View Full Version : Need unbiased, HONEST opinions ( new to paintball ) mag vs. cocker ?

01-05-2003, 09:22 PM
i have a 68 autococker classic and im debating selling it and gettin something similar to this set up ( see link ). Im new to paintball so please dont be to harsh on me, or say mag just becuase you have one... arrghh you know what i mean, just honest opinons on the two.


01-05-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by corcoran_chris
i have a 68 autococker classic and im debating selling it and gettin something similar to this set up ( see link ). Im new to paintball so please dont be to harsh on me, or say mag just becuase you have one... arrghh you know what i mean, just honest opinons on the two.


Hahahahahahaha! Oh, you're serious. This is a: <img src="http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/flamethrower.gif"> waiting to happen.

Tell you what save up and buy one of these:

01-05-2003, 09:36 PM
what is wrong with the gun i posted? emags are nice too, thast something im considering as well. buti really dont see the need to shoot that much paint

01-05-2003, 09:38 PM
Just kidding! BTW, That is an X-Mag!

Seriously though, get what you like. You'll be the one shooting it. If it shoots well and you think it is cool, well then it is. You are the one who will be taking it home after you play. Take home the one you like better!

Good Luck!:D

01-05-2003, 09:38 PM
The Automag vs. AutoCocker has been done to death.

ALL the following threads are Cocker vs. Mags. I lost track, but there must be over 500 posts.







http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7269&highlight=auto+cocker (why should I buy a Mag)



01-05-2003, 09:40 PM
thats the thing, i dont know what i like better. thast why im looking for a generilization on that one from ebay. so please help out. does anyone want to buy the 68 classic of me? talk to me on aol- corcchris or msn [email protected]

01-05-2003, 09:49 PM
OK, you ask.
If you want to get it right the FIRST time, buy an RT Pro or an E-Mag. Any thing else will be a waste of (YOUR) money.

01-05-2003, 10:01 PM
Get anything but a mag, there fugly, shoot like ****, and will get made fun of at most fields, cause who wants a mag? Maybe people at these forums, and thats the whole population of mag shooters.

You challenge that curse filter one more time and you will get a vacation from the site - cphilip

Mega Man
01-05-2003, 10:05 PM
yes you NEED to actually physically hold and shoot paint through both and find out wich you personally prefer, my friend and I have been playing paintball for around 4 years and we always got the same guns, raptors, then tippmann, spyder, then when we got to the "next level" we split, we shot both and I liked mags better, he liked the cocker better, were still good friends and still both play and we dont compete or trash talk over whos gun is better....well not that much:rolleyes:

01-05-2003, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
Get anything but a mag, there fugly, shoot like ****, and will get made fun of at most fields, cause who wants a mag? Maybe people at these forums, and thats the whole population of mag shooters.

Dude, calm down. This is like 2 threads that you are going out of your way to flame people and or their markers. Your marker choice is like buying a car. Chevy people say Fords suck and visa versa. Let it go. Flame fests aren't fun to look at.

Guess what, I can afford any marker out there and I choose to get an X-Mag! So what does that mean to you...Nothing. I like it and am happy with it and you like your Angel and are happy with it so it's all good. Let this kid pick out a marker he thinks is cool and let him be happy too.

01-05-2003, 10:06 PM
what the hell crog?

01-05-2003, 10:19 PM
i just recently switched to a cocker, and i absolultey love it. the thing shoots darts. i broke one ball in a case, and that was a barrel break cause of crappy paint. i say, if you want change, get a cocker. if your gun works fine or you dont really need change, stick with ur mag.

01-05-2003, 10:24 PM
Mags and cockers are both good markers. I've shot both, I personally can't shoot a sliding trigger well so I opted for a mag. The cocker is also a nice gun to tinker with, the mag is just too simple to actually tweak unless you have lvl 10. Both markers have their ups and downs so it's your choice. I would say mag because of my good experience with them.

