View Full Version : New info on a NE AO dayt

01-07-2003, 12:46 PM
I spoke with Mike (Goody) of P&L paintball about having an AO day at his indoor place.

The normal prices are something like $30 to get in w/ air and $90 per case of Team Colors or comprable paint.

He offered us a deal for an AO day. It's either Free entry and all day air with $90 per case or $30 to get in with all day air and $65 per case The first is good if you plan on shooting a case of paint (I generaly do) and the second is good if you want to split a case with someone else.

Let me know what you guys think. I told him I would get back to him with a date if we deside to do it.

01-07-2003, 01:31 PM
Looks good, not too far a ride, only 3 and a half hours.

Anyone who lives near there have a couch and a shower, though, just in case I need a place to clean up and/or pass out for the night? If I just go up and hang out, etc, I'd drive home, but if I'm going all out I'm gonna be pretty beat for a 3-4 hour drive.

01-07-2003, 01:49 PM
Hey, I'm in. $30 + $65 works for me...in case I like to shoot more paint!

EDIT: need to do it fairly soon...no idea how long I will be stateside anymore

01-07-2003, 01:52 PM
Im in for whenever, needs to be a weekend i came come up from school (New Britain Ct) but other than that count me in.

01-07-2003, 02:23 PM
Ok, my drill schedule is 22-23 feb...so any other weekend than that is fine for me.

01-07-2003, 02:39 PM
im in, 90 bucks is reasonable. dunno what i am going to do about rides. where is the field?

01-07-2003, 02:45 PM
The directions can be found here:


01-07-2003, 03:02 PM
90 bucks is reasonable? Not in my eyes. I'm playing PB on a shoe-string budget...couldn't we play at someplace like Friendly Fire, where you can bring your own paint? Even BP Somerville has cheaper rates than that... $15 entry fee, $10 all day air, $80 bucks a case. I'd go if we're doing it at friendly fire, but 90 a case seems too steep for my wallet.

01-07-2003, 03:09 PM


Still seems cheaper to me.

01-07-2003, 03:45 PM
Umm dark
90 includes a case of paint admission and air........

01-07-2003, 04:10 PM
I'll go as long as i can get more then one game in this time .... stupid work:(

01-07-2003, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Gecko
Umm dark
90 includes a case of paint admission and air........ My bad man, I read it as $30 for admission and air, $90 per case.... :rolleyes:

01-07-2003, 04:32 PM
Wow! That is a wicked deal. I payed roughly 90 for admission, all day air, and HALF a case at CCPB for the first AO NE Day. I'm in for the $90 deal. I'd like to do it soon or maybe the 15-16 of February. Oh man, I can't wait! :D

01-07-2003, 04:44 PM
I'm in as long as I can get at least two weeks notice to my work. Sound's fun, I had couldn't make the first one and I don't want to miss this one.


01-07-2003, 04:52 PM
I nominate sat jan 25th
Tramp, is that a rec day or supair?
People feel free to list good dates

01-08-2003, 02:36 AM
Jan 25 works for me. Either way, let me know, so I can plan ahead. If I get enough notice, Thor, I can let you crash at my place. I am roughly 45 mins to an hr from the PB field; if anyone is closer and can put you up thats cool. If no, you're welcome to stay with me (if you can fit that damn huge head of yours through my door ;) ).

01-08-2003, 04:43 AM
NJ to MA is a far ride.... let me go hit up MapQuest and tally the final distance.... hehehehe.... 2+ hours is not outta my range.....
I'll find out and get back to this post... heh

~da "always traveling far for stuff" baller

01-08-2003, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Remington
Wow! That is a wicked deal. I payed roughly 90 for admission, all day air, and HALF a case at CCPB for the first AO NE Day. I'm in for the $90 deal. I'd like to do it soon or maybe the 15-16 of February. Oh man, I can't wait! :D
i only spent 95 and got all day air,add mission, and a case of paint

20+10+65 anyway i still havent gotten to see a calander for pnl tourneys yet but im hoping to make ao day 3(if this one turns out well enough for #2 anyway if anyone would like to help me im planing for mid april, please feel free to give me a pm, ill scan some pics of all their new airball pieces its really cool!

