View Full Version : Any real gun connoisseurs please look.

01-05-2003, 11:01 PM
I am going to get a new pistol and shotgun soon as my old ones have started to have problems. I am looking at the Glock 17c for a pistol and a Benelli Nova pump special purpose.
I like the glock because it has 3 safties and a good freind of ours is great with repairing them. They are also alot of fun to shoot. I dont have any experience with the Nova, but from what i hear its pure goodness :). It has ghost ring sights which are really nice, its also light. Any comments or suggestions before my family purchases these firearms?


01-06-2003, 01:06 AM
Last time i checked the only safty on a Glock is the trigger lock thing. And the other safty would be your finger. I have a 17c and love it. If you are planning on using it as a self defence weapon i wouldn't suggest the compensation because you will burn yourself while firing at the hip.

I don't know much about shotguns though, have fun with your new purchaces.

The Frymarker
01-06-2003, 08:43 AM
I like the antiques myself

01-06-2003, 08:57 AM
yea i hear novas are like beautiful to shoot...i wish i could afford one...but why go with pump? y not one of their autos? i donno i guess im just to lazy.

01-06-2003, 11:16 AM
I own a Glock, and they do have 3 safeties. Two are internal, one on the trigger. They are awesome pistols to shoot. However, you need to hold them firmly or they stovepipe. I have never had a problem with mine, and have had it for 10 years. As far as Binelli goes; they make great shotguns, period. My dad has one; i own a mossberg 500. If you wanna trick it out a little, check out scattergun technologies. They do great tactical work on shotguns.

01-06-2003, 11:21 AM
Benelli's are wonderful!

Glocks. em. well. They're good firearms. Personally I'm not a huge fan. I don't like the way they sit in my hand. If it's comfortable to you though, go for it. Especially if you have a tech handy!

01-06-2003, 11:24 AM
Well, there really isnt all that much to a glock...but, you are right. You need to have a glock in your hand beofre you buy one. They are large framed, and some people cant shoot them.

01-06-2003, 03:48 PM
y go with a pump? because there is nothing scaryer to a burgaler that the Chick chick sound.;) :D

01-06-2003, 03:52 PM
hmmm sounds like someones been playing too much counterstrike

01-06-2003, 04:50 PM
I am partial to Taurus Pistols...lifetime guarantee...and a terriffic price too...:D

01-06-2003, 05:08 PM
I'm not much of a glock fan myself... Didn't like the feel. Just wasn't comfortable...

Depending on what you're using the pistol for, I'd suggest either a Sig P***, or Good ole' Colt .45 :cool:

01-06-2003, 05:09 PM
Yeah, taurus makes really good pistols. Revolvers anyway, never tried their autos. Tanfoglio's are good too. Well made, good price. They feel like an inexpensive Sig.


Spazzed: Yeah I'm partial to Sig's and HKs. Bit pricey though. :(

01-06-2003, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Heat
hmmm sounds like someones been playing too much counterstrike

who are you talking to? if me you are greatly mistaken, i dont play counter strike, i am an active shooter and am some what knoledgeable about guns ( mostly military stuff)

01-06-2003, 05:20 PM
Almost forgot, if you have the $$ check out Caspian.

01-06-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by netjunk1e
Last time i checked the only safty on a Glock is the trigger lock thing. And the other safty would be your finger. I have a 17c and love it. If you are planning on using it as a self defence weapon i wouldn't suggest the compensation because you will burn yourself while firing at the hip.

I don't know much about shotguns though, have fun with your new purchaces.
I dont intead to be firing a pistol from the hip lol. I would be using the pistol for target shooting as normally i will go to the range every other weekend. I wouldnt be using it for self defense until i was 18, obviously. The shotgun would be used for bird hunting and defense.
The glock feels right at home in my hand, i liked the sig p220, however i prefer the 9mm over the .45 because i am not a full grown person and i can shoot the 9mm with more confidence and control.

Thanks for all the replies!

