View Full Version : Another "I need to contact Terry at modified" thread

01-09-2003, 09:06 AM
I searched the other threads and have tried every way posted to contact Modified. I even called Don and he couldn't get Terry. I need to know if Anyone has a number or anything that they got through to Terry on. Please, any help is greatly appreciated!

01-09-2003, 12:53 PM
i'm not sure..but didn't modified go down? i know as soon as Don sold it, the reliabilty went down the drain and i ordered a body rail a few months ago and it never came and i couldn't ever get ahold of him so i just dropped it. Don was much better then Terry was/is. the web site aint up any more and i tried calling and e-mailing and everything and couldn't ever get ahold of him so my guess is that modified is done with

01-09-2003, 03:32 PM
Yeah, I ordered from Don before he sold the company. And I refuse to let it go because I sent a check. I will either get my money out of Terry or Don I don't care, but I will resort to legal action if necessary