View Full Version : Is the SFL Emag Vert feed neck "male" or "female"

01-09-2003, 08:59 AM
It looks like the feed neck on an SFL Emag is too narrow for a hopper neck to fit in. Is there an adapter you need? A straight elbow? I've seen some with more of a "cup" like the Xmags. Is that custom?

01-09-2003, 09:34 AM
With a normal SFL the preferred method seems to be to taper the inside of the SFL feed neck, and place your hopper neck over it, and then use a pipe clamp.

01-09-2003, 10:12 AM
It can go inside the hopper neck OR... you can use a vertical adapter like for a spider vert feed or a clear plastic piece commonly called a "straight elbow"


01-09-2003, 11:45 AM
Pardon me, but I think both options are gay. I like a vert feed so I can get away from elbows and adapters. Putting the feed neck in my hopper seems like an obstruction on the balls feeding. Why didnt Shocktech just make a conventional feed neck?

01-09-2003, 11:53 AM
on the contrary, it does not obstruct ball flow, nor does it cause any problems. It is actually lower than the no rise on x-mags i believe. also, you can get a feed bell that you can attach from java, which is then about the same as the cup on the x-mag

edit. shocktech didnt do this at the time, because no one new it was available, go look at the old x-mags, even the older cnc's with the little scalop towards the back of the breach was had the same feed neck...

shocktech just didnt know to do it...

01-09-2003, 12:03 PM
Hmm, interesting. Does the feed neck slip into the revvy right up to the point where balls begin to fall? If so, that would make sense. BUT, if its narrower than a revvy tube, wouldnt that itself be an obstruction?

01-09-2003, 12:08 PM
It doesn't cause an obstruction... it's sort of like the neck reinforcement pieces that KAPP or CP sell to stiffen up the neck. It goes up to the sensor in the neck.

And it doesn't work with a HALO without taking a saw to the blue internal plastic of the HALO.


Load SM5
01-09-2003, 01:47 PM
I works fine with a revvy. I just took a few minutes and my trusty battery dremel and curved the inside of the feed tube a bit.

It works great with my reloader and flawlessly with my HALO B, after the core is cut, like Jeff said. The hopper can't sit any lower.

01-09-2003, 07:30 PM
Yeah if you take that little bit of an edge of the inside of the feed neck you will have no problems with the paintballs getting hung up. Heres what it would look like with the revy over the neck.

01-09-2003, 09:07 PM
Pardon my asking, but doesn't putting the revvy's feed neck OVER the tube make it so the eye never spins the paddle? How would this work unless you intellifed?

01-09-2003, 09:11 PM
Because it doesn't cover the eye. The eye sits higher up in the tube and is not affected.

01-09-2003, 11:29 PM
The eye sits above the feed neck where the revvy tube flares out into a collar. I see what you guys are talking about. Spaceman, thats a pretty tight set up. I'm sold! Thanks for clearing that up guys.


01-10-2003, 01:00 AM
Wut did u guys have to do to your Halo Bs to get the thing to fit over the Neck....

I already sawed off the blue neck inside... but the HaloB neck is still too thin in diameter to fit over the SFL rise

Should i take a dremel to it... or just some coarse sand paper and work it for awhile? heh.....

(Spiffy... how does the revy work on ur SFL.. i have an old Pre-BE revy that i might hook up with a Reloader Kit... and also... Are u coming to On Target on the 17th of Feb... for the Scenario)

~da baller

Load SM5
01-10-2003, 08:43 AM
The HALO is tight but if you work it a little the halves will seperate just enough to get it over.

I can tell from personal experience the re-loader works great dropped down over the feed neck. I ran it through Shatnerball, quite a few practices, and the SC AO meet with no problems until I got my HALO fixed. It's not as fast as the HALO but the next best thing in my opinion.

01-10-2003, 07:25 PM
Yeah I took a dremel to the inside neck oh my Halo to make it fit nicer over the feed neck. Just watch that you don't take to much out. Mine still fits alittle tight still but it works great. My revy has the x-board and a vortex impeller which seems to work really nice. I had to watch with the revy before I had lvl-10 but now that I have it I just rip away.:D

01-11-2003, 10:41 AM
vertical feed necks are a great way to crack a hopper shell.

Best way to prevent it is to use the plastic "vertical feed elbow." It cracks instead of your hopper. and you swear less.

you'd be surprised how common it is, and that all this time, elbows weren't annoying, they were useful...

01-11-2003, 11:42 AM
Me and my brother were messing around with his Spyder Xtra long about 7 months ago when he bought his Reloader. The first day he had it we noticed that the feed neck would fit in the revvy so we just stuck it on and put a hose clamp on it ;)

Worked fine ever since.