View Full Version : Walking/fanning the trigger

01-04-2003, 03:50 PM
I hear people talking about walking or fanning the trigger and getting a really high ROF...What is it and how do i do it?

01-04-2003, 03:57 PM
cant do it with a mag.. unless you have an emag

its when you use 2 fingers to shoot, you shoot with say your index finger, an when the trigger rebouds, you hit it with your middle finger. i can do it really fast with my friends imp.... really really fast.

01-04-2003, 04:02 PM
Well, there are two different things, and even then individual methods vary.

Both are only really useful on an electronic marker. Trying to walk a mechanical trigger seems pretty useless to me, and fanning an mechanical trigger will throw your accuracy to crap. Both rely on the light sensitivity of an electronic trigger.

With walking, you use your index and middle finger and push the trigger alternately with each. I personally can't walk a trigger for crap, although there are plenty of people who are excellent at it.

Fanning is when you use a wrist and/or forearm motion to pull the trigger instead of curling your finger for a "pull" like a normal shot. It sounds like it'd be slower but you can tense up your forearm and get it to move back and forth pretty rapidly.

My personal method would be best explained as using the side of my middle finger against the trigger, tightening up my forearm, and then you can cause it to to move back and forth pretty rapidly. It does tire out your forearm after a bit :) With a good enough trigger, you can put ythe inside of your finger against the bottom of the trigger guard and just trip the trigger from the very bottom.

The actual travel of your finger has to be very slight, though. A few millimeters, probably. I've seen people who don't know how to fan properly shake their whole damn hand around and it moves about an inch back and forth. Not only will a longer range of motion delay your ROF, but the more you are moving when you shoot, the less accurate you'll be (hence why fanning a mechanical trigger is poop accuracy).

Both walking and fanning won't work so well unless you have a shoulderable marker with a foregrip. You need the gun to be a fairly solid platform, which occurs best by holding the gun by the foregrip and bracing it against your shoulder.

I'm sure others have tips, hopefully mine made sense :)

01-04-2003, 04:17 PM
Yea...Thordic thanks alot. I fanned the trigger but i didn't know thats what i was doing

01-04-2003, 04:53 PM
you should write pamphlets for a living........like the Heimalich Manuver... (however u spell it) and such...

Cedar Grove aye....Where do you playin Jersey... im in Caldwell - usually Depot (its "decent") and ShootersPB at the Rexplex off the turnpike.

01-04-2003, 05:40 PM
Well I used to play at Top Gun a lot, and FBM on Sundays for BYOP.

When I was with Black Cell, I played up at Paintballistix but its not open to the public yet.

I havn't really played a whole hell of a lot lately, though. I have been paying my dad back money I owed him which seems to keep increasing as my car falls apart :), and I had some other non-paintball items I wanted to buy, like my new digital camera. I'm probably taking the rest of the winter off just to get everything sorted out financially. After that, who knows.

01-04-2003, 08:53 PM
Either of you two ever play at the ABC field?

01-04-2003, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by EsPo
cant do it with a mag.. unless you have an emag

not true, I can walk or fan my RT with Intelliframe damn fast. I fanned a classic with intelli as fast as Jedi here shot his emag :D

01-04-2003, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
you should write pamphlets for a living........like the Heimalich Manuver... (however u spell it) and such...

Cedar Grove aye....Where do you playin Jersey... im in Caldwell - usually Depot (its "decent") and ShootersPB at the Rexplex off the turnpike.

dude im in North Caldwell! Cool!

01-05-2003, 01:22 AM
leave it to aog to produce the largest quantity of n00bs on the smallest message board

01-05-2003, 02:05 AM
Blink.... I hope ur not referring to me.... I've been playing since 95....

In any case.... FBM kinda sux... explained that in another post 2-3 days ago.... Netting needs to all be redone... kids running the shack store - dont know wut they are doing, staging areas are mud. and a mess - nobody supervising so kids are shooting wildly into the air..

Have not played at ABC much due to the fact it has 3 someone decent fields.
Never play at Depot much anymore....

Mostly at On Target, or the Rutgers Paintball Fields, or Shooters PB at the Rexplex in Elizabeth, NJ.

~da "all over NJ" baller

01-05-2003, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by PsychoBaller
Blink.... I hope ur not referring to me.... I've been playing since 95....

In any case.... FBM kinda sux... explained that in another post 2-3 days ago.... Netting needs to all be redone... kids running the shack store - dont know wut they are doing, staging areas are mud. and a mess - nobody supervising so kids are shooting wildly into the air..

Have not played at ABC much due to the fact it has 3 someone decent fields.
Never play at Depot much anymore....

Mostly at On Target, or the Rutgers Paintball Fields, or Shooters PB at the Rexplex in Elizabeth, NJ.

~da "all over NJ" baller

I ment the thread starter.

01-05-2003, 02:29 AM
What I do to a trigger is niether walking or
fanning, I have a TL63 Trigger and what I do
is best described as a wrist twitch.
I support the marker with the off hand, my firing
hand is 1st finger straight up to the sky. My 2nd
finger is bent straight toward's the ground, with
the section between the first and second knuckle's
laying flat against the blade. Then you just learn
how to twitch you're wrist. I can outshoot any Revvy
or Halo A with this method, the only hopper that can
keep up with me is Halo B. I have'nt actually timed
it but I'm pretty sure I'm doing about 13-14 bps.
I know people are going to say Halo A is supposed
to do this easily, but in my experience this is
just not true. Anyways try it sometime it just might
work for you.
Rick :eek:

01-05-2003, 03:18 AM
I don't know about you guys, but I can shoot accuratly while "fanning" a trigger.

