View Full Version : What's wrong here? aka: E-Mag about to be for sale

01-06-2003, 02:55 PM
After 2 weekends straight of nothing but chops in my Level 10, Warped E-mag I'm wondering if it's the barrel. At first I thought it was the level 10 but it's so sensitive you can barely feel it bounce off your finger. So then I thought it was too sensitive, and it wasn't firing consistently, bouncing off balls in the breech, and because of the Intellifed Warp, balls were being almost forced into the breech. But when I made the LVL 10 less sensitive, it seemed to work for a while, now I'm right back where I started. I'm constantly walking off the field with breaks trying to change the dwell on my warp or a carrier on my level 10. But yesterday, when I got home, I realized how cold the SS back on my Boomstick gets in the latest cold weather. Could that be causing the ball breaks? Almost like a tongue sticking to a metal pole? I'm really getting sick of fiddling the marker constantly, I just want to play. Any Ideas? But they're not barrel breaks, when a break happens my bolt is covered with paint. I'm using the metal P nubbin from my .68 Automag parts kit, I don't see how a nubbin could cause breaks like this but some people say it might. Also, can anyone recomend me a dwell setting on the e-mag to warp link? I've found that 1-2 jumpers is either not enough or too much. Anyway to get like 1.5? I think that might be contributing the to breaks. Also, I think the level 10 is TOO sensitive because when I haven't fired the marker for a few seconds the first trigger pull always results in the bolt stopping on the move forward and resetting (the way a level 10 is supposed to act when it encounted an obstruction.) Any help would be awesome.

01-06-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Stupi
...when a break happens my bolt is covered with paint. I'm using the metal P nubbin from my .68 Automag parts kit, I don't see how a nubbin could cause breaks like this but some people say it might.

The metal nubbins are harder on paint. Paint get very brittle in the cold. So it is possible that the metal nubbin is breaking the paint. It is also possible that it is allowing the warp to push a ball past the nubbin and therefore double feeding. Get some plastic nubbins.

01-06-2003, 04:10 PM
No. there is no way to get 1.5 on the warp. Here's my setup though-

Level 10- .5 Carrier, 1 Shim, Medium Spring
Warp- 3 jumpers

Here's my suggestion- you seem to have a good setup on the Level 10, so don't really change that. The more you fiddle with carriers, the more variables you have to deal with. Stick with ONE setup. That way you can evaluate where the problem is coming from.

Next, in cold weather, I've noticed that the Level 10 wants to bolt stick alot more. you have to keep that sucker really well oiled. So what I did when playing at Skirmish a few weeks ago was to put a few drops of oil in every tank refill. Keeps it nice and slick.

My last reccomendation is to start by changing the barrel nubbins. If that solves it, there ya go. If not, change the barrel completely. If they STILL break, try the level 7 kit back in there. As a last resort, do the level 10 setup again with a fresh o-ring and see what happens. Don't replicate your current setup.

Give that a shot and check back in with us.

01-06-2003, 09:15 PM
Last weekend I was using marballizers. I was figuring it was just the paint. But after I got home, I shot about 100 balls without a single break. This weekend I bought Polar Ice in hopes of not having the same problem... didn't fix anything. (and Polar Ice is hard to break)

01-06-2003, 09:18 PM
Level 10- .5 Carrier, 1 Shim, Medium Spring

I keep shifting between the .5 and the 1 carrier. Always using 2 shims and the long spring.

You already know where I'm at on the Warp, my question is: how does 3 jumpers do it for you? For me there's just not enough rotation per trigger pull, and I end up about ever 4-5 balls getting a blank. And I did keep it oiled. I switched carriers 3 times I think yesterday, oild them each time, and dropped a few drops into the line during the day. I'm about to place a nubbin order, I refuse to spend my next day of paintball fixing my marker again... if I do this marker will go up for sale.