View Full Version : my first tournament

01-05-2003, 11:58 AM
On Jan. 18 im going to my first tournament. I was just wondering what to look for, when i get there.thanks

01-05-2003, 12:32 PM
Um, like what? What should you be looking for?

01-05-2003, 01:11 PM
Well being your first tourney you should expectintimdation. There will be guys there that have played for years. My first tourney, we played the third game. No one had made arun for the flag, we all shot spyders, tippmanns at the time so we decided it was time to win some respect. We went out broke to are postions then for the first time all day are front guys broke for the flag. We got the first pull but lost the game. You just kinda got to go out there not be scared and play the best paintball you can.

01-05-2003, 04:33 PM
Its really fun, thats all really
dont hold back

01-05-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by italian_animal
On Jan. 18 im going to my first tournament. I was just wondering what to look for, when i get there.thanks

Look for paintballs flying at you. Shoot back in that direction. Knock out all of your competition. Pretty simple.;)

Good Luck!

BTW what will you be shooting?

01-05-2003, 09:38 PM
make sure you get the rules straight from the orginizers mouth before hand, ask questions, and in case of a tight spot, figure out loop holes.;)

01-05-2003, 09:47 PM
Oh yeah, don't forget to have a friend dressed in black hiding in the woods next to the fields you are playing on. Arm him with a black Tippman Flatline(a matrix is probably to expensive for your first tourney) and tell him to shoot the other team during the game(this is important! If he shoots you you're out!) Make sure this "sniper" can outrun everyone else there!:p ;)

01-05-2003, 10:33 PM
dont expect to win...youll get there, but you wont do well the first one...but dont let it get you down

01-06-2003, 01:09 AM
I have to disagree from Kevmaster, go out there and play to win, i have only played in one tournament (small local) and got drafted in to a team by some friends(i went to watch and ended up playing) we lost the first game without any points, but by the second game we had most of it figured out and ended up winning 1st place.

So go and play to win and you will.

01-06-2003, 06:15 AM
First tourneys are a real learning curve, definitely play to the max, but also watch other teams and see how they move, communicate, where they break out to, and how they react when they lose one of their own players, and cover the missing position. It's a bit to take in, but as you watch you just see things happen. But most importantly, have fun, enjoy every game whether you win or lose. Even go up to more experienced players/teams and ask for advice, especially after you've just played them. If they're wanting to help out they will.

01-06-2003, 08:17 AM
note to the wise...dont play an open class tourney as ur first tourney...i did and had tons of fun being ripped on by bl ironmen and kapp factory...to name a few. we didnt come in last though :D. but i can say is dont expect to win listen to what ur backmen say and if u are a backman shout ur arse off so ur front and mid men can hear u. also listen alot i counter bunkered so many guys b/c i heard their foot steps coming and popped out and shot them right when they thought they were gonna bunker them a newb. i agree with bareback watch the other teams play especially the experienced ones. we did and it really helped b/c they actually knew what they were doing and stuff. lets see ummm what tourney are u playing? im also playing one on the 18th we might meet each other...

01-06-2003, 08:25 AM
hehe.. we played rookie our first tourny... and there was a bunch of teams that were supposed to be in open according to the rules....but they were buddies with the owner so they got to rip it up in rookie.....humph..

01-06-2003, 08:54 AM
yea really we got there and we see a bunch of older guys with dye, wdp, kapp, diablo, etc. stickers on their jerseys and we're like "are u sure we have the right adress??" oh yea!! try to get ur front man to get the flag every game thats the easiest points u can get and will stop the opposite team from getting a complete 100 point game.