View Full Version : In Your Face - Movie Review

01-06-2003, 01:58 AM
First off, I know that people have posted on this topic before, but I know for a fact that almost nobody has actually seen the film. Today, 1/6/02, I had the pleasure of being invited into an exclusive showing in Aneheim, CA. After watching the movie, I felt that the previous posts about this movie do NOT do it justice. After saying that, here is the review.

Todd Jarvis, a unknown kid from a broken home, has only been good at one thing in his entire life; paintballing. Together, him and 4 of his friends practice in Todd backyard and the nearby woods. A big tournament is coming to town, with the reward of a trip to Hawaii to compete in the Western Nationals, all expenses paid. Todd and his team desperately want to win, but another team, led by Todd's rival, Ray, is also competing for the prize.

I would have to say that I really enjoyed seeing the people in the movie really playing paintball. From the cast members I spoke with, I learned that they played actual games before and during the filming. This led to paintball scenes that were, more or less, accurate. My sole complaint in this department is that scenes not relating to the action seemed to drag on a bit, but this is to be expected from any action movie. The choice of actors in the film was very very good in my opinion, except I wasn's cast:D Oh well, maybe the sequel.

The shots themselves did suprise me. Unlike the Trailers, the cameras are very well placed, and show great depth, including facial expressions during the action. For a lower budget movie, the filming and editing was very well done, and the shots add to the tension and excitement throughout the film.

I enjoyed the soundtrack, but then again, I go for the whole Punk thing. If driving rock and punk music isn't your style, then you might have a problem with the music.

I can't tell you this, it would ruin the movie!

Here's the biggie. I think paintball scores on this one, big time. This is the first mainstream movie I've ever seen that didn't cast a negative and warlike pallor over the sport. This movie shows the fun of paintball in a positive light, highlighting the teamwork and bonding that comes from the game. My biggest complaint, which many non-paintballers might not even notice, was the masks. While everyone wears appropriate headcover, they actors are a little too keen on taking their masks off after they are shot. Again, not a huge thing, but i was annoying to me.

Tom Kaye, during the big tourny, is leaning against a fence asking teams if they need another guy, adding that he is a pro, but is completely ignored by players. (Tom, I don't think they would even know who you are in this cruel, cocker-infested world we live in.)
AGD edit: Sorry that wasn't me it was Sonny Lopez from WGP

I think the move In Your Face is a great step forward for paintball in the eyes of the general public. Though soccer moms will probably object to swearing, lewd gestures, and occasional sexual reference, the movie captures the spirit of paintball, without focusing on the "violence" in the game. 2 thumbs up!

To buy a copy of the movie or view the trailers, visit the movies official website at www.paintballmovie.com

I'd appreciate if anyone whoSaw the movieand would like to review it would add their post to this thread, just to condense things down a bit.
