin man

01-02-2003, 06:57 PM
yeahthatsme - could you be anymore mean? If you don't like his whining then ignore it! In my opinion I think Espo is a funny guy :)

01-02-2003, 07:07 PM
why thank you BC...

believe me ive been bunkered my share of times....yeah...

also, i get lots of kills, just no bunkers...i guess i dont have enough balls:D ;)

01-02-2003, 07:10 PM
Hehe...I've got the cojones just not enough time playing speeball...What do i do after i run by and shoot the guy? just hop into his bunker or go to a different one? I really liked speedball when i did play and i'm hoping to play alot more speedball than woods...

01-02-2003, 07:15 PM
Just play front alot, look at the lanes, grow some balls and do it. You will know when the time comes.

01-02-2003, 07:15 PM
What do i do after i run by and shoot the guy? Usually I take cover or keep running past him to a safe spot. Chances are he'll shoot at you even after you shoot him.

01-02-2003, 07:27 PM
I've never BEEN bunkered,ever.

01-02-2003, 07:29 PM
I've had a few good bunkers. my first one was a doubble, and my best, cuz it was the person I bought my angel from. it was kinda ironic that he got bunkered with his old gun

01-02-2003, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
I've never BEEN bunkered,ever.

lier.... thats not possible.. everyone i know has been bunkered... me especially.

01-02-2003, 08:07 PM
I haven't either...but thats just one day

01-02-2003, 08:14 PM
Well there is a time in every boy's/girl's life when they bunker someone then they turn into a Man/Woman. Espo it will just take time;)

01-02-2003, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by EsPo

lier.... thats not possible.. everyone i know has been bunkered... me especially.

lier! lol haha ive Never been bunkered. Only time that i came close to was it was a 3 on 3.. both of my fron guys got out. They got cocky n thought they had me so a back player crawled up the field and was 5-10 feet away, i shot him out then i layed down the paint i was saving in my pack and messed the two other players up badly. (i mean Both came back oozing of paint and a mass load of shells, both in a diff time made a bad move:p )

01-02-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by confedman75
Well there is a time in every boy's/girl's life when they bunker someone then they turn into a Man/Woman. Espo it will just take time;)

yay!! so you mean ill finally turn into a woman when i bunker someone?!?!?!:D

01-02-2003, 08:51 PM
I've never been bunkered.. haha knock on wood..
The only time I have bunkered someone was when I was playing at a not as well known field (lets just say there was nobody else there) with my friend, his friend, and his dad. I think his dad was on my team, and we were playing this crappy speedball that was pretty much just little sections of fences to hide behind.. Well I decided to go a little crazy (well crazy to me at the time) and I just started running, and I passed a bunker with my friends friend behind it (;)) and he had no chance to get off a shot before I hit him in the visor. However he couldnt tell he was hit so he was like am I hit? Am I hit? I was like YES and he was like Am I hit??
Lol we finally got that settled then my friend got me :(

Well, he WAS using a spyder compact and I WAS using a mag :D Lets just say I had the confidence of a better gun on my side..

01-02-2003, 08:58 PM
look at your setup... trust me you wont ever bunker a person with that anvil. :) cough :rolleyes:

You might as well carry a buick around with you. Honestly though, unless you plan on not moving your lazy butt around the feild dont expect to bunker someone. You have to be aggresive , and not worry about anything to do it. Like perhaps them reversing the bunker and shooting you point blank which is always a good feeling ;)

01-02-2003, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by EsPo

lier.... thats not possible.. everyone i know has been bunkered... me especially. Not lieing,first off,I play back,second,it's been attempted on me,but I been lucky and always saw it coming.And I been playing tourney ball for 10 years.

01-02-2003, 09:36 PM
Heh, now that I know what bunkering is, I have actually done it before (I have had about 2 days worth of experience on speedball and mabye 6-7 months total (rec woods the other 90% of the time)).

Happened a couple times after I got my first gun, the m98. Part of it was probably luck, but I snuck around and noticed 2 people pre-occupied, got one, mabye two, I forgot, but after that I got out :\. Happened a couple of other times too, mostly out of luck.

My theory is that luck plays a huge part. If the situation never appears that would allow you to bunker someone, then despite your skill, it won't happen. Don't worry, it'll happen some day :D.

01-02-2003, 10:03 PM
Luck is very key in pb.It's most of the game.

01-02-2003, 10:15 PM
i bunkered 2 tippman towting cheaters with a PGP and a barrel full of oooze... not to mention all the mag bunkers.:D

01-02-2003, 10:18 PM
well thats just sad..it broke me down to tears

01-02-2003, 10:31 PM
i would rarely ever bunker... now i am a little sneaky bunkering god!

i get bunkered==> i seek revenge... and carry out my death (bunkering) plot on them the next game

hehe :p

one day you will bunker... one day :)

but i like to take it easy on the newbies if i do happen to bunker one... i just shoot them once... maybe twice if i'm really trigger happy that game :D

then it's more fun for them to not get lit up, and they'll come back to play again... then another paintballer introduced to the sport :cool:

01-02-2003, 10:47 PM
Along with never BEING bunkered,I've never truly bunkered someone either,I've taken a long trip around a big bunker to eliminate someone,but no "speed bunkering".

01-03-2003, 12:25 AM
<EsPo> I'm the scared kid who hides in the corner of the field every game....

ITS TIME FOR YOUR BALLS TO DROP! just go crazy, just for one game, and you'll be amazed to see what you can do.

01-03-2003, 01:08 AM
I try to get at least one bunker move every time I go out, I'm a front player and really aggressive, so it comes naturally, but I wasn't always that way. It took a warp fed RT and years of experience. The key to a successful bunkering is to not let them know it's coming, and move FAST! I've only been bunkered once, I was out of paint and in the middle of buying a pod off a kid during a game and someone popped around the corner and pow!

Your day will come, it will feel weird, suddenly you will get the undenialable, primal urge to charge up the field, every fiber in your body and every part in your gun screaming for blood, you're no longer in control. You'll pop around the side, and like the bird of prey that you are, see true fear in someone's eyes for a split second before you put two on their sorry carcass. That's what bunkering feels like to me.

01-03-2003, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by einhander619
Your day will come, it will feel weird, suddenly you will get the undenialable, primal urge to charge up the field, every fiber in your body and every part in your gun screaming for blood, you're no longer in control. You'll pop around the side, and like the bird of prey that you are, see true fear in someone's eyes for a split second before you put two on their sorry carcass. That's what bunkering feels like to me.
You need help

01-03-2003, 04:33 AM
If you get everyone out when they are far away you don't need to bunker anyone :D:D

01-03-2003, 12:26 PM
Bunkering someone is a lot like your first time with a woman, You nervous and sweaty, chances are you have no clue what your doing. And the other person isn't gonna be very happy at the end. While you just spent 65 bucks+ to shoot your balls off, and it was over in an instant. The only difference I can think of is no warm apple pie in the bunker:p

But I guess this means Multiple bunkers are even more fun!

I've never BEEN bunkered either HA

Alright I'm off to bed now...........