Crog, prove that a well tuned mag shoots like crap. It kinda sucks being a brainwashed marker pusher doesn't it crog? I mean, it sucks besides all the praise and hype you get. Don't flame mags unless you can disprove all of us with solid facts.

Guys, don't bother protecting mags. If people believe they suck, let them believe what they want. I mean, we say certain guns suck sometimes too... ok ok, so the real reason behind saying that is because I want to be able to actually get an xmag someday without it being on backorder for 10 years... that and people will be stubborn.

01-05-2003, 10:24 PM
Im sorry for that above comment, cause I was tired of pito and raptor saying mags are the best guns :rolleyes:

01-05-2003, 10:32 PM

but they are right! :D ;) :cool:

01-05-2003, 10:39 PM
if you want an UNBIASED opinion...dont come to a 'mag forum....its notgunna happen

01-05-2003, 10:41 PM
crog, imho, that was un called for, and you know it. you better check your self man. They feel it is the best marker, and for me it is. It suits my taste. I know how my marker works, why it works that way, and i can always count on it to perform the way i want it to. I am comefortable with it. you know as well as i do, there not ugly, they dont shoot like crap, and you wont get looked down on at the field.

Its opinions like that, that really boil my blood. Pito and the others feel that the mag is the best marker. Also, tell me why it isnt? last i checked, they dont chop, are consistent, not the most efficient but its there, and with the x-bodies and the sluggos commin out, there becomming sexy as well, so lets not bash markers here, no one does it. go to pbn if you want to do that. but not here

01-05-2003, 10:48 PM
There is no best gun, and some people can't seem to get that through their thick skulls. Try out a bunch at your feild, ask questions, find out what you like best for yourself. I myself have found both the Mag and Cocker to shoot phenomenally, and they both deserve respect for what they are. Of course, I think I'm going to start saving for a Trix soon (shot one at my feild for the first time, nearly creamed my pants).:cool:

01-05-2003, 11:01 PM
:Cough Cough: Search :Cough Cough: :rolleyes:


01-05-2003, 11:08 PM
I currently own an Autococker, but am switching back. I have owned 2 mags and 2 cockers and all were very nice. Hopefully now I can finally set things right though(mayby Morpheuoz can help by trading with me for his retro:) )

My tip: Make your own choice. Markers are more personal than stick deodorant. Shoot stuff and see what works for you.

01-05-2003, 11:20 PM
Well, since I own both, I feel I can contribute to this thread. I've shot the classic valved 'mags, an RT, and a 'Cocker. The 'Cocker is a tinker's marker (meaning if you want to mess with it, there's tons of aftermarket parts). The 'Mags don't have as wide a base of aftermarket parts (and most of those will either have no performance increase, or a performance decrease). Which do I prefer? Well, I've shot lots of paint through my RT, but barely any through my 'Cocker (it's my fault, I put it together from parts, and I still haven't made the effort to time it or get used to it). The RT is pretty much pick up, air up, load up, and play. I'm sure that when my 'Cocker is timed, it'll be the same way. My advice is to shoot the ones that you're interested in, then see which is more comfortable for you.

BTW, I've got the Shocktech hinge frame on my 'Cocker, and I don't really like it. If you do decide to get a 'Cocker, try out the trigger frames as well.

Little Matt
01-06-2003, 12:11 AM
Well, mags are cool in thier own way and cockers are cool in thier own way. Like its been said above you need to shoot both and see which one you like better.

But if you buy either of them save your money and buy the best. If you buy a cheap cocker thats what your going to have if you buy a cheap mag you are going to have a cheap mag.

and that whole argument about I don't want to shoot that much paint. Well you going to shoot as much paint as you want to. If you want to shoot 1 ball a sec thats pretty easy if you want to shoot 13+ well you gotta learn your trigger but thats pretty easy to. The gun doesn't shoot them on its own, you gotta pull the trigger and decide how many you want to come out.

but if you buy a mag, make sure you get a LvL 10. they are a necesscity. and if you buy a cocker make sure you get a swing frame.

