View Full Version : Macroline really stiff

01-08-2003, 02:43 AM
My Macroline is really stiff and I will need to bend it so I can put it on my on/off asa on my drop, I am afraid it will crack or something becuase it is realy that stiff, if I were to heat it up with a blowdryer to make it less stiff, you think it will ruin the macroline?

01-08-2003, 10:57 AM
Should take the stiffness out of it! Or maybe a night out with a bottle of whiskey? :D Anyway, most macroline has a 1/2" bend radius-i.e. you can bend it around a 1/2" dowel without harm. Try putting it in hot tap water for a while, that seems to help it with it's "memory". DO NOT use boiling water, a torch, or a heat gun! Anything that will melt it will cause a weak spot in the hose and it WILL pop scaring the beegeezers out of you, usually right as the ref yells "10 seconds" at a big tourny! Good luck!

01-08-2003, 03:14 PM
yeah I was thinking about that, what if it melts and bursts...thanks for the info

01-08-2003, 03:58 PM
Well, coming from a guy who has had stiff macro burst on him :eek: (it hurts and sounds like your tank just blew up), I would recommend buying some Parker-Flex Macroline from Tunaman. He sells it for $1.50 a foot and then $3.00 for shipping which in my opinion is an incredible price given the product. By the way, I don't know if I did it wrong or not but I tried soaking it in warm water too and that didn't help. Good luck!