View Full Version : Don't you just hate it when...

01-09-2003, 06:26 PM
Don't you just hate it when you buy something then something better comes out as soon as you buy it. Buying a paintball gun is like buying a computer now first you get the new super duper dell 1500 just as you thing you have the best computer out there then they come out with the newer dell 1600. That's the reason why i brought a mag so i don't have to constantly go and buy a newer version of it (like guns that have a 2000 then a 2002 model *Cough cocker cough*)If you noticed the mag has remained unchanged for about a decade(not including RT) but all of the sudden the SFL e-mag and C&C xtreams pop up and now after i get a micro-e now I keep wanting to sell it to upgrade to the C&C X-mags :( arggggggg.

01-09-2003, 06:29 PM
keep the micro emag, i love mine and never wanna get rid of it, even for an x-mag, keep it real my micro emag brother:D


01-09-2003, 06:33 PM
well, you had known about the xmags for some time, i mean, your registration date is febuary 2002, hell back then i think they still called it the modular body! they didnt just popup out of no where, nor have they poped up! there not even out yet! olny the pre orders are!

Also, the sfl's havnt poped up either. there were out for a long time, over a year by now!

if you want to sell your micro e by all means go for it. but you are better off just saving it, i t is baisically the same, aluminum bodied, cocker threaded... not much more you could want....

01-09-2003, 06:33 PM
Maybe you should buy a paintball gun you will be happy playing with instead of showing off. I find it hard to believe you will ever out perform the MicroEmag.

Sigh.. Why does paintball always have to be about having the best and most updated equipment??

01-09-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by magman007
well, you had known about the xmags for some time, i mean, your registration date is febuary 2002, hell back then i think they still called it the modular body! they didnt just popup out of no where, nor have they poped up! there not even out yet! olny the pre orders are!

Also, the sfl's havnt poped up either. there were out for a long time, over a year by now!

if you want to sell your micro e by all means go for it. but you are better off just saving it, i t is baisically the same, aluminum bodied, cocker threaded... not much more you could want....

I did know about them but could not get my hands on one (i brought an e-mag(#33:D)before my micro-e then i sold it since i heard the Xtreams were comming out soon so a while passes and i get the itch to get another e-mag so i search around and could not find any SFL so i settled for an microE.

Originally posted by dcmander

Maybe you should buy a paintball gun you will be happy playing with instead of showing off. I find it hard to believe you will ever out perform the MicroEmag.

Sigh.. Why does paintball always have to be about having the best and most updated equipment??

I like to play more with my equipment than i do paintball itself.

01-09-2003, 09:51 PM
"I like to play more with my equipment than i do paintball itself."

heh me too:p

01-10-2003, 12:44 AM
by the Xmag... and Xvalve.....

But I'm pretty satisfied by the SFL..... think I'll stay with it for awhile..... I mean...

Ive had my RT for 5+ yrs... so im one of those people pretty intent on keeping wut they buy....

Even though I sold my SNiper2 and Micrococker a year or so back... after only having each for like 2-3yrs

~da "doesnt like to part with things" baller

01-10-2003, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by 56kSomeGuy
If you noticed the mag has remained unchanged for about a decade(not including RT)

Why would you not include the RT, and the MicroMag, and the MicroMag-II, and the pump kit, and the Z-Grip, and the Z-Body Mags, and the ReTro mags, and the MicroMag RTs, and the E-Mag, etc., and only look at the recent variations like the X-Mag and the SFL?

Hey, If you discount the Ford models introduced between the start of the company and 2000, it's like WOW they have the Model A for all that time and then now you have to trade in your Model A and can't decide between an F150, or a Mustang, or a Focus, or a Contour or a whatever.

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

01-10-2003, 01:04 AM
well..I can't really talk about anything because I've gone through lemme see..I think it's 4 markers in the last 3 months..oh well..

~da "doesn't like to have a gun longer than it takes to break it in" bunny

01-10-2003, 01:27 AM
Now I know I made the big time... rather.... u become somewhat influential to others....(or an annoyance.. heh)

when people start immitating u... heheheh.....


01-10-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by 56kSomeGuy
I like to play more with my equipment.

Hey! This is a PG forum. No need for this kind of talk! :D

01-10-2003, 07:21 PM
it's all good, PM..I was just being a little light-hearted because of the thread's subject matter...