On a side note, I don't use a mag or a cocker. I use a Impulse, and planing on getting a 03 shocker. I just like it on here becuase they get some good conversations going.


01-06-2003, 12:21 AM
I've owned 4 mags and 3 autocockers in the last 10 years and though I don't think I'm an expert I've had some experience with each. I'd have to say that the autococker has more "personality" but the mag is more reliable (due to its simplicity, which gives it less personality) and easier to tech. They can both be made to shoot very fast and very accurate, though they have a different feel to them. My autocockers were always more expensive to get them where I wanted them, but lately with the hinge triggers and new 3 ways my autococker is easier to shoot fast. You really should play a game with each if you can to find out what you like better. They are both great markers.

01-06-2003, 10:07 AM
Ok you can always tell a 'cocker owner because he is best friends with the local airsmith.....I have owned over 26 different variations of autocockers from 13 different companies. I love the way they shoot, I love the accuracy at lower BPS, and I love to get in there and learn about the tinkering aspect of it.......BUT, I hate being the guy at the side of the field still tinkering while the rest of the guys are out there playing. Than having to make your way to the pro-shop and spending another $100 on repairs. I know my way around an autococker's pneumatic system, and unless everything you get is not stock expect to be constantly tinkering.

01-06-2003, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by magman007
crog, imho, that was un called for, and you know it. you better check your self man. They feel it is the best marker, and for me it is. It suits my taste. I know how my marker works, why it works that way, and i can always count on it to perform the way i want it to. I am comefortable with it. you know as well as i do, there not ugly, they dont shoot like crap, and you wont get looked down on at the field.

Its opinions like that, that really boil my blood. Pito and the others feel that the mag is the best marker. Also, tell me why it isnt? last i checked, they dont chop, are consistent, not the most efficient but its there, and with the x-bodies and the sluggos commin out, there becomming sexy as well, so lets not bash markers here, no one does it. go to pbn if you want to do that. but not here

Oh god now you are going to turn this thread into a flaming thread, therefor get closed. You cant even accept an apology you brat.

Most guns now and days, dont shoot like crap, and dont chop. Crap, my freaking 1999 angel doesnt chop at all and can shoot it faster than most mags.

And yes most of them get looked down on. Who really takes a mag seriously at a field? No one, thats why no pros or any other teams in that matter really use mags. Why dont they? Well, thast up to you cause if I say it I will get flamed.

And I seriously think they are ugly. So I dont know it. Xmag look good yes, but all the others are ugly IMO.

01-06-2003, 04:09 PM
It all depends on your preference. PErsonally, i like mags better, less to <B>mess</B> with, pretty straightforward. Cockers have tons of <B>stuff</B> to <B>mess</B> with. I have used cockers, and own an Rt PRo. Cockers just take more work, and if u buy the right one, can be great. Mags are less work, and less $$, and more simplistic. Make your own decision, cause lets face it, most are biased one way or another

<B>Warning: No Cussing. Next offense = ban. -Miscue</B>

01-06-2003, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by dyewire
It all depends on your preference. PErsonally, i like mags better, less to **** with, pretty straightforward. Cockers have tons of **** to **** with. I have used cockers, and own an Rt PRo. Cockers just take more work, and if u buy the right one, can be great. Mags are less work, and less $$, and more simplistic. Make your own decision, cause lets face it, most are biased one way or another
impressive your first post and you got *'d three times. maybe you should try some less colorful words.

01-06-2003, 04:26 PM
Crog, there is this thing, called sponsorship... you know?

THe pro's get paid to use that marker.... that is why they use the markers they do, do you honestly think bad company would want to play tourny ball with spyders if they weent making money off of it?

Eve rhear of the JAx warriors? agd's old ALL mag PRO TEAM. they olny left, because they felt agd couldnt carry them any further with the funds. yes thats right, agd does not make as much money as smartparts or the others. maybe thats because others have more money to spend or marketing and the like as well as pro teams.

