View Full Version : Revvy wired into Hyperframe

01-03-2003, 10:57 AM
Ok, I did a search and came up with a thread from August where 2UnReal posed the question of "Can I link my revvy with my Hyperframe so it runs when the trigger is pulled." He was then answered by RobAGD with "No." I myself would be very interested in whether or not this could be done, and if so how. If not, I'd like to know why not also. Call it my curious side...:D I'm debating on whether or not to get a Warp, but if I don't get the Warp I'd kinda like to try intellifeeding my revvy with my Hyperframe. Anybody know anything about this? Has anyone tried this themselves? Any input is appreciated!

01-03-2003, 01:15 PM
All you need is a trigger pulse to intelli a revvy. if you can find where the trigger pulse that avtivates the solenoid is you should be able to connect to it and run it to your revy and itellifeed it like normal.

01-03-2003, 01:16 PM
Sounds cool...I'm going to have to look on Centerflag's website and see if I can grab a diagram of the handle since I'm here at work.

01-03-2003, 01:20 PM
yep. iv done it. i made the hyperframe, with its battery, drive a revvy. (ie- wired directly into revvys motor, so the revvy has no batteries in it)
its not easy though.

the 'noid signal is very finikie.. and very short.

i tried four methods. the first three are pull-and-hold where as long as you hold the trigger, the revvy will spin:

1: pick directly off of the hypers battery/switch and ran that up to the motor. very unstable.. and prolly dangerous to the hyperframe. unacceptable results.

2: pick directly off of the hypers battery/switch and ran that through a small, high resistance reed relay. the relays output then linked the hypers battery to the revvy motor. much better stability, but eventually proved fatal to the hypers board after about a week. unacceptable results!! :) (i replaced the board with a 20bps one)

3: i replaced the hypers big, ugly trigger switch with two smaller (angel/mouse) types. one triggered the hyper, the other linked the hypers battery to the revvy. worked very well!

4: i milled out a pocked and placed a switch behind the sear arm where it sticks down into the hyperfram just behind the 'noid. wired this just like in #3 above. this one gives a set pulse for every shot.. however, its not quite enough to do much in terms of aggitating paint in the hopper. :-/

hope this helps.. lemme know if ya have any more questions. iv done quite a bit of work in this area.. :)


01-03-2003, 01:49 PM
Ok, nicad could you show me the area you are talking about, and the successful modification you did to it? What you did sounds like it was rather complex.

Wait..check that. I reread that a second time and it made a lot more sense. But, from what it sounds like you didn't get very good results from it (well, not good enough to put the work into it anyway). Was the weak result in agitation due to the fact the whole system was running on one nine volt? Could you wire it so you leave the two nine's in the revvy and use all three for their specific purposes?

01-06-2003, 02:00 PM
ok, sorry for the delay. was getting ready for and played in a tourney yesterday.
here is a link to an image i modified from the one you posted.
its a wiring diagram for an intillifeed on a hyperframe. i came up with a better one since my last post. it only uses one trigger switch.
check it out: http://www.deadlywind.com/files/intelli-hyper-diagram.gif
I dont know the value of the diode (d). i pulled it from a 12v revvy board (it was the biggest diode on a non-SMT type board).

if you are not comfertable with doing this, then dont.
so far it works OK. the revvy motor seems to rob a little power from the sear noid, so that could be a problem in some setups. i suggest running a 9.4v NiMhi "9v" battery.


01-07-2003, 09:46 AM
I was just wondering nicad where you picked up that 20bps board. I was never aware of any replacement boards for the Hyperframe and would be very interested in hearing about where you got yours and how it performs.

Thanks in advance for any info.

01-07-2003, 10:50 AM
Thanks for the link and diagram nicad, I'll check that out and see what's up. Hope ya'll had good luck at the tourney.