I brace the gun against my shoulder, holding the gun with my left hand, and kinda vibrating my hand. I used to play the violin, and piano, so I have that motion down. I believe I can hit a consistant 12 bps or so (maybe faster) and unload a hopper of paint + pods.

If done correctly, like the way I do, you don't necessarily loose any accuracy by fanning the trigger.

What I'm doing is probably simmilar to Festus. I'm also out-shooting a 12v revvie.

This is done on an impulse, mind you. I shoot normally on my RT. The trigger pull isn't light enough, but I actually like it better :)

01-05-2003, 03:53 AM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367

I brace the gun against my shoulder, holding the gun with my left hand, and kinda vibrating my hand. I used to play the violin, and piano, so I have that motion down.
What I'm doing is probably simmilar to Festus. I'm also out-shooting a 12v revvie.

This is done on an impulse, mind you. I shoot normally on my RT. The trigger pull isn't light enough, but I actually like it better :)
Great analogy I never thought of it that way, but you're
absolutely correct comparing it to the Violin thing.
I don't play myself but my sister does, so I know what
you mean and that's probably the best description there
is of what I do. Also correct that the only way I can
do this is with an E-Trigger marker {My E-Mag or my Tribal}
when I was shooting my old ReTro I could only get about
7-9 bps. So I almost Doubled My rate of fire by going to
an Electronic marker, I'll never go back.
Rick :eek:

01-05-2003, 03:55 AM
for a Timmy63 Blade Trigger... but in any case....

I was fooling around with the magnets about a week ago... my SFL trigger is rediculously light and speedy....

Fanning is what I used to do with my RT.... but the SFL trigger is sick.. Walking is nice.... specially in a park full of pedestrians... with geese and babys in carraiges... and.... errr. sorry... off topic...

~da baller

01-05-2003, 03:57 AM
You can fan mechanical triggers... quite easy too... I've properly fanned tippmanns, spyders, and intelliframed mags.

with a tippmann you shoulder the gun like you normall would, but stick the tank on top of the area between your shoulder and elbow. Stick your middle finger inside the trigger guard and just pull back and forth as fast as you can, since the tippmann trigger guard is so small your finger barely moves and you can fire around 7-8-9 bps with a stock tippmann.

with a spyder you do the same as the tippmann except put your finger towards the bottom of the trigger.

with a mag you can just hold your gun normally and instead of holding the trigger frame, stick your middle trigger inside the trigger guard and simply go back and forth.

***Warning : Closed Bolt Mechanical Markers Can Not Be Fanned***

This includes all autocockers and pumps :D

Yes I have seen some guy try to fan his pump and pump it trying to auto-trigger it, and I've seen guys try to fan hinge cockers... even slide trigger cockers.

I've actually fanned a slide trigger stock cocker and got around 7-8-9 bps :)

01-05-2003, 10:35 AM
ok blnk i'm a newb cuz i don't know what fanning a trigger is...yea...i guess playing for 6 years isn't long enough?
i just started playing speedball this year, so i guess i'm a newb to speedball

01-05-2003, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Derman2k
ok blnk i'm a newb cuz i don't know what fanning a trigger is...yea...i guess playing for 6 years isn't long enough?
i just started playing speedball this year, so i guess i'm a newb to speedball

n00b doesnt necessarily mean length playing....knowledge also plays a roll.

01-05-2003, 02:21 PM
yea, um you can fan a cocker, ive done it, and quite easily. apparently people dont know how to do it? i do the midle finger feature on a cocker and it works just fine. both slider and hinge triggers

01-05-2003, 08:46 PM
Yeah, Dude my friend TJ used to be able to fan the slide trigger of his cocker like it was nothing. It all depends on how you got the trigger set up, and I tell you that trigger was very short and smoothe. Too bad he sold his whole setup for durt cheap.

01-05-2003, 11:49 PM
I fanned my mag while I had it..
I cant remember if I actually did it in a game or not, you kind of dont make note on how you shoot and focus more on the game.. err... thats how I do it..
Walking, or atleast my experiance with my e-mag, is very hard to master. Sure you can pull off quick bursts but I'm not a very hand/eye coordinated/my reaction time is off/slow..
But yea.. I love the slide triggers, I dont know why..
I hope my brother gives me his cocker when he moves out :)
( he probally wont :rolleyes: )

01-06-2003, 03:08 PM
switch the Emag to hybrid mode and walk away. Insanely easy to walk the trigger on hybrid.

01-06-2003, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by SyntaxError

dude im in North Caldwell! Cool!

01-08-2003, 04:42 PM
Yeah, I've met you guys you know :) Hehe.

Anyway, you CAN fan a mechanical gun, but you are VERY likely to throw your aim off. That was my point.

01-08-2003, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Thordic
Both rely on the light sensitivity of an electronic trigger

i can fan with my 2x benchy, its not electronic

another way is to put one finger on the hump in the middle of a 2x trigger and mover your finger up and down

01-08-2003, 06:14 PM
Refer to my above post, BT. Its not about being able to fan, its about being able to maintain accuracy.