01-08-2003, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by oldsoldier
Thor, I can let you crash at my place. I am roughly 45 mins to an hr from the PB field; if anyone is closer and can put you up thats cool. If no, you're welcome to stay with me (if you can fit that damn huge head of yours through my door ;) ).

Thanks, and I'll make sure to keep a bottle of oil in my pocket to grease myself in case I get stuck in any openings. :)

01-08-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Gecko
I nominate sat jan 25th
Tramp, is that a rec day or supair?

Jan 25 works for me.

As far as the sup air goes, Mike said he only sets it up on team practice days because it's several hundred dollars in labor to get them both going. I was thinking of offering the services of a few of us to help him set them up so he doesn't have to pay his people to do it. Or we can set or date for a time we know they will be up.

01-08-2003, 01:33 PM
I'm in. I missed the last one and don't want to pass on this one. I'd rather do the $30 admission plus $65 a case. If you shoot a lot of paint it's less expensive if you want to buy more or if you want to split cases with folks.

Thoridc - I have a spare room at my house if you want it. I'm about 50 minutes from the field and nam 10 mins from the Mass Pike.

01-08-2003, 01:39 PM
Ok, Jan 25th. I am taking the night before off from work...cool! My first time in my new jersey!!!

01-08-2003, 04:06 PM
Jan. 25th sounds good to me too. We should definetly try and get the Sup'Air up, I gotta practice for the NEPL tournaments this summer. :D

01-08-2003, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Remington
I gotta practice for the NEPL tournaments this summer. :D

Are you planning on entering the P&L series this season?

01-08-2003, 04:30 PM
I'm really not sure. I'm trying to get a 3 man team togther(I'd like to do a 5 man but I don't think I can find the dedication or funds needed to do so) to compete. I want to get into the tournament scene soon and figured, "Hey, why not this summer!?!" Anyway. What's the difference between the two: NEPL vs. P&L?

01-08-2003, 04:51 PM
The difference in the P&L series and the NEPL series is really the intensity level. P&L is a good place to start when getting involved in the tournament scene for the first time. A five man entry fee into P&L is $250 per team for the novice division. Also, the P&L series is run and managed by P&L paintabll and reffed by NEPL teams. Tramp and I played on AO Nightmare (All AO members) and did 3 of the four P&l tournaments last year. We may be looking for another player so if you're interested let us know.

01-08-2003, 06:20 PM
Yea I'm definetly interested. I'm not sure if my skill level is up to par with you guys(I haven't played in 3 months either) but I'd love to tryout or something. Let me know if you ever need another player. Thanks. :)

01-08-2003, 06:32 PM
Go ahead and count me in.

But lets look at the math for a minute...

My situtation: entry + air + 1 case
example A - free entry/air + $90/case = $90 total
example B - entry/air $30 + $65/case = $95 total

so example A wins!

Next situation: 2 people splitting case: 2 entrys + 2 airs + 1 case
example A - 2 free entrys/air + $90/case = $90 / 2 = $45 total per person
example B - 2 entry/air $70 + $65/case = $135 / 2 = $67.50 total per person

example A wins again!

Last situation: 1 person entry + air + 2 cases
example A - free entry/air + $180/2 cases = $180 total
example B - entry/air $30 + $130/2 cases = $160 total

example B wins this round.

Sorry to be longwinded, but I vote for free entry/air and $90 cases. The only way $30 entry and $65 cases makes sense is if you shoot more than a case. Last time I only shot 1000 rounds, so 1 case is plenty for me. Who is really going to shoot 4000 rounds in recball and spend $160 doing it?

