View Full Version : Long shot ... please read

01-07-2003, 09:26 AM
If anyone is selling their Emag (who's not in DIRE need of immediate cash) ... I was wondering if you would be willing to use a little bit of AO love and work out a payment plan type deal.

Im in AZ where there's virtually nobody with Mags (especially Emags) but the few of us out here promote AGD with a VENGANCE (im pretty sure I sold 3 at the field last weekend ...lol).

In any case I have EXTREMELY tight funds and it would take me .. umm, I think the word is FOREVER, right now to save up for an Emag. I was wondering if anyone who's got an extra one (since a lot of us seem to be gun collectors, always getting new stuff) or is selling theirs for lack of use would consider doing a possible contractual thing.

I'd sign a contract saying $X funds would be paypal'd (or money ordered) each month on X date unless arrangements have been made.

I know its a longshot, an EXTREMELY long shot, but my reknewed faith in AGD (after reading some posts here lately) made me at least want to ask .... I'm one of those people where if I support a product I want something that turns heads from everyone (including the *high end* gun owners) ....

Anyhow, thought I'd just ask .... regardless I'm VERY proud to be part of this community and want to thank all of you for your knowledge that has helped me grow in the game and about markers.

oh and thanks to shartly too for the signature image.

Dave K

01-07-2003, 09:11 PM
markers forum.

01-08-2003, 01:30 AM
How often do you get to play in the winter monthes Digi?

01-08-2003, 02:05 AM
Very often ... I live in Arizona ... its in the 60/70's during the day here so anyday we can play (most fields are Friday/Sat/Sun from 9am to 4pm) .. and there's a large indoor field by me (which I played on last weekened) which is open til 8pm daily ..

I play every week or other week...

Dave K