View Full Version : this is total bull poo!

01-03-2003, 01:14 PM
ok my mom wanted me to get a haircut today but i dont want one. so i get ready to go and tell her i dont want a haircutm, she gets mad and tells me i have to get one. i told her no i dont want one you cant make me get a haircut:rolleyes: . so she finished getting ready and informed me that i coudnt go to the store with her because my hair was shaggy.... i told her i wanted to go and blah blah shes gone and im here and i want food...... :rolleyes: its bull poo!

01-03-2003, 01:17 PM
LOL jeez dude its just a haircut if you get food for getting your hair cut then get your hair cut casue i love food.:D

01-03-2003, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by -Jôker-
ok my mom wanted me to get a haircut today but i dont want one. so i get ready to go and tell her i dont want a haircutm, she gets mad and tells me i have to get one. i told her no i dont want one you cant make me get a haircut:rolleyes: . so she finished getting ready and informed me that i coudnt go to the store with her because my hair was shaggy.... i told her i wanted to go and blah blah shes gone and im here and i want food...... :rolleyes: its bull poo!
Just be glad it was your Mom and not me. ;)

You like living under HER roof, right? You like eating the food SHE buys, right? You have enjoyed all the other things SHE has provided you with your entire life, right?

Seems pretty simple to me… GET A HAIRCUT! ;)

01-03-2003, 01:19 PM
if you really want to get her mad shave it off... hey you cut your hair didnt you;)

01-03-2003, 01:20 PM
Dude, get a haircut.

01-03-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
if you really want to get her mad shave it off... hey you cut your hair didnt you;)
LOL Would not work in my house. :D I usually give my son a High and Tight just like mine. :)

But good idea anyway!

01-03-2003, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by shartley

LOL Would not work in my house. :D I usually give my son a High and Tight just like mine. :)

But good idea anyway!

lol what about your daughter

01-03-2003, 01:25 PM
this isnt working.. yall are supposed to be on my side, and shartly i usualy get a high and tight but i just wanna see how my hair looks longer

01-03-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag

lol what about your daughter
Now there would be hell to pay then! :mad:


I am glad none of them would even THINK about it. :)

01-03-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by -Jôker-
this isnt working.. yall are supposed to be on my side, and shartly i usualy get a high and tight but i just wanna see how my hair looks longer
ahhhh that is good to hear.

My son grows his longer in the winter time too, so I know about that “odd” stage between combable and real short. I am sure you are at that point right now judging from what your Mother said. What I would suggest is that you just have someone trim it up a bit. It will take a little longer to reach the longer lengths, but it will look better each step of the way.

Want to impress your Mom? See if you can find someone to do it while she is out…. And then don’t tell her you did it. She will know and let HER mention it to you. Then act as if it was no big deal. ;)

01-03-2003, 01:33 PM
hmmm...to bad i live 10 mins from any real civilization. it would take me an hour or two to get to the nearest barber shop. i dont know of anybody around here that cuts hair.

01-03-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by -Jôker-
this isnt working.. yall are supposed to be on my side...

You throw a temper tantrum with your Mom, and then come here and do it again, and you want sympathy? Not bloody likely mate!

While this may seem all important to you right now, when you have kids you will finally understand how much of a brat you were/are.

01-03-2003, 01:37 PM
Shave yer noodle. It's even "respectable". Look at Jesse Ventura for pete's sake.

01-03-2003, 01:41 PM
i didnt throw a temper tantrum at all! it was more like my mom did more than me. i actualy think this is kinda funny and i was jk about yall needing to be on my side;). i really dont get upset about things all that often. i just wanted to go to the store with my mom really but did not want a haircut. my hair isnt even that long! its approx. 2 1/4 of an inch on the top and approx. 1 1/2 inches on the side now i do admit that it is a little shaggy for me its not like i have a mullet or my bangs down to my nose. my bangs are barely on my eyebrows.

01-03-2003, 02:55 PM
wow dude, my parents never ever force me to do little things like getting haircuts, they ask me if i want one... and they dont care if i say yes or no... i could go out there with hair like howard sterns, and they wouldnt give a damn!... i hate it when parents get mad over little things like this (im about to get eaten my hartley.. sigh)....well, good luck man.

01-03-2003, 02:55 PM
ya im like that too, in the summer its wicked short, almost bald. then when winter and ski season hits i let it grow, but still it would be considered short by many.

