View Full Version : Ok, someone please explain the Reloader kit to me

01-10-2003, 09:55 AM
This is some upgrade kit made for your Revolution? Who makes it? What does it change about my Revvy? Will it work with an after market Vortex impeller (which I like), or does it have its own impeller? Is a simple set up? I like the simplicity of my Xboard and vortex set up.
Any specs or descriptions would be appreciated.


01-10-2003, 10:37 AM
it is made from Empire, and it comes with its own propellar, and the difference is it is activated by like vibrations or sound. I can't really remember which one and i have never used one.

01-10-2003, 10:41 AM
Keep what you have if it works. It's a pretty useless upgrade if you have an xboard and it works...


01-10-2003, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by JEDI
This is some upgrade kit made for your Revolution? Who makes it? What does it change about my Revvy? Will it work with an after market Vortex impeller (which I like), or does it have its own impeller? Is a simple set up

It basicly the same as your x-board revy with vortex impeller.

It comes with an impeller that's very close to the vortex (you could use your Vortex if you wanted), and board that's very close to the x-board, and a new motor.

The main diferance is that it spins every time it "hears" your gun fire. Personaly, I feel that an X-board Revy with Vortex impeller is just aas good as the Reload. I haven't done any real tests but I think any improvment would be negligable in real game-play.

01-10-2003, 10:43 AM
I have an intelliframe setup into my revvy, so the "vibration" sensor would be pointless ....

But its cool to give you a slight feed boost, but pointless unless your somehow not feeding right.

Dave K

01-10-2003, 10:56 AM
This is a little offtopic but still related and something I'm interested in knowing:

What is the current quality status of 12V Revis w/ Xboard? I bought a smoke-colored one in december, the shell seems ok but not rock hard. Are they still having the same quality issues they have had and should I expect something to burn out or break quickly? Brass Eagle really ruined a good product, and sueing Halo so they can force us to buy them.

What is the real story behind the Vortex Impellor, is it worth getting and installing if Revi's break quickly? Someone at Boston Paintball told me they had alot of burnt out engines because people installed their own Impellors.

Has anyone installed the Intelliframe link on a Mag and has any input, opinions, or ideas on how to avoid problems? I know roughly how to do it, I take it cutting the wires in the Revi void its warranty entirely. Any negative experiences with this Intellifeed link?

Input on all three subjects would be appreciated, thanks!

Wc Keep
01-10-2003, 11:08 AM
i have had my blue revvy since january and the only thing that has gone wrong with it is the lid broke off. i replaced it and it still works great.

01-10-2003, 11:13 AM
My Xboard Revvy w/Vortex impeller works great. I use the Revvy for my cocker, and have never had an issue. I guess I will stick with what I have.

01-10-2003, 11:14 AM
You dont "cut" the revvy wires, you just strip back a tiny bit of the shielding from the ONE wire ... and then you basically wrap your wire around the exposed one, so you never really chop any of their stuff so I'm sure the warrenty would still be good.

I have my 12v revvy w/ xboard into my nikel intelliframe and its amazing ... everytime I hit the trigger the sear trips the ROLLER SWITCH and it agitates.

Dave K

Load SM5
01-10-2003, 01:30 PM
I have an Reloader kit in my revy and it spanked the living bejeezus out of my Turborev kit. The key is that it does'nt wait for a gap in the feed to spin, it spins with every shot, like intellifeed, and prevents the gaps. I feel the upgrade is very worth it.

01-10-2003, 01:40 PM
As Load said it is basically an intelifeed hopper without those nasty wires poking from your grip-frame. They work very well. They are sound activated and spin every time you fire your marker. If I were you I wouldnt buy the upgrade kit cause you can get the whole hopper for like $5.00 more. That way you could use your old revvy as a backup or sell it. These hoppers rule!

01-10-2003, 05:38 PM
Are the complete kits made with the shoddy Brass Eagle shells or are they old school nice Viewloader shells...

Load SM5
01-10-2003, 06:02 PM
Apparently the whole hoppers come with some very sturdy shells.

01-10-2003, 06:11 PM
My friend got one for his impy (:rolleyes: no, he diddnt pay for it. He diddnt really pay for his impy either.. OR the nitro tank..)
I personally dont like the idea..
What if there was someone next to you shooting?
I loved intellifeed though.
Trust me, a solid wire connection is better than a stupid loader with sound input that might not pick up your gun..

Load SM5
01-10-2003, 06:19 PM
It's not that sensitive. Someone next to you shooting won't set it off unless they have a really loud gun. It takes a sharp noise to get it to spin such as the gun shooting of the hopper lid snapping shut. Worse case scenario, someone with a loud gun fires next to you, it'll spin. No, not spin, anything but that!

Did'nt you play with my SFL at SC for a game, Person? Did the Reloader cause any problems for you then?:p

01-10-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
Did'nt you play with my SFL at SC for a game, Person? Did the Reloader cause any problems for you then?:p
Considering I only got like 10 shots off, no, I diddnt notice. :p

Load SM5
01-10-2003, 06:37 PM
hehe You went out without your pie armor did'nt you?

01-10-2003, 06:41 PM
So then it would be a nice new toy for me to buy this weekend so I can have something new and shiny to annoy my wife with?

she plays too, but she likes her crumby plain jane 9volt revvy.

Load SM5
01-10-2003, 06:43 PM
Oh I think so:D

01-11-2003, 09:47 PM
Ok, Load, so as far as feed rate and speed goes, you like it better than a TurboRev/impeller set up. But, does it always feed well, relying on sound alone. (I own a cocker and an Emag). I guess I'm sold on the feed rate issue, but I'm skeptical about a sound loader.

Load SM5
01-11-2003, 10:04 PM
I've never had a problem with it not feeding. It's always spun reliably every shot. As far as working with a cocker ask Manike. He's run his reloader on both his cocker and X-mag and still swears by it. He's actually the one who pointed out the reload kit to me.

01-12-2003, 11:50 AM
the reloads are available as a complete hopper (VL) as well
now . I know that you can get them at National Paintball
or from 888-paintball.


01-12-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Load SM5
I have an Reloader kit in my revy and it spanked the living bejeezus out of my Turborev kit. The key is that it does'nt wait for a gap in the feed to spin, it spins with every shot, like intellifeed, and prevents the gaps. I feel the upgrade is very worth it.

yes, i have one also. it is freakin amazing. it is sooo fast and feeds everytime you pull the trigger. it is extremly consistent

01-12-2003, 04:12 PM
I think for shiznits and giggles, I'll pick one up to put in my 6yr old plus Pre-BE Revy...... kinda needs a makeover....

~da baller