View Full Version : More "old" online movies. ABC's Nightline, circa '85

01-04-2003, 05:08 AM

12 megs worth of .wmv, but it's a 6 minte flick, ya know.

My copy of the tape is bad, the dub shows it in glaring detail. I think mine is like 5th gen copy. But this is some moderately bad press from around '85, filmed in California. The original source is "Nightline", if you remember that show, and Ted still had his hairpiece then...

Please, no flaming about barrel plugs or bad goggles (One guy is, in fact, wearing sunglasses to play in...) It's just the times. What disturbs me is the other snippet I'll put up later, where a psychologist says paintball encourages violent behavior.

To get the vid, right click and save to your hard drive, and open with any windows media player. OR, just click the link, and it will probably open automatically.

I'm looking for some feedback on this one, again, and just stimulating discussion. I'm good for that.

Get your copy before ABC sends me a legal letter!


Load SM5
01-04-2003, 11:54 AM
That was great. I actually think the old school thought is a little more honest. I loved the name of the games "Kill the Viet Cong Cammnder and Bring Back His Ear" Ha! Some of the markers where crazy. One looked like a PGP or Nelspot with a 20 round stick feed way up in the air. That looked like a lot of fun.

Thanks for sharing that.

01-04-2003, 12:11 PM
oooh...it finally starting downloading (took a while), and when it started it was FAST! will be done in 30 seconds! I'll check in in a sec!

01-04-2003, 12:21 PM
While I'm not gonna diss the times i fint it hard to believe no one took a face shot during just the filming, but maybe they woulda edited that out!

I'm really glad you put that up for us tyger, great educational experience for us young folk. Just to think what coulda been happening the day I was born.....Man, i missed out on stuff back then :)

Another tidbit, damn, those dudes knew how to shoot a pump. That one guy autotriggering like 5 bps fron the look of it was mighty impressive, and his barrel wasnt waving around in the air like mine when i try to auto trigger fast :)

Thanks Webdog, you guys rock

01-04-2003, 12:53 PM
That was great! Two things though: Is it just me or did the video lag behind the audio? Second, why does today's paintball(with its colorful jerseys) get a bad rap compared to those days of paintball(with its colorful game names and camo outfits, not to mention lack of proper eyewear :D )?

01-04-2003, 01:10 PM
jeez, one ladys says that she goes through 3000 rounds a game....
OMG LOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOL disney had a team called "mickeys jihad"

01-04-2003, 02:01 PM
Is the woman they interviewed, Dianna Dobbins, affiliated with Jerry Dobbins, the guy from ICD?

01-04-2003, 06:49 PM
Mickeys Jihad...if only they knew.

01-04-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by MrRottenTreats
Is the woman they interviewed, Dianna Dobbins, affiliated with Jerry Dobbins, the guy from ICD?

I don't know, but it's VERY possible.

She played on the "Bushmasters" team. Actually, I'll tell you guys this now, even though it's still uploading.

The "highlight reel" from the rest of that "Nightline" is being uploaded as I type. http://www.webdogradio.us/shorts/Nightline2.wmv Same drill as before. She's featured in that too. Basically, it's a psychologist who says that paintball is a bad activity becasue it encourages violence, then a field owner talking about paintball as a game, then Mrs. Dobbins talkign about paintball a bit. It's a highlight reel (9+ meg), but bothing is out of context.

Oh, and the video is probably from '86, NOT 85 like I thought at first. My mistake.


01-04-2003, 07:20 PM
You know, I was very surprised at how positively ABC portrayed paintball (even for the more "war" type image it had back then). If only we could get that now.:(

EDIT: I just watched the second one. IMO, it was apparent from the start of the interview, that the psychologist had no argument (it appeared as if he was trying to "make something out of nothing").

Load SM5
01-04-2003, 07:52 PM
The second vid is'nt working for me. Can't find file specified.

01-04-2003, 08:04 PM
Try it now, It's done. Hopefully, it'll work. If not, go to the base directory, and try it from there?


Load SM5
01-04-2003, 08:17 PM
Worked that time, thanks.

For a psychologist he is really out of touch with the human animal.

01-04-2003, 08:21 PM
Lot's of interesting footage there from the days of super-expensive oil-based paint. (Part of the reason it was so expensive)

What is funny about that is then they go and show all the expensive cars and have all these people who's professions are like doctor, dentist, etc...

I personally liked the PGP with the HUGE/Monster stick feed sticking up on the guys shoulder. And the lady saying, that the whole group went through about 3000 rounds for a several hour long game! If only they could see into the future.

And the dude that was autotriggerin' just before they interview the first person. That guy was smoking!!!

01-05-2003, 02:44 AM
hehehe...I actually scrimmaged the Bushmasters in 89. I had a Sheridan pump...they had top of the line Bushmasters (just another pump, but it was gravity fed, you could hold the trigger back and just pump and it would fire, and they had the "big" 12oz tanks). I was pinned in a little dry streambed...I thought the world was coming to an end, there was so much paint flying! If only I knew...:rolleyes:

01-05-2003, 04:06 AM
well, "Dianna Dobbins" may or may not be Jerry's wife..i'm not sure..but the voice does remind me of Riana Dobbins...I'd ask Riana but she has never mentioned her mother to me so I don't want to prod if somethings up...

01-05-2003, 04:29 AM
copies of GET SMART... used to be on nick at night... like 10+ yrs ago-ish....

Mad funny... Max was the man... sorta like 007 but not as smooth....

~da baller

01-05-2003, 04:11 PM
aww man thats great. I liked it how like they thought there guns were sweet back than (which they were)

I just wish I could take an angel back in time :)

01-05-2003, 04:20 PM
omfg I just watched the 2nd one, that doctor is the lamest person I seen in my life. He had no good reasons for saying PB is bad, and kept thinking hes always right. Idiot.

big E kingpin
01-05-2003, 05:05 PM
i wish i was there to argue with that guy. i wonder if he would play a game of tag, or chess.
as far as violence, i wonder if he enjoys boxing or wrestling.

01-05-2003, 06:36 PM
12 MB for 6 minutes of video!? cough*COMPRESSION*cough

01-05-2003, 07:21 PM
that was pretty interesting for the time period....
good job diggin up old news relating to paintball...

Would be funny if i went back in time with mY SFL... see wut would happen to all those pump and prehistory semi players. lol

~da "time travel" baller

01-05-2003, 08:50 PM
I REEEEEEEAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLY miss the old days. I'll probably never stop playing - but that brought back so many good memories that over shadow what the sport has become. Jeez, check out the big game section of the clip - real helicopters!?!? Now adays a "helicopter" is a piece of rope the squad hangs onto and can be brought down with a playing card - not a tippmann granade. I hate to say it but as our sport grows the less fun it becomes due to the insurance rules. I'm not arguing FPS limits, eye protection, or full-auto bans (in play only) but it's gotten to the point where some places won't even allow granades (they could "take" someones mask off...)

I liked it better when it was a real "extreme" sport. Now extreme just describes the money that hangers-on explote from the players - not the sport it's self.
