View Full Version : Ronn Stern PB Camp info

01-07-2003, 01:28 PM
Ok AO, the Ronn Stern Paintball Camp website went online and is located at www.paintballcamps.com

If you have any questions pertaining to the field where the camp will be held, go to www.splatbrotherspaintball.com

01-07-2003, 02:28 PM
Everyone should come to the camp so Tom, Rocky, Jon, Shanon, Bea and I can teach you guys all sortsa neat stuff. (that sales pitch took me months of careful planning)
Josh :D

01-07-2003, 07:41 PM
thanks Josh...you need to get John to come to these things man...get the whole PB2X crew

01-07-2003, 07:48 PM
OMg its teh best instructor EVAR!!! Its Tom KAye!! I wanna be in his class or whatever!!
YAy! :D
2 cases sounds kind of small..
I need improving on my skills anyway.. what I would really like is a tech class with TK though :D

01-07-2003, 07:49 PM
Amodea only lives about an hour and change from where the camp will be held...I live about 40 minutes away myself. I suppose if you guys REALLY wanted him to come down I could see it in my heart to drag the boss out of the office for a while. Either way it'll be a blast...and all you guys don't forget one thing...you're paying for more than just days of fun and learning with a bunch of great people (oh and me too), Bea and I will also be covering the camps for PB2X, so you might also get a shot at some fame if you come on down!

01-07-2003, 07:51 PM
Hey Persondude...Tom IS teaching a tech class at the Camp...come down and get some Mag knowledge from the man himself.

01-07-2003, 07:55 PM
Does anyone know how much you actually play or what? It doesnt actually say

01-07-2003, 07:58 PM
i would go, but 700 without travel expenses is too much.

01-07-2003, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by Josh2Xtremes
Hey Persondude...Tom IS teaching a tech class at the Camp...come down and get some Mag knowledge from the man himself.
Yea, I know, I saw that!!!!!!
It sounds like great fun.. I hope it would be worth the drive (and dragging my mom up there too lol)

But 2 cases? Come on.. I know I shoot half a case a day, but that was with my MAG! Now I'm getting an e-mag :D

hehe I wonder if Tom will remember me from SCAO :D
Pie boy! dadda daaa! :rolleyes:

edit: falcon lol it says on the front page
Learn how to get to your bunker and be effective up front, by one of the world's best front players Rocky Cagnoni
Become skilled at snap shooting your mirror as taught by John Call
Study with Bea Youngs as she shares how to sweet spot your opponent's running lanes
Walk the fields with Shannon Mahone and learn how to identify the "must make" bunkers.
VIP instructors Tom Kaye, Josh Silverman, and Ronn Stern, will share technical & practical knowledge invaluable to all paintball players.

from what I gather its going to be more of working on skills than anything.

01-07-2003, 08:06 PM
I'm talking to my parents about it right now:D How much does the tech classes cost?? I hope I get my Xmag before I go on the trip:D :D I can't pass up appearing in Paintball2xtremes...maybe..and seeing Bea Youngs*thinks of poster in his room*

01-07-2003, 09:30 PM
*thinks of looking at bunny's bea poster in his room*

josh, do u need and extra photographers?:D

and i still wanna shoot drew's nasty daggumit!

01-07-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Josh2Xtremes
Amodea only lives about an hour and change from where the camp will be held...I live about 40 minutes away myself. I suppose if you guys REALLY wanted him to come down I could see it in my heart to drag the boss out of the office for a while. Either way it'll be a blast...and all you guys don't forget one thing...you're paying for more than just days of fun and learning with a bunch of great people (oh and me too), Bea and I will also be covering the camps for PB2X, so you might also get a shot at some fame if you come on down!

Yeh, I want Amodea :p Hes too lazy to come though...acutally... ive been quite impressed with my article and how quickly yall are moving, so mainly, i want an excuse to meet him:D

Oh well...now im off to figure out how im gunna afford a $700 paintball camp, a trip to the IAO and tournaments every month($200 each) starting in Feb....
(I Guess this means yall at PB2X will see more articles from me)

01-07-2003, 10:39 PM
i just don't think i will be able to afford even the day camp section myself:(

Oh well, i guess i will try and convince Ronn and Don to let me come for part of one day and meet Tom