01-07-2003, 02:57 AM
the other safeties, like I said, are internal. One is a firing pin block, the other is, i believe, a sear disconnector.

01-07-2003, 03:16 AM
I believe in "You get for what you pay."

Smith & Wesson Performance Center puts out some nice handguns and my personal favorite is the Heckler and Koch USP.

01-07-2003, 04:39 AM
Another great one to look at is the
Springfield XD, it combine's the best
point's of the Glock's,Sig's, and Berreta.
Awsome little weapon.
Rick :eek:

01-07-2003, 04:54 AM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
I believe in "You get for what you pay."

Smith & Wesson Performance Center puts out some nice handguns and my personal favorite is the Heckler and Koch USP.

There are a few things left in our day and age where this aplies and I think pistols is one of them among my fav is s&w, H&k and sprinigfield arms for domestic firearms.

The taurus it talked about alot, they crank the guns out like none other and they seem pretty good too.. not to mension 100$ or more less then the "brand names" they are copied from. out of exeriance though I can tell you you will be sorry if you are looking for anything more then something to "toy" around with and some casual shooting. The ones I've seen then to get loose after a few hundred rounds and start to rattle.

Some of my favs are the 1911 APC .45 made by springfield and the sig p228. For some reason I'm more intriegued by automatics then revolvers... but both are cool...

The Frymarker
01-07-2003, 06:20 AM
Hey Tuna,

I have a Taurus .22, nice little handgun.

Captain Rolleyes
01-07-2003, 08:01 AM
make sure you get some of these duders

The Frymarker
01-07-2003, 08:25 AM
hahahalol that was too funny.

But hey I guess if you hold a handgun that way you might need one.:D

01-07-2003, 09:27 PM
i prefer revolvers, or 40 cal semi's.

01-07-2003, 09:58 PM
i can't tell you much about the glock, other than its a pretty nice all purpose(self defense, target, etc..) \
but for hunting, i would suggest a few of beretta's field shotguns. they are very nice, can get kinda pricy, but are quality, and taken care of are going to last you forever.

i have this one: http://www.beretta.com/frame_tabellaprodotti_2002.asp?sgmt=4&Model=686 Silver Pigeon S#

(link might not work, copy/paste might do it)

01-07-2003, 09:58 PM
What I noticed with the glocks i've fired, is that the balance will change a lot while firing the gun. When you empty out the clip, it gets forward-heavy a lot more than any other pistol I've fired. Kinda annoying, seeing that it's difficult for me to fire a hand-gun accuratly to begin with.

Honestly, I wouldn't own one myself.

...oh, and did I mention that the 10mm round is REALLY powerfull? :D

01-07-2003, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Xerces
i can't tell you much about the glock, other than its a pretty nice all purpose(self defense, target, etc..) \
but for hunting, i would suggest a few of beretta's field shotguns. they are very nice, can get kinda pricy, but are quality, and taken care of are going to last you forever.

i have this one: http://www.beretta.com/frame_tabellaprodotti_2002.asp?sgmt=4&Model=686 Silver Pigeon S#

(link might not work, copy/paste might do it)

Oh man, I shoot a Baretta Silver-Mallard hunter! I absolutly love it, it's a great hunting gun. All the wooden stock has a matte finish, and the metal has all been blued, so you don't get a bit of glare off it at all. The perfect hunting shotgun :) :)

the only thing that I have to complain about it, is that it's a little bit light-weight, which in turn makes for a bit of re-coil... but I'm no wuss! ;)

...oh, that and my dad put a nice scratch on the stock :mad:

01-07-2003, 10:09 PM
My cuzin has the Benelli, they are very very nice. I am thinkin about either gettin a Benalli or a Remington 870. I was also lookin at Mossberg, but i dont really like them that much.

01-07-2003, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
i own a mossberg 500.