Just my $0.02

01-08-2003, 06:40 PM
Haha, well said Carl! :D

01-08-2003, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by RusskiX
Who is really going to shoot 4000 rounds in recball and spend $160 doing it?

well...last time i went out (took a trip down to stingers in ct) i brought 2 1/2 cases with me (they ran a play for $5 day with your own paint day i couldn't pass that up)... i walked in with said 2.5 cases and left with 1 150rd pod at the end of the day.... yes i go trigger happy.... i'm mr coverfire... ask the AO_nightmare guyz :D

now if i could get the time off to go and if my back is up to it (been kinda sore witht he cold and such) i may be up for this.... either pay option works for me as i will probly shoot more then a case anyway.... i havn't played in a few months and my mag will look forward to shooting that much =)

so count me as a maybe for this one....

01-08-2003, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by virus
been kinda sore with the cold and such

Ut oh, you don't have that nasty Norwalk flu do you? I've been hearing some really bad stuff about that bug. I may end up getting a flu shot soon. :( Hope you feel better.

01-08-2003, 09:26 PM
no... just a buldging disk in my lower back.... extreme weather (too hot or too cold) and my back isnt too happy with me.... i usally just tune it out but for the hour & 1/2 it would take me to get there and then the ride home.... it acts up a little....

figure a pin and neddle sensation starting about 2 inches above the waist and shooting down to both ankles.... those are the bad dayz... the good ones ie normal dayz just a dull throb in the same areas.... and the longer i am in one posistion the worse it gets....

01-08-2003, 10:39 PM
thor-you can throw down at my place if ya like i got a room fo ya here, and it mite work really nice this way cuz i could get a ride from you to the field (dont ahve my own car) if you came up the nite b4. if not what ever, but its got 2 beds! lol
im about 45-50 min away also in the burbs. pm me for addy mite be closer farther away depending on which way you come up

01-08-2003, 11:29 PM
Correction on the part of AO Nightmare, we competed in 4 PNL events last year, not 3 :). And I guess the 25th would be alright with me, but I'm already taking the 19th off for our practice...


The Frymarker
01-09-2003, 10:54 AM
Hopefully I'll be there, if not with the hubby than with my brother in law

01-09-2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by The Frymarker
Hopefully I'll be there, if not with the hubby than with my brother in law

You are going to play this time, right? ;) :)

01-13-2003, 04:28 PM
Hey I figured you guys could inform me better about this:

Is the AO Day confirmed and the price of free admit and air and paint at $90/case? Did he specify what kind of paint?

Has Goody agreed to use the Sup'Air setup or is he saying it's too much to set up? If he doesn't what will he be using? It's definitely indoor right?

Is it basically going to be open play or are official teams being formed? Any ideas of the number of people it's looking to be right now? It's not going to be a small indoor field with 300 people each side is it? We'd be tripping over each other on the break every time.

I'm definitely interested in being there (with my new X-Valved Mag With Intelliframe too), keep me informed.

01-13-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by QUINCYMASSGUY
[B]Hey I figured you guys could inform me better about this:

Is the AO Day confirmed and the price of free admit and air and paint at $90/case? Did he specify what kind of paint?]

He said Team Colors or comprable

Has Goody agreed to use the Sup'Air setup or is he saying it's too much to set up? If he doesn't what will he be using? It's definitely indoor right?

He's saying that he general doesn't set them up for for non-team practice days because it costs too much. That's why I'm trying to see if he'll set them up if we help so he doesn't have to pay his people to do it. It's Definitely indoors.

Is it basically going to be open play or are official teams being formed? Any ideas of the number of people it's looking to be right now? It's not going to be a small indoor field with 300 people each side is it? We'd be tripping over each other on the break every time.

I don't see us having more than 40 people including friends so there shouldn't be a problem. He also said that if it's really crazy he sets the air fields up anyway.

01-13-2003, 04:47 PM
What WAS the final decision on pricing? $30=$65, or $90? I may have to limit my playing time, cuz there is NO WAY I will pay for more than one case at that price.

