View Full Version : kapp on/off question

01-05-2003, 09:21 PM
ive seen a few other on/off's in my life, and they all degass when you unscrew them... is it normal for my kapp one to not ungass when i unscrew it?

01-05-2003, 11:50 PM
I've also got a KAPP and it always degasses ok but sometimes the pin inside of it will stick in the "on" position so when I screw in my tank, it charges the gun right away. I'm not a real big fan of mine personally and I'm in the market to buy something different now.

Has anyone seen the new on/off that was advertised in APG where it has a lever type switch instead of screwing in the knob to charge the gun ? Wondering if they work well or not ?

01-06-2003, 12:18 AM
Check this out. They're 12 bucks at Palmer's Pursuit.
They don't do the same thing as the ASA on/offs though. There is still pressure in the line on both sides, it just helps you from wasting gas and you can make adjustments to the gun with the tank still attached but no gas in the chamber. http://moss.servebeer.com:3000/camera/12-12-2002%20832p/DSC00005.jpg

I had an NW spoon drop with an Awesome on/off, but its got 2 hole connections and i dont believe would fit on the Drop Zone

01-06-2003, 11:19 AM
I have a KAPP on/off and had the same problem this weekend. The pin inside the on/off is threaded and screws into the external screw that you use to gas/degas the marker. You need some needle-nose pliers to hold the pin in place while you screw in the on/off screw. Do that until it feels right to you. Hmm, maybe I shoulda used some locktite. =)

Chris aka. Yudanja

01-06-2003, 01:31 PM
If you look closely at the pin in the KAPP on/off, it's designed to be tightened down with a small socket. I believe it's around an 8mm (?) deep socket. Hold the part you normally screw in/out with your hand or a strap wrench and tighten the pin part down with the socket wrench. I did this once, two years ago, and haven't had a problem since.

01-06-2003, 04:50 PM
i just bought an on/off like the ons that are on remotes from pbgear