View Full Version : Interested in custom mag bodies? --AGD, pls respond!

01-03-2003, 10:55 PM
Hey, i am thinkin about getting some custom mag bodies made up. I have already had some spyder bodies made up and those are going well. I had someone with a mag ask about a custom body, so i wondered if anyone else would like one.

Here are the general specs that we are thinking of:

Cocker barrel threads
Angel Feed tubes
Cocker detent threads
One Peice body and body rail
Possibly an aluminum cover over the valve...i dunno how well it would work though. we have to look into that more.

These woule be made out of a single block of aluminum. The Al cover over the valve is just an idea so that people could possibly get it milled around the valve in any design such as flames, gills, fins, x-mag style, etc. And there would be enough aluminum on the body to mill.

I just want to know about how many people would be interested in these since the slug body and that new rail are out.

The reason i wanted someone with AGD(preferably Tom K.) is because someone said something about there being a possible infringement on the body because it is very similar to the x-mag body. I just want to make sure that i'm not doing that at all.

Thank You.

01-03-2003, 11:38 PM
people who want something to hold them over untill they can get an xmag should be interested, and seeing how popular the chimera (kilaueakid's custom sfl) is you may be able to sell alot. you should also try to make it fit emags, rtp's, and classics so you dont exclude anyone, and also try to make up a prototype because people would probably be more willing to buy one if they could see it first.

01-03-2003, 11:45 PM
You could also mill up some sluggo bodies, I know AGD is wanting to get rid of those, they are already cut for cocker threads and angel feed tube.

I'm assuming you know about these right?

01-03-2003, 11:47 PM
have you seen the slugg bodies that TK did for us?

He is doing another batch with material over the valve, maybe
you should talk to him about doing custom work on them instead
of doing a fresh one from scratch?

He got some issues covered like support rings and such that you
would have to clear.


01-03-2003, 11:50 PM
We don't support people making their own bodies for our guns. We prefer to do all the internal milling so it meets our specs. If you want to do something custom, get a slug and go at it.


01-03-2003, 11:52 PM
yeah, i know about the sluggo bodies.

but i didn't know about those custom ones you speak of. But i dont really understand the point in me buying a bunch of bodies to end up selling to others when they could get the same exact thing for cheaper from the manufacturer.

01-03-2003, 11:55 PM
you dont support it...does that mean you frown upon it, wont do work, or what?

i am sorta thinkin against not doing it since there are already those slug bodies that are basically the same w/ the valve covered. but i would still like to do it. maybe we could work out a deal, me and you could :)

01-03-2003, 11:56 PM
I think if you have a name doing custom bodies you could do the
work on the sluggo's & sell them.

Tom took the time to figure out the materials and make it so that
they will hold up. I would try to setup a dealer acct w/ him and
go from there. He is the manufacturor.

Then you can hack the bodies down, we (at clemson) have like 5 designs as
of now, our cnc should be back up next week so we can start
cutting the 2 bodies we have,
but I have 2 designs you could do w/ a verticle end mill.

If you want them, I would contribute the design in exchange
for 2 bodies done in any design that you mill and then
offer for sale.

These would be milled, but you would not need to polish or anno them.


01-04-2003, 12:04 AM
are you trying to make a "stock" body that you would sell and people would mill themselves, or a single custom body that you would sell? if you went with the sluggo people would probably buy them if they came ready to go, cause its easier then buying it and then finding someone to mill it.

01-04-2003, 12:08 AM
Im guessing it means if you have a custom milled, non slugo, body and you send it in for work, AGD wont fix it...

01-04-2003, 12:16 AM
i assume that too, but i dunno.

and to answer petofol: they are not milled at all, they are basically blocks of aluminum with holes drilled/tapped so that the buyers could mill/anno the bodies themselves

01-04-2003, 12:26 AM
you may have trouble selling them since thats pretty much what the sluggo is, and like TK said, the sluggo is made by agd so you know all the internal milling will be right. not to say that yours wouldnt be, but people would probably be more likely to buy an agd product.

01-04-2003, 12:33 AM
i understand fully. thats most of the reason why i asked TK about me getting them to make them and i get a good deal so i could sell them.

01-04-2003, 12:55 AM
I bet if you were to get a deal on a mass quantity of sluggo bodies, then mill and anno them you could make a few bucks re-selling them.