View Full Version : Hows about a Palmers forum?

01-09-2003, 11:43 AM
Well we have an Angel forum....
I just dont like the board they use at POG...

Just a thought,

01-09-2003, 11:50 AM
I believe the topic of adding other forums has come up, and it's been discussed over and over and quite honestly I believe if we start adding other forums, well then it wouldn't be automags.org anymore would it? :)

As far as I know the angel forum was addes because Tom was working with them on something and they needed a place to hold the forums and at the time I guess Tom being the nice guy he is offered to host a forum for them. As far as I know they pretty much keep to themselves over there, I dont like Angels all that much so I don't step over onto their side of the fence that often :p

01-09-2003, 11:56 AM
From what I read a while back AGD had the domain to an Angel based site and when the official angel owners type site came up they just needed to do something w/ the domain so they linked it to the forum.

I might be wrong though ....

If ya want a palmers forum check out www.paintballforums.net ...

Dave K

01-09-2003, 12:45 PM
you will not find a more concentrated group of palmer users than at POG. www.paintmagazine.com/pog

there are other sites, and some of the same names pop up, but for the most part all the people who i would feel comfortable referring to for information go to POG. Including Craig.