YES im not the only one on AO with a 500 sorry i just felt special there for a second

01-07-2003, 10:13 PM
Benelli makes an oustanding product, BUT the Nova is not even close to their normal standards as expected. The foregrip is sloppy, the slide is very long even for a 3 1/2" chamber. They sell a recoil kit; as an option, to slide into the butt stock and for a good reason, the recoil is nasty. I had one and sold it for that reason, i warned the guy that it kicks like a mule before i sold it to him. That is exactly what he told me also after he took it turkey hunting. Yes it is light but your body will pay the price for it. Go Browning pump :)

I have Smith and Wesson Sigma series .40 cal, well one of the collection. Similar to the Glock and yes very fun to shoot. Little pricey though.

01-08-2003, 09:56 AM
I like the feel of a sig and they have very good quality and, we all know what quaity does:D

01-09-2003, 12:14 AM
Personally for a pistol i would go with a walther P99 but for the reason that it doesn't have a safty. as far as shotguns go i can't say.

01-09-2003, 01:34 AM
"You want to die with a man's gun, not a little sissy gun like that"
-Three Amigos

I like the Glocks. I prefer the .40 and .45 models. The 9mm was ok...but ive never really shot a 9mm i liked. If I could carry a weapon everyday, I would want a Glock. (but Los Angeles county refuses to hear my pleas for a CCW!) :D

I personally own a Para-Ordnance P-12 (I love .45!)...great handling, light(alloy) and compact...i just wish i was a better shot. :p


01-09-2003, 02:42 AM
I own an AK-47 and a WW2 vintage .45 pistol.

01-09-2003, 03:28 AM
I am very happy with my Ruger .40 S&W. It has given me no problems and once I added a set of Hogue grips it sits very nicely in my hand. I also have a Taurus Raging Bull .454 Casull and am pretty happy with that as well. Hey Jack, talk about a man's gun, that is it! I have to agree that I did not care for the Glocks I have fired, but that is a matter of preference, I believe that they produce a quality product. I am afraid that I can't offer any help on the shotgun, I shoot an old Stevens pump, but my girlfriend has a Remington 1100 that I like (for an autoloader).

01-09-2003, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by joeyjoe367
...oh, and did I mention that the 10mm round is REALLY powerfull? :D

Hey another 10mm fan! How'd a miss that!?!? Yeah you gotta love that caliber! Kinda expensive just to shoot though. Need to get another one. Anybody have a 10mm they want to trade for a .45? :D

01-09-2003, 01:37 PM
Heh...yeah that is sweet.. :)
Is that considered the most powerful (production, factory loaded) handgun? (or at least used to be?)


Originally posted by boggerman
I also have a Taurus Raging Bull .454 Casull and am pretty happy with that as well. Hey Jack, talk about a man's gun, that is it!

01-09-2003, 01:40 PM
Hey when you people say you want a gun for "self-defense"...what do you specifically mean? I mean are you talking about home defense or something to carry?


01-09-2003, 01:53 PM
10mm is an absolutely rediculous round. I think it was the BATF and FBI that used the 10mm for awhile and it just proved to be too much of a round for their officers and they developed the .40 S&W to replace it. .40 S&W IMO is the best self-defense round and .357SIG is good too, but not practical for reloading because of the bottle neck.

01-09-2003, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by BlackVCG
10mm is an absolutely rediculous round. I think it was the BATF and FBI that used the 10mm for awhile and it just proved to be too much of a round for their officers and they developed the .40 S&W to replace it. .40 S&W IMO is the best self-defense round and .357SIG is good too, but not practical for reloading because of the bottle neck.

Yeah, it packs a punch. I think the secret service was issued 10mm for awhile too. It's a bit much, but I don't find it much different then a .357 magnum. Never tried a 357 sig, agree on the .40 though.

01-09-2003, 04:30 PM
Hey Jack, I believe that the .454 is still the most powerful off-the-shelf round you can get, I know it packs more punch than the new .480 Ruger. I have read that the .480 splits the difference between .44 mag and the .454 Casull, however I have only messed with one at the Sportsmans Warehouse, I have not had the opportunity to shoot one yet.

