View Full Version : emag #35 (AGD Techs respond please!)

01-03-2003, 01:19 PM
Im getting this emag is a trade

It was supposidly "fine tuned" by and AGD tech in the beggining of its life (batterypack removed and everyhing runs off of it). It is still has the old Super bolt. And the guy said it doesnt work any more so im getting a really good deal. He claims that the valve was honed out for lower pressures....but i thought that was all a mith with mags....anyways...i was wondering if any one working at AGD can tell me what they know about this emag. And the emag supports all mag bolts right?


01-03-2003, 01:26 PM
The Emag supports all mag bolts.

The rest sounds a little bogus. Especially the honing out of the valve for lower pressure.

01-03-2003, 01:26 PM
what are you tradeing for it

01-03-2003, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
what are you tradeing for it

The information that you provided is fairly accurate. I believe the valve was honed out as well for an attempt at part of a lower pressure system. But yeah that was definately an AGD marker...... :)

01-03-2003, 02:30 PM
That gun was hacked up by Carlos Bonta and possibly Jeff Schreiber worked on the valve. It's been through about a dozen different hands before it got to you. It was one of the original prototype E-Mags with the Lightning E Valve. Let me know what problems you have with the gun and I'll get it back up and running for you.

01-03-2003, 02:37 PM
That marker was made by Carl Bonta who used to work for us. It was given to him as a prototype and was not to be sold. It is not up to ANY kind of spec and is far from what we are currently producing.


Its posts like this that cause us to destroy prototypes now.


01-03-2003, 03:07 PM
I remember when that gun was for sale. I had just bought my e-mag and was mad because I couldn't justify buying a second one. :(
oh well, i'm sure you'll get your problems resolved, maybe swapping your superbolt for a lvl 10 would be worth trying.
I'll buy that old superbolt if it's still intact.

01-03-2003, 03:08 PM
Well I guess that about sums it doesn't it ;) It'd be nice to have...hopefully it works.. if you're getting it in a Trade KNOWING it doesn't work, good luck getting it running cuz it looks like AGD won't work on it.. I don't blame them either.. Nice looking setup tho.

01-03-2003, 03:11 PM

so wheres the battery pack?

01-03-2003, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by AGD


just wondering why you guys wont?

warp, its there, its on the bottom side of the grip, it was relocated like they did for the jacksonville warriors

01-03-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by rikkter

just wondering why you guys wont?

warp, its there, its on the bottom side of the grip, it was relocated like they did for the jacksonville warriors

ahh okay i see it now...it's behind the grip in the pic right? splashed the same as the rail? that's kinda cool..anyway to do that mod to the current emags?

01-03-2003, 03:19 PM
i dont believe they do. then again how hard could it be to do it yourself? from the looks they just use a wire.
relocate with some type of clamp. get the wire to the emag board. then run whatever else you want off of it would be logical to me:cool:

01-03-2003, 03:46 PM
so if the valve is completely crap....can i just buy a retro valve and slap it in there>>>>?? or what??

i was gonna put Lvl 10 in it...and hopefully it would work....
The guy im gettin it from said the bolt kept sticking so i figured it was jsut the old superbolt doing it.....then i figured lvl 10 would fix all that...

With the valve being honed out..can i still use the same old parts kit to fix it if nething seemed to be wrong when i get it>>>?? (to those of you who know about what as done to this gun....)

One more thing for AGD:
Can I still call in a register the gun in my name or it wouldnt really matter bc you wont honor the prototype?

And what exactly is a Lightning E Valve and how is it diffrent from our normal emag valves that we see today>?

01-03-2003, 03:48 PM
And for BlackVCG:

Thanks....ill keep in touch if there isnt anything i cant fix on this marker....I'd appreciate the help.

01-03-2003, 03:48 PM
dont you DARE buy a retro... when you can buy an Xvalve

maybe you can trade in the crappy valve for an X

01-03-2003, 03:50 PM
that's my brother's bedsheet! This is what carl told us. The valve chamber was made smaller to run at higher pressure. The on/off pin was shaved and became waaay to reactive in manual, hence the lack of trigger rod. A lot of the rail is shaved, making it lighter. It has an on/off switch on the battery pack. It has the original prototype superbolt, not the original generation. That gun rips like no other. What's wrong with it?

I miss that gun

I read a little closer this time. GET THAT GUN!!! if the bolt is sticking, I would bet it's a very easy fix. I bet the PT oring is worn and/or it's the wrong pt spacer and/or the gun isn't oiled.

01-03-2003, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by AGD
That marker was made by Carl Bonta who used to work for us. It was given to him as a prototype and was not to be sold. It is not up to ANY kind of spec and is far from what we are currently producing.


Its posts like this that cause us to destroy prototypes now.


slow down there tommy, il take those protos of yer hands:D ;)

01-03-2003, 03:55 PM
That is the gun from HELL!!!!

