View Full Version : Transformers?

01-03-2003, 06:02 AM
Does anyone collect the old school transformers toys? Almost all of the transformers we (my bro and I) have are sold... I don't think I can find the rest of them... they're lost somewhere... lol

The Frymarker
01-03-2003, 08:13 AM
Actually I used to have a bunch of them.

Strangely enough that is all we talked about on New Year's day.

Oldschool who was the leader of the Decepticons and what was he.

My husband says he was a gun. I thought he was an f15, my brother in law though he was the tape from the tape recorder.

Does anyone know?

01-03-2003, 08:40 AM
His name was Megatron, and he was a pistol (with scope). Starscream was the F15 (I think that's which plane he was), and Soundwave was the tape recorder. Offhand, I can't remember the names of all the tapes that Soundwave used to have.

For bonus points, what were the names of the 2 Transformers that looked like VW Beetles, and what were their colors?

The Frymarker
01-03-2003, 08:43 AM
WOW Timmee, well I know one beetle it was the yellow named bumblebee

So Megatron was the leader huh....my husband was right

01-03-2003, 09:01 AM
Bumble_Bee was the yellow beetle
Cliff_Jumper was the red beetle

Soundwave had the following;

Names were Rumble, Buzzsaw, and Frenzy (forgot which was which though)

A flying creature tape
A panther type creature tape
A humanoid one that could use his arms like sledgehammers
I think one other ...

I believe all the decepticon jets were modeled after the F-15, with Jet_Fire (the decepticon turned good-guy autobot) plane being an F-14. Minor note, Jet-Fire was a direct rip of the Veritech fighters from Macross, specifically the Armoured Super Veritech variant ... :)


01-03-2003, 09:10 AM
Fry: You got it, the Yellow Bug was Bumblebee, the red one was Cliffjumper I believe, it was like a Dunebuggy version of the Bug if I remember correctly. The cassete tapers were named:

Steeljaw and Ramhorn I believe.

Then there were more that came out later: Grandslam and Raindance.

Those are just the Autobot tapes, the Decepticon tape was called like BatRat or something.
They had others that I can't remember.

/me is a huge Transformers fan. :p

My favorite ones were the Constructicons and bit City Bots like Metroplex and Ultra Magnus. I still have most of mine but they are in my attic somewhere. I really have to find them some day. :D

01-03-2003, 09:11 AM
Also, while the transformers were good ... Transformers:Beast Wars was the best series to ever come out in the series history ...

Awesome story line, which eventually tied in the original story line, and great computer animation ... cant wait till this comes out on DVD.


01-03-2003, 09:13 AM
BatRat is a common misconception as one of Soundwaves tapes ... while he was a tape, they never explained where he came from. He actually assumed command of the decepticons at one time along with the Head_Masters ...


Originally posted by SprayingMango
the Decepticon tape was called like BatRat or something.
They had others that I can't remember.

01-03-2003, 09:17 AM
Wow ok, you definetly know a lot more about it than me! :) :)

The Frymarker
01-03-2003, 09:27 AM

I remember that tape that turned into a panther...that was my favorite one, I used to carry it every where.

I just talked to hubby, he said he has most of his in his parents garage, he said he even had Soundwave that actually worked as a cassette player....I didn't know that.

Lopxtc, you are definitely a dedicated fan!:D

I watch the Transformers with my son, he loves the show...I bought him the fisher price version of the transformers for Christmas.

I think FP did a great job with them, they are perfect for the little ones without being too difficult to transform.

01-03-2003, 09:35 AM
Rumble and Frenzy, rumble was blue in the show but red per the toys and frenzy would be the other one. I think I remember in one episode they both where using their arms as pile-driver things.
Soundwave also had two bird tapes, buzzsaw (whom you never saw in the show) and lazerbeak, who was in nearly every episode.

Does anyone watch armada? I have to admitt I do, but the show is horrible.