01-13-2003, 04:57 PM
If you pay the 30 for field fees and air then you can have the $65 case (or cases). I mightbe able to talk him into giving us second cases at $65 if we go the $90 but we could just plan on doing the first option for everyone from the beginning so there wont be any confusion. There would really only be a $5 savings if one case is bought.

01-15-2003, 04:57 PM
Up...we have a count of everyone attending?

01-15-2003, 05:00 PM
so whats the final word on field, and date?

01-15-2003, 05:01 PM
I'm there with FallChildrenAFI and one other friend. We're going to try and get there early to help set-up the Sup'Air if Mike lets us.

big E kingpin
01-15-2003, 06:59 PM
as far as i know it takes an act of congress or on p&ls team to play sup air. unless you already worked it out withthem. ill go play, i have been tring to get on that air feild for some time now

01-15-2003, 07:54 PM
i'm in

01-15-2003, 08:06 PM
i will be there also.
if there is no sup-air it might be a bit small for more than 50ish people and for that price you should have all the room you want.

01-15-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by big E kingpin
as far as i know it takes an act of congress or on p&ls team to play sup air. unless you already worked it out withthem. ill go play, i have been tring to get on that air feild for some time now

Last season the air field was up every Sunday I made it down there. I guess he's not setting it up as often this year. The "already worked it out" thing is what I'm working on right now. :)

I'm going to pitch my idea of saving him the labor costs on Saturday. If it doesn't work out (I think it should) then the non air field is pretty big so we should still have a good time.

big E kingpin
01-15-2003, 09:22 PM
cool count me in then

01-16-2003, 03:33 AM
hell, I'll play out back if I need to. I MAY be dragging along a coworker...would be his first time not playing outlaw. We'll see. Either way, I'll be there...hopefully my new barrel kit will be in by then!!!

01-16-2003, 05:22 AM
Hope to attend. anyone going looking to sell a tank. At cape cod though I had one but it had a leak in the fill nipple. If anyone has one to sell bring it. or if one has one my dad can use that day that would be great. Have two mags with elect. trigger frame and only one tank. Do not want to use C02 if possible.(this is the dad using sons login me will be pissed ...)

01-16-2003, 10:26 AM
I've got an extra tank so no worries there. I have to figure out my stuff but it might be for sale.

01-16-2003, 10:53 AM
:insert cheesy plug here:
i'll have a centerfeed lvl 10 emag there for sale with me
650 :D
:end cheesy plug:

The Frymarker
01-16-2003, 10:58 AM
Hey guys, well I should have a few goodies for you.

I will be bringing grips...of course, I have PJ T's and I just ordered a few of my T's hopefully they will be here in time. I will bring some guard gear for the ladies.

And hopefully I will have it done by next week. A rattle snake skin emag package that I will have for sale, includes pair of grips, battery pack and switches.

01-16-2003, 05:05 PM

I'll have a Classic 'mag for sale with me.
$200, $225 with 20oz Anti-Siphon CO2.
PM me for specs if you are interested.


heh, if Gecko gets to do it, so do I! :)

01-16-2003, 05:13 PM
Personaly, I think people show bring anything they want to trade or sell. That way a few things could happen without having to deal with the internet and mail. I'm not trying to turn this into a swap meet just make it so someone who needs a part or whatever might be able to get it.

01-16-2003, 05:22 PM
If anyone is looking for a hopper right minimag body I'll have one for sale that day(I need to use it though so I'd have to give it to you after it's all over). I'm looking to get $90 for it. :D

01-16-2003, 05:28 PM
A minimag for $85? Where were you six months ago buddy, I'd have offered $100 out of pure ethics (I own one now though and don't need a second, sorry)? Go higher man, you're ripping yourself off. Makes mine look like a cheap piece of equipment! :D I'll be there ripping with my XValved, Intellifeeded Mini so it's all good, but you're definitely selling that low!
What are you getting instead?

01-16-2003, 05:34 PM
OK guys, we can't turn this into a classified thread or the mods will close it. Thet's just say that we'll bring what we've got and leave it at that.