View Full Version : 5000 Psi Tank?!?!?!

01-08-2003, 03:33 PM
I recently saw a 45/5000 psi tank by PMI (Pure Energy). Has anyone used this tank? Is it lighter/heavier? It looks MUCH MUCH MUCH smaller. I'm not too keen on the whole nitro scene. Can I still get the usual 3000psi fills? Someone help me. This tank looks like it will solve all my problems. THANKS GUYS!

01-08-2003, 03:45 PM
Yes you can still get 3000 psi fills on a 5000 psi tank. If you pay the extra money for a 5000 psi tank though, why wouldn't you want 5000 psi fills? Personally I'm not partial to carrying around the equivalent of a small bomb under my arm but it's all preference. Hope this helps.

Side note: I do own a 68/3000 Steel "Stubby" tank though. And yes, I love it. :D