View Full Version : Retro question for the experts (AGD)

Load SM5
11-16-2000, 04:06 PM
What is the best pressure to run a retro valve at? I was running it about 750 but some guys suggested I crank my tank all the way up get that full auto like trigger bounce. It seems you would be scarificing accuracy and velocity stability to get this. Any advice? Should I leave it about where it is?

11-16-2000, 04:47 PM
well i can say u dont want to spike your input. the higher the input the more reactive your trigger gets but then u sacrafice velocity flux. what happens is the faster the air enters the chamber (higher input) the greater the air heats up. so in a sence as u shoot faster with higher input the velocity increases. but 750 is good. i run mine at ~~625. still get a reactive trigger but my velocity is dead on consistant.

11-16-2000, 06:59 PM
run it where it feeld right for you. There is a certain point where everyone finds they have the right amount of reactiveness and consistancy for them. Fool around and find where you like it best. Oh and at higher input pressure the velocity is still pretty consistant.

11-16-2000, 07:46 PM
u have no flux? if mine goes above 750 i get 40fps diffrence between rapid fire velocity and single shot velocity.

11-16-2000, 09:06 PM
I have run as much as 1100psi into my RT and not has any velocity differance no matter how you chrono it http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif

Try some oil, sounds like its a bit dry.


11-16-2000, 10:26 PM
well its always been oiled properly.
here is a question. maybe i didnt warm the valve enough before chronoing? how would u recommend chronoing the rt with high inputs??

11-17-2000, 05:44 AM
Hehe RobAGD, you have tested just about every limit there is on a mag havenīt you? http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

Is that you John Wayne,
Is this me?

12-30-2003, 01:28 AM
Turn up the output pressure of your tank 50 psi at a time until you find the right pressure that works for you.

12-30-2003, 01:44 AM
You realize this is almost a 4 year old thread right?

I mean, look who wrote it... :p

12-30-2003, 04:52 PM
wow, there are tons of thread resurections in this forum. lol

12-31-2003, 01:56 AM
jewie27, quit bringing up old threads.

01-03-2004, 06:26 PM
What for? Why can't I read and post?

01-03-2004, 07:56 PM
Answer current threads. Old threads are just that. OLD and ANSWERED.

01-04-2004, 12:05 PM
that and as was stated this weekend, about the whole "level 10 inside" thing, you really should respect that and remove that from your signature.

01-04-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