01-03-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by HoppysMag
ya im like that too, in the summer its wicked short, almost bald. then when winter and ski season hits i let it grow, but still it would be considered short by many.
im the complete oposite, i never cut my hair during the summer.. but then i cut it short during the winter..

01-03-2003, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
… (im about to get eaten my hartley.. sigh)....
Nah… everyone has their own parenting style and what they feel is important. I don’t feed you, clothe you, shelter you, etc. so it is not up to me how you are raised. I DO however, do these things for MY kids….. ;);)

I am not a tyrant though, and I am sure my kids would tell you as much. They get a lot in return for a few simple rules and requirements. But after all, that is how all life is. When you start at home, it is less of a shock when your kids get out in the real world and find out that EVERYONE wants to then tell them what to do. :D Enjoy the little things of home life as a kid…. you can never go back.

01-03-2003, 03:53 PM
Hey Joker,
When you pay the costs, then you are the boss. Consider yourself lucky. Had I argued with my mom over a haircut, my dad would have knocked me back into line and then shaved my head as a punishment! I am from a very old school Italian family. I am not as strict with my kids, but I am still pretty firm.

Archangel Damien
01-03-2003, 04:58 PM
i learned the hard way never to say no to my parents:(

01-03-2003, 07:48 PM
man wait till you turn 20 and life has some real problems man.... geeez kids these days.

01-03-2003, 07:57 PM
"Bangs"? HAHAHA Bangs are for girls! Get a haircut!:D

Tony Arrivo
01-03-2003, 08:00 PM
Don't get a haircut.

01-04-2003, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by DJSOLID
Shave yer noodle.

Dude, that sounds realy wrong...

Anyways, I dont know why parents are so cought up in how their kid's look, i think if the child has enough of a mind to say that they want their hair a cirtain way, then they are mature enough to get it that way. But then again, parents always use the "you live under my roof" thing, but I don't see what that has to do with your hair, or how you dress. I don't feel that anyone, parent, teacher, or any human being for taht matter, has the right to tell someone what to do with their body. I feel that kids should respect the oppinion of their parent, but the parent should respect the choices of their child like a normal individual. BTW: I want you to comment on this :) I like to post so people say something about what I have to say, so flame me if you want. I post stuff that goes against what others say so I can hear more oppinions and how I'm wrong, so fire away...

01-04-2003, 09:00 AM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
Anyways, I dont know why parents are so cought up in how their kid's look, i think if the child has enough of a mind to say that they want their hair a cirtain way, then they are mature enough to get it that way. But then again, parents always use the "you live under my roof" thing, but I don't see what that has to do with your hair, or how you dress. I don't feel that anyone, parent, teacher, or any human being for taht matter, has the right to tell someone what to do with their body. I feel that kids should respect the oppinion of their parent, but the parent should respect the choices of their child like a normal individual. BTW: I want you to comment on this :) I like to post so people say something about what I have to say, so flame me if you want. I post stuff that goes against what others say so I can hear more oppinions and how I'm wrong, so fire away...
I used to think that way too when I was a kid. Heck I would bet the majority of kids do… it is one of the things that allows them to actually WANT to leave the house. We have had this discussion before on AO. It is a natural process.

You know what changed my mind though? When I had kids of my own and found out that I was personally responsible for EVERYTHING they did. And I had to change their diapers, feed them, clothe them, etc. At what point in a child’s life do we as parents just let them do anything they want yet still provide them with everything they need? Never.

You see, as long as you are getting something from your parents (food, shelter, clothes, Health Insurance, TV, computer, etc.) they have the right to tell you what to do with your life, body, etc. (as long as it is not illegal). And kids for the most part do not have the experience or wisdom to make their own decisions on most any subject, without guidance. I know I will be most likely flamed for that, but sorry kids, it is true.

As a parent, I respect my children’s opinions and wishes, but that does not mean I will let them do anything they want. And what children need to remember is that they are NOT normal individuals. They are at a point in life where they get almost everything for free, have virtually no real responsibilities (although they think they do), are seldom actually held accountable for their actions, etc. etc. etc.

“Treat me like an Adult!”

“Okay, here are the classifieds, find a job. Your rent is now $450 a month. You will now also have to pay for your own phone line. Internet, TV, and other such services are also going to have to come out of your own pocket. Here is the phone so you can call and have your own accounts set up. You will have to pay for a portion of the Electric and Water Bills as well. I am now going to give you this shelf in the refrigerator and this cupboard space here for your food. You will have to go out and buy it yourself, and no one will eat it but you. But, you can not eat anyone else’s food either. Also, when you want to go someplace I will not take you there. You have to find your own ride, buy a car and insure it yourself, pay for a taxi or whatever. You will have to either pay to use our Landry Machines or bring your laundry to the Laundromat….”