01-03-2003, 10:21 AM
Transformers and G.I. Joe were my favorite shows growing up. Transformers the movie was cool because we finally got to see some of the Transformers get injured or killed, instead of them always doing the G.I. Joe thing and shooting around each other. It was too bad some of the cool guys had to go down, but that was more realistic. Was there a better scene in any of the series shows or the movie when the Decepticons had almost taken the Autobot base and then in rolls Optimus Prime, by himself, and just takes them all out because he's just that bad. Of course, he jacks himself all up doing it, but the selfless heroism made it a "goosebump" scene for cartoons. Optimus was the man... I also like Hound, the miltary jeep that could turn invisible, and Ironsides. No matter how crazy or deadly the plan sounded, Ironsides was down for it no question. They should have realized that and let him go out better in the movie than the way he did. Does anybody know if they have the series on DVD yet? I'd buy them.

The Frymarker
01-03-2003, 10:28 AM
Iwas waiting for someone to bring up G.I.Joe. I have one of the orginal GI Joe's that was pullstring and talked. He has the flocked hair and beard.

We used to have all of the GIJoe toys, the aircraft carrier was the best.

01-03-2003, 10:39 AM
yeah, Transformers the series is out on DVD. Check amazon, I almost picked it up a few months back.
Yep that was the best scene in the whole movie, my friend actually cried when we saw it in the theatre way back when.

Now GI Joe is by far one of the best toys/shows ever, I have the movie on DVD and a good deal of my old collection as well. They actually started the show (late night cartoon network), the comics back up again (by Image, picks up where they left off, supposedly) and toys (almost forgot them).

01-03-2003, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by wyn1370

Now GI Joe is by far one of the best toys/shows ever, I have the movie on DVD and a good deal of my old collection as well. They actually started the show (late night cartoon network) and the comics back up again (by Image, picks up where they left off, supposedly).

Damn straight bro, i loved GI Joe i had all the toys and yes i do mean all of them. My favorite was like the 6 foot battle ship my grandma worked at the toy store and she would bring them home when they got new ones. But when my parents got divorced they got lost in the shuffle:( i wish i could find them im sure they are worth alot/

01-03-2003, 11:13 AM
Hey wyn, that's the original transformers series that's on DVD right? That would be sweet...I'll have to look for it. G.I. Joe the movie was awesome, but am I the only one who thinks Serpentor was a gimp? I mean, c'mon...(borrowing a phrase from the NBA's Hubie Brown) "here's a guy whose supposed to have tremendous upside." He's got the genetic makeup of the greatest and deadliest rulers in the world, and all he ever really does is just fly around on his sled and bark orders. That's nothing new or different than Cobra Commander would do, and CC had a cooler sounding voice. It's not like you saw the military campaigns of Cobra jump tremendously into the win column once he took over. Of course, I'm basing this on the cartoon...I've never really seen much of the comic. I think Ultra Magnus was the Serpentor of Transformers...he didn't live up to the hype and he just wasn't necissary. Although, to Serpentor's credit, the mini-series they did on his creation was hella cool...easily some of the best shows of the series.

01-03-2003, 11:28 AM
Except for when srgt. slaughter kicked his rear. I mean common, he had slaughter's dna plus everybody elses. If Joe would have lost every once in a while it would have been good.
Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, now they made GI Joe.
If you like comics grab the new ones (cellarcomics.com has em pretty cheap). They are pretty darn good.
Ultra Magnus=white optimus with snap on armor
I'm pretty sure it's the original.

The Frymarker
01-03-2003, 11:44 AM
Sgt. Slaughter was originally one of the WWF wrestlers

01-03-2003, 11:55 AM
Were you refering to the fight between Sgt. Slaughter and Nemesis Enforcer, or one that actually took place between Sarge and Serpentor? I couldn't remember a time when Sarge actually threw down with Serpentor, but you're probably more familiar with it than I am. He had Sarge's DNA? I thought they just put the DNA of the world's greatest rulers in him? :confused:

Yeah, it would have been better if Joe would have lost now and then. SS and SS were very cool characters, and I dug Destro too..just because he was smart enough to play both sides for the cash.

