View Full Version : AO Army your next Mission!!