View Full Version : Will These Fit???

01-07-2003, 02:27 PM
Has anyone tried the KAPP DROP STUBBY Drop,Xtreme Drop and or System X with a Gas-Thru of 5 1/4" Height?

Heres a link to see the Pics for the above mentioned Drops

Stubby click here ~~>

Xtreme Click here ~~>

System X Click Here ~~>

Many Thanks In Advanced !!!

01-07-2003, 02:50 PM
The Kapp drop Will deffinatly fit. I think the other 2 drops you posted are the same thing...I have no experience with system x stuff....

01-07-2003, 02:51 PM
If you click the image link in my signature there's a pic of my mag and its using that SYSTEM X drop ... I'm not using a gas thru grip, but at least it'd give you an idea of its drop compared to gun body.

Dave K

01-07-2003, 02:55 PM
Did you have any problems with the gauge on your tank? Did it screw in with out it being in the way?



To Both,

LOL...if they both fit which one should I get?...lol...I think the Stubby looks more intimidating....

01-07-2003, 03:03 PM
The gauge was just fine, no clearance issues ... I chose though to run my hose directly from my valve to the asa on the drop so the clearance of the fill nipple and air hose touch a TINY bit when I'm screwing the tank in, but thats easily fixed by just moving the hose up with my pinky while screwing the tank in ...... if you went throught he gas through grip you wouldn't have the issue at all.

The drop forward puts it just under my arm and its just fine...

Dave K