Ultra Magnus is the white Optimus. I've got his original toy self sitting in my closet right now. I wanted to get an Optimus Prime, but couldn't find any so I settled for Ultra. Apparantly, the re-release of Optimus and Ultra is supposed to be the same as the originals except they both have shorter smoke stacks. I'd really like to find an Optimus now.

01-03-2003, 11:59 AM
gi joe is still on at 12:30 in the morning on cartoon network, i agree it would have been better if the joe's lost every now and then but its still a good show.

01-03-2003, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by dre1919
Were you refering to the fight between Sgt. Slaughter and Nemesis Enforcer, or one that actually took place between Sarge and Serpentor? I couldn't remember a time when Sarge actually threw down with Serpentor, but you're probably more familiar with it than I am.
I was talking about the end of the serpentor series, him and srg. go at it and srg. beats him. And Nemesis should have squashed him flat, without breaking a sweat.

He had Sarge's DNA? I thought they just put the DNA of the world's greatest rulers in him? :confused: Yeah, cobra lost either Gengis Khan or Sun Zue's Dna so Dr. Mindbender said they'd get the DNA from the greatest warrior of our time (load of bull).

Originally posted by The Frymarker
Sgt. Slaughter was originally one of the WWF wrestlers
Yep and now he's a ref. And yes I used to watch WWF when he was on there too. I know I'm a dork. They had a figure for the Fridge too.

01-03-2003, 12:04 PM
Actually Ultra Magnus was the "Car Carrier" that wanted to take over for Optimus after he died in the Movie. Eventually that honor went to Rodimus Prime, the one who I believe originally didnt want to be the leader.

There was the one scene in the movie where Ultra Magnus was backed against a rock outcropping trying to force open the spark so that he could take it into himself. His line was one of the I think two or three lines in which the Transformers actually cursed LOL ...

"Open damnit, open."

Granted not much of a curse, but this was a G rated movie. There is also bumblebee with the human kid screaming "Oh (starts with s) what do we do now!" As their ship is getting sucked into the planet destroying robot Unicron.


Originally posted by wyn1370
[B]Ultra Magnus=white optimus with snap on armor
I'm pretty sure it's the original.

Sir Chopsalot
01-03-2003, 12:05 PM
who else has the transformers movie poster:D

01-03-2003, 12:08 PM
Actually I was talking about the toy, who was a white optimus that you attached things to that made ultra.

Yep and you see what happens to transformers that curse, they get toast. Ultra got blown to bits right after that.
I wish I had that poster

01-03-2003, 12:11 PM
Oh my bad ... sorry.


Originally posted by wyn1370
Actually I was talking about the toy, who was a white optimus that you attached things to that made ultra.

01-03-2003, 12:50 PM
Oh man, I forgot the Sarge and Serpentor went at it at the end of that series...I really dropped the ball on that one! But, you're right though: 1. We had to have had a better warrior than Sgt. Slaughter to offer Mindbender (which is not to say he made the most sound choices to begin with) and 2. Nemesis Enforcer should have layed Sarge out no problem. I mean, NE picked up the front end of a Havoc and threw it aside...what's Sarge got to compare to that? I'll tell ya though, two of my favorite characters to come out of the movie were Chuckles and Tunnel Rat.

I liked Tunnel Rat because he was close to my size and you could tell he's down for whatever plan. It's like the part were he gets swallowed by the big worm thing and later you see him blast a hole in it's side. As he comes bounding out he's laughing maniacally, as if to say he's actually having fun. And Chuckles...well, what can you say? Here's a guy who yanks a missle off a Havoc and runs at a HISS tank with it. Then, during the battle he actually rides a Tomahawk helicopter on the roof wearing his Floridian shirt and firing only a .45! This to me was further proof Chuckles is completely insane. I've said it before and I'll say it again...I don't think he would have passed the psyche eval.

01-03-2003, 03:35 PM

01-03-2003, 07:40 PM
I still have Omega Supreme, B-Wing from Star Wars, and SDF-1 Battle Fortress from Robotech. All with boxes.