Oh, and just to remind you, the jax warriors reigned supreme using their mags... now look at them? i have spoken to the team members, and yes, many of them miss their mag, and would rather be using it than the black magic cockers they were shooting.

I didnt flame you, i expressed my opinions, if i recall you flamed. 2 times now, i most certainly am not a brat.

ANd people take my mag serriously, there is no reason not to. it is faster, more compact and has less to fool with than a cocker. Your comparing a mechanical to an electro, so be it, make the argument un fair.

Ive never been to a field, where mags were discriminated against, even at my predominately cocker impy field here in Chile, or my angel, ridden field in the US, no one discriminated when i had my classic, my rtp, my stock e-mag, nor my sfl.

oh, and to let you know, i had a cocker, didnt like her, and i traded her for my e-mag here is her picture.

01-06-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by magman007
Crog, there is this thing, called sponsorship... you know?

Yes, I also said about other teams than pros. Rookies, novice, anything. Sure they get sponserd, but even local teams dont use mags. Why would they when theres better guns out?

Originally posted by magman007

THe pro's get paid to use that marker.... that is why they use the markers they do, do you honestly think bad company would want to play tourny ball with spyders if they weent making money off of it?

Hmm...I didnt know avalanche, strange, etc. got paid to use a marker :rolleyes:. Something new to me. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by magman007

Eve rhear of the JAx warriors? agd's old ALL mag PRO TEAM. they olny left, because they felt agd couldnt carry them any further with the funds. yes thats right, agd does not make as much money as smartparts or the others. maybe thats because others have more money to spend or marketing and the like as well as pro teams.

Yeah, hence the word AGD's pro team. And why doesnt AGD have alot of money? People buy other markers than mags.

Originally posted by magman007

Oh, and just to remind you, the jax warriors reigned supreme using their mags... now look at them? i have spoken to the team members, and yes, many of them miss their mag, and would rather be using it than the black magic cockers they were shooting.

But black magic's are not even that great of guns. If I recall, most parts are in a stock 2k2 cocker but just has a different milling. I am prolly wrong, but still, I would choose a cocker over a mag anyday.

Originally posted by magman007

oh, and to let you know, i had a cocker, didnt like her, and i traded her for my e-mag here is her picture.

And why are you telling me this? Oh yeah, you tell me about comparing an electro to a mechanical, yet, you talk about your cocker to your emag :rolleyes:

01-06-2003, 06:03 PM
ok, i have been through a bunch of guns, and i have shot almost every type. i started with a spyer, then my mag, then my retro mag, and now my gz timmy.

i have to say that my classic mag with the classic valve was the best gun i have ever owned! why? i never had a problem with it, i never broke paint, and i didnt have to worry about scratching it or dropping it.

MY SUGGESTION: get a right feed automag, get a nitrogen system, get level 10, get a blade intelliframe, get a 12 volt revvy, and get a good barrel like a dye ultralite.

01-06-2003, 08:12 PM
And yes most of them get looked down on. Who really takes a mag seriously at a field? No one, thats why no pros or any other teams in that matter really use mags. Why dont they? Well, thast up to you cause if I say it I will get flamed.

The above quote was written by Crog but alas it's inaccurate. Manny Francia from Aftershock shoots a retro mag, and an SFL EMag. Perhaps you've seen PUSH? In it you'll find out that Rich Telford of the SC Ironmen used to shoot a Minimag. It wasn't dogged out by Avalanche or the other Ironmen...not trying to flame you but you are incorrect sir.

01-06-2003, 11:58 PM
What I dont understand is ppl that bring up pro's and what they use. Why should it matter what they use? Just because you use the same trombone or tuba that the Principal Trombone/Tuba player of the Chicago Symhony (the greatest low brass section in the world, imo) doesnt mean that you will play like them.

As for what the greatest gun is, its subjective, and everyone's personal answer is right. If i choose a Talon as the best gun, who is to say that I am wrong? What right do you have to say that I am wrong?