I worked on that gun for hours while I was in pittsburg. It was butchered to no end. Only later did I learn of the guns history and receive and *$$ chewing from TK for fixing It. If anyone wonders why AGD won't fix it ... It was a proto gift and they lost money on the gun building it . And if they repair it then they will be investing more money in something thet never sold.. (bad buisness)


01-03-2003, 04:03 PM
what exactly was wrong with the gun when you were working on it.....

I jsut dont understand how you can fix a mag for hours...lol...is that possible...

I have so many mixed replies...now im questioning if i should get it....
When you worked on did it look like it was even LvL10 compatible?

01-03-2003, 05:59 PM
and by the way...im trading an ECX spanky cocker for it

01-03-2003, 06:00 PM
if you like the battery pack on the side then buy it. you should be able to do the go retro trade in to get an xvavle because agd probably wants that (lighting) valve off the market for liablity reasons. i also remember hearing that the old superbolts would stick because the tip was to long and would hit the nubbin. so if you just get a xvalve that should fix everything, you may need a new board tho.

And TK, why not stamp "proto" on the side of prototypes or something. or maybe have the serial numbers be "PROTOxxxxx".

01-03-2003, 06:32 PM
Sounds a little fishy (the deal.)

I had a deal all setup to trade my LCD angel for it say.....3 weeks ago. After randomly going in chat and bringing it up i got a tongue lashing from tato man and cphilip and a couple others, saying it was the emag from hell and such.

I read all of bonta's original posts and figured out what he did to it (sorta). I'd be really interested if ya could tell us exactly what the problems were Kayle...

Anyhow, the fishy part.
Back when we were making a deal (this is sciblades right?) he told me he sent the gun off to get fixed. ABout 5 days later he said it was back and working like a charm. Now either its back to its sorry old broken state or he lyed about getting it fixed. Bring that up with him and see what he says. If you get it good luck. Its about as sweet and customized as an emag can get, but i hope it isnt more trouble than its worth.


01-03-2003, 08:42 PM
you are trading a cocker for ALL that stuff? or just the gun?

01-03-2003, 10:10 PM
I will gladly trade you my custom Blue AGD emag with goodies for it....I have Lvl 10 and everything.

01-03-2003, 11:13 PM
I think that it was totally wrong that guy sold that gun, it was a gift, and he sold it.

I know a kid who got a 2k2 timmy from his uncle, and went off and sold it the weekend after he got it, and bought an angel ir3... When he told me this thinking it was a good idea, I got upset with him and now he hates me. If you got a gift from someone because they care about you, are you going to go sell it, or keep it because they gave it to you. If my grandma buys me a talon, I'm going to keep it, I won't sell it, break it, mutilate it, I'll keep it.

Although it is a nice marker, I would suggest getting a plain emag... the battery pack is fine and you can mod your own on/off switch into it and its actually quite comfortable... and it can be worked on by AGD. I completely understand why AGD will not work on this gun, simply because its like, someone gives you something, than you sell it cause you screwed ups something inside, they send it to the person that gave it to you and ask them to fix it. Is that very nice... I mean its like if you gave someone a marker because it's your old backup and they are poor and can't afford one, would you be pretty mad if someone went and had a "For-Sale" sign on the wall of your local shop?

As I said before, buy a plain emag or trade for one... in the end, its a better deal :D

01-04-2003, 09:10 AM
Most of what was wrong was in the electronics. It looked like an abortion from the middle ages..The warp links and the power wiring were redone by me . This work was not something I am very proud of but I was on the road and didn't have much to work with. The gun worked fine and the guy was happy when he left, other than the lecture he got from TK. He was an innocent victom here so I fixed it the best way I could. If the electronics are still working then the gun will work. There may be issues with standard parts , like the on/off pin length, that may have to be custom fit. It has been too long and too many guns ago to remember exactly what it took to fix but it did work..

01-04-2003, 08:03 PM
Memories...I used to have one like that but it was 33 that i got from rusave911 2 years ago but then i sold it <sniff> <sniff>

01-04-2003, 08:50 PM
I remember when DarkRipper owned that gun and had nothing but trouble with it.

01-04-2003, 10:27 PM
That's not the one that DarkRipper owned and it's not the one that Kayle worked on that. The one Kayle worked on and DR owned was the black/purple/white splash one shown on the AGD website. That one is slightly different.

01-04-2003, 10:59 PM
the only problem we had with that gun was bad consistency because it hadn't been oiled in a while. Shot some oil down it, changed the pt oring once and a while and bam, crazy gun. We had made a custom lightning trigger for it and made it even crazier because it moved smoother in the journal. It was ugly and sold the gun before we could make another.

01-05-2003, 03:12 AM
yes im trading just my cocker for it.....and a J&J barrel

Ive made the decision to get it....bc of its controversy...
And if something is wrong with it then ill put in a little TLC.

And if you really want it after i get it...let me know
and i think about it..bc this gun is being thrown around like a sick fosterchild and it needs a good home...maybe here..maybe somewhere else.....

01-05-2003, 01:55 PM
I would buy it just to put on my shelf. I hope you have a backup gun though.