”But I am just a kid! That is not fair.”

I am sure many parents have had that discussion. Simply put, kids (in general) don’t want to be truly treated like Adults, they just want to do whatever they want. There is a HUGE difference there. Kids see Adults making decisions, doing all sorts of things they as kids would like to do, and want to totally disregard all the other things that go along with it. Sorry kids, you can’t buy a car and drive it all over without putting in gas. Life is the same way, to do the things we do, make the decisions we do, etc. we as Adults and Parents have to pay the dues. We also have to answer to our Bosses, our Wives (or Husbands), Local – State- Federal Authorities, Landlords, Banks, and the list goes on and on…

Most of us Adults work the majority of our days for just a few minutes of relaxation and fun….. kids on the other hand tend to be the reverse. Their lives are centered around having a good time. And this is a good thing! But please remember at what point in life you are in.. and enjoy it for what it is. You will never get the chance to be as free as you are now, believe it or not.

How about when you have to go for 3 on up to 10 years with the same clothes because you have to buy clothes for your kids? They get a new wardrobe every year, and yet STILL want to complain about it. ;) How about figuring out how you will buy your kids new shoes and pay the electric bill at the same time… or buy your groceries. What bill will be put off until the next paycheck because you just don’t have enough money in this one? How are you going to work overtime AND bring your kid to his/her school sporting game? And I could go on and on…. Yup, parents are just trying to make your lives awful and do nothing but tell you what to do. ;)

Complain and moan, sure, that is part of the process. Think I am full of crap, fine, that is part of the process. And guess what? You will go through it with YOUR kids too. But take heart, you will then be able to sit down with your parents over a cup of coffee and complain about your kids, and laugh about how you were at their age. ;) But you would not trade it for anything.

Yeah, life is so unfair! (It has not even begun…… ;))

01-04-2003, 09:04 AM
YA! Get a hair cut dude! Oh wait! Who am I to talk? ;)

01-04-2003, 10:10 AM
get the hair cut ( dont forget you can just have them trim it and mot really change anything but it will look better)

i caan see if they are paying, driving you there....ect then they have the right to tell you when its convienent for them to bring you but you should be able to choose how your hair is cut... ( ie the style)

01-04-2003, 01:11 PM
bummer man....i got my hair cut some time last month and that was the first time i got it cut in 3 years!!!! i had like a fro. i'll try to find a pic to show you guy, it looked sweet, i would use like 3 bottle of shampoo in a month. awww the good time. i got it cut cause it was to hard to get out paint that was in my hair.

01-04-2003, 03:58 PM
Shartly, all that stuff has to do with letting your kids choose their own haircut how? I was saying that why should parents care how thier kids choose to have their hair, and u go completely off topic lol...;)

01-04-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by InfinatyBPS
Shartly, all that stuff has to do with letting your kids choose their own haircut how? I was saying that why should parents care how thier kids choose to have their hair, and u go completely off topic lol...;)
Not really.. it has to do with why parents have a say in what their kids do.. to include what clothes they wear and their haircuts. ;) It was not off topic at all. It was just a wider scope of the topic. :D

On another note… you do realize that how you look and act are a direct reflection on your parents, right? And as such, they have a say in how the world sees you. Now folks can argue that this is not true, but it IS… like it or not. ;)

01-04-2003, 04:47 PM
wowzers sam, good stuff.

Okay mr. joker, you are apparently living at home (no matter if you are 14 or 104, you are at home and the folks make the rules. (period)

01-04-2003, 06:08 PM
Well played indeed SHartley... I used to neglect my parents until I realized how much they provided for me. You other kids should take a look around and think about what your parents do for you. Even when they punish me illogically in my eyes, I take into account all that they've provided. That doesn't mean I don't hate them sometimes, it just means I don't take things for granted.

Anyway, get a haircut, kid! :D

01-05-2003, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by shartley

Just be glad it was your Mom and not me. ;)

You like living under HER roof, right? You like eating the food SHE buys, right? You have enjoyed all the other things SHE has provided you with your entire life, right?

Seems pretty simple to me… GET A HAIRCUT! ;)

I hate it when my parents argue that against me!

Mr. T!
01-05-2003, 09:22 PM
Grow a mullet

01-05-2003, 10:33 PM
Dammit Sam, there you go, putting words in my mouth:)