As for the question, I have both guns. (2k3 cocker, and an Emag) Ive also used an SFL and minimag, and honestly, I love both. Both guns are excellent markers. Depending on your purpose, of course, that should dictate what you need. Try them out, in fact, try out as many guns as you can try out. Then learn about them, and see which one appeals to you the most.

01-07-2003, 04:45 PM
Hey, guns are like cars, everybody has their own they are comfortable in. See, the thimg with cockers (I'm not bashing them, I DON'T wana get sucked into this debate) is yeah, they do have more parts. When I'm reffing, I always hear, oh man, my 3 way's leaking! or my regulator's leaking! or my timing is off! or it just won't shoot! I don't hear as many complaints about mags cuz they are simple. If you do wanna tinker with a mag, do what I did, get a Classic Mag and pump about $400 bucks into it, then you'll have a sexy looking paint slinger. Like i said, I'm not bashing cockers, personally I don't care for them, but if you do, that's fine, I judge players by how they play, not by what they shoot. HEY, WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE SAYING THAT THE GUN DOSEN'T MAKE THE PLAYER????

01-07-2003, 08:05 PM
Mmmm...sexy lookin paint slinger;)

01-07-2003, 08:21 PM
I thought a sexy lookin' paintslinger was Lisa Harvey or Bea Young, not a marker...You boys need to meet some women and learn what sexy really is.

01-07-2003, 08:28 PM
Hmmmmmm...........what if Lisa Harvey or Bea Young had a sexy looking marker?? DEADLY COMBINATION........

01-07-2003, 10:24 PM
Forget Cocker vs. Mag...how about forget them both and get a sexy Matrix..hahahhahha..hehehehehehhe..ahhahahhahahha

01-07-2003, 10:44 PM
ooooo...... Very nice!!! But......I'll still settle for my Classic!!

01-08-2003, 12:40 AM
I've owned a .68 mag, a STO cocker, and an E-mag. The .68 automag never worked well for me - it was great in the eearly-mid 90's, but I chopped paint in it all the time. Maybe it would do better with a HALO nowadays.

E-Mag vs. Cocker.... well, I prefer the E-Mag, but only because I really can't be botherred with treating my equipment very well or fixing things. Not that you have to do much of this with a cocker either - set it to work, and leave it alone,and you'll GENERALLY be fine, but for a guy like me who treats his equipment like crap, the resiliance of the e-mag is a big plus. If you're the kind of person who likes to have precise control over every aspect of your marker though, the cocker is probably for you.

Any crap anyone tells you about "accuracy" is just that. Match your paint to your barrel and pretty much every marker is equally accurate, save velocity fluctuation.

- Chris

01-08-2003, 01:10 AM
Here is how I see it, there are a couple of variables in markers that you need to think about:

Consistency, Speed, Looks, Weight, Reliability, Ease on Paint, Upgrades (a two edged sword).

Consistency, with a well setup mag or cocker, you will have very good consistency. Not a problem.

Speed, I think any mag (in the hands of an seasoned mag shooter) can be faster than cocker of similar price range. Most of us here have seen an emagnum shooting paint at 25bps. The electronic cocker kits can't come close to that. On a low end setup a Classic A.I.R. Valve can do 10-12 with no shootdown. Don't think a stock cocker could get quite that high. This is all pretty acadmic. Both should shoot faster than you need.

Looks, totally up to the owner.

Weight. A mag with SS mainbody is going to be heavier.

Reliability. The mag wins here. Even with the fun of level 10 tweaking, the mag is a super reliable and easy to fix marker.

Ease on paint. A level 7 mag can be hard on paint. But there is nothing like a level 10 mag. Speed + Easy on paint in one package. Good stuff.

Upgrades. Well I see this as both good and bad. A mag has less upgrades available, but that’s pretty much because out of the box it’s good to go. You don’t need a regulator. You don’t need a different bolt (unless you don’t have level 10). This means you don’t end up replacing all the parts on the marker. This also means that you have less customizability. I would call it a wash.

My conclusion is (and has been for some time) go with the Mag. But this is the house of mags.