I agree on the .40 S&W being a great defense round, packs good knock-down in a package that is comfortable to shoot one handed if necessary. I have been interested in the .357 Sig and I belive that there is a conversion for the pistol I shoot now, but ammo cost prevents me from doing this now, as I would just be target shooting with it anyway.

01-09-2003, 04:39 PM
It would appear everything I thought I knew about the 357 SIG is actually 357 magnum ballistics. So what's a 357sig? Is is like a weak 9x25?

01-09-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
Hey when you people say you want a gun for "self-defense"...what do you specifically mean? I mean are you talking about home defense or something to carry?


I mean self defence at home. Thats why i do not use my compensated glock because it ejects fire twards you which can blind/burn you in close quarters if you are not holding it away from your body.

And someone mentioned earlier that they cary P99 because of the last of a safty. To me, the "safties" on a glock are not really safties because they to not prevent a round from being fired when the trigger is pulled, which is what conventional safties do. Thats just my opinion. The glock's trigger safty really only prevents a round being fired by cause of a fall or jolt.

01-09-2003, 04:51 PM
Ive never shot a compensated pistol before. Does it make a lot of difference in the handling?


01-09-2003, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
Ive never shot a compensated pistol before. Does it make a lot of difference in the handling?


Well I haven't noticed much difference on a straight compensator in anything less the a 9mm. It's helps a .40 a little and just helps more and more the bigger the caliber or hotter the load.

01-09-2003, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Jack_Dubious
Ive never shot a compensated pistol before. Does it make a lot of difference in the handling?


Mines a .40 and i notice a difference, less rise. The other difference is you can;t aim after shooting 100 rounds or so because theres soo much carbon build up on the front sight:) . Other than that i like it, maybe because it looks cool too:)

01-09-2003, 05:37 PM
A 357 SIG is a .45 caseing necked down to .357 or 9mm so it's like a big pimpin 9mm

01-09-2003, 11:14 PM
Actually, the .357 Sig is a .40 S&W necked down to a .357 caliber. Many .40 pistols can be swapped over with just a barrel change and still use the same magazines. The advantages are higher muzzle velocity due to the lighter bullet and the bottleneck round eliminates misfeeds.

01-09-2003, 11:27 PM
i am thinking of buying a rifle. i dont know what to get though. i definately want a bolt action. just a gun to go to the range and shoot targets with. anyone have suggestions?

01-10-2003, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by AlabamaMan
A 357 SIG is a .45 caseing necked down to .357 or 9mm so it's like a big pimpin 9mm
Actually the necked down .45 case is used to make the .400
CorBon, you can get swap in barrel's for you're 1911 gov.
model pistol's. And it uses you're existing magazine's,
and barrel bushing.

BTW I built this one myself, it started life as an
Auto Ordinance/Thompson 1911A1,and I went from there.
It's still a .45 though because, I am a firm believer
in the "KNOCK DOWN POWER" of the .45 ACP.
It was good enough for the U.S. Military for almost
80 yr's. The only reason they switched to the 9 MM,
was pressure from NATO for commonality of ammunition.

01-10-2003, 03:25 AM
Yeah I Two Toned it.
The only original part's left in it,are
the slide, frame, disconector, and sear.
although the sear has been reworked considerably.
Rick :eek:

Remember: "Gun Control Mean's Hitting What You Aim At"
I'm a Firm Believer in Gun Control.

01-10-2003, 11:21 AM
mag-hatter, are you looking for large caliber or small? If you are looking for a small bore rifle I would suggest a .223 simply because ammo is dirt cheap and available anywhere ammo is sold. 30-06 is probably the least expensive large bore rifle to shoot, if cost is a concern to you.

01-11-2003, 12:44 AM
hmm i've shot a 22 before. it was nice, but a little weak. anything above a 223?

01-11-2003, 01:07 PM
223 is a completely different round than 22. 223 is the round used in the M-16 and AR-15. It is cheap to shoot because there is a lot of military surplus ammo out there, not because it is a little weenie round like a 22.