View Full Version : eye for e-blade cocker

01-03-2003, 03:58 AM
i was looking at the e-blade and it says that it comes with an eye. me an my friend were talking about it...an we don't see how the eye would work on a cocker? what is it detecting? it can't detect whether or not the ball is fully in the chamber, cuz the bolt would be closed an there will either be a ball in it or won't. unless the bolt can stop itself from closing to allow the ball to drop an feed properly, it's the only way i would see the eye working on a cocker. i do believe that the bolt is opened by the ram? correct me if i'm wrong. and the e-blade controls ram so maybe it can stop it? jus need some of this confusion cleared up. any help appreciated. oh yeah...an does anybody know the price on them in US dollars? it's around 870 in UK dollars.

01-03-2003, 06:10 AM
The bolt is open when the ball dropsin the chamber correct? Well, if there is no ball in the chamber the bolt won't close. It's as simple as that. There is a whole action of movements that actually move the bolt. 1. air enter the LPR where the air is regulated and sent to the 4 way. 2. The air is then sent to the 4-way which closes the bolt. 3. When you pull the trigger the 4-way is switched and opens the ram which in turns opens the bolt.

The E-Blades themselves run anywhere between $350-$400, and Eclipse markers with the E-Blade on it go for about $1200-$1400. Not exact figures but they're pretty close.

01-03-2003, 09:55 AM
Because the Eblade also controls the back block, it only needs to look for the presence of a ball when the bolt is open.

01-03-2003, 12:26 PM
The sandridge has an eye also and what it does is it looks to see if there is a ball in the chamber. If there is not it delays the bolt closing an amount of time usually equal to that required for a ball to drop into the chamber.


Evil Bob
01-03-2003, 12:50 PM
Correct, the E-Blade opens the bolt and then waits for the eye to detect the pressence of a ball before closing the bolt again.

-Evil Bob

01-03-2003, 02:27 PM
Now does it actually hold the bolt back till a ball feeds, or just for a set time delay? The F5(TF-5) was only for a delay ...


Originally posted by Evil Bob
Correct, the E-Blade opens the bolt and then waits for the eye to detect the pressence of a ball before closing the bolt again.

-Evil Bob

Top Secret
01-03-2003, 04:55 PM
If the eye detects a paintball, the bolt will immediatly close, but if nothing is detected, it will delay for a preset time before it closes the bolt. I need to get my body tapped for the eye though.

01-03-2003, 05:01 PM
Yes it is the same way as the vision eye works on the impulse if it detects a ball it fires if not it is delayed not stoped because that would effect your fireing rythm. The run bout 399 US. Also another great thing about the eblade you can set the timing to within the millisecond which is why i am saveing up to get one

01-03-2003, 06:07 PM
drilling the hole for the eye and drilling and tapping for the screw is easy. they give you a full size template you can tape to your gun. Use a sharp center punch to mark to two holes. I bought a 4-40 tap and the drill bit reccomended. I couldn't find the exact Drill bit size for the eye. I used one a little smaller and reamed it out, till the eye fit in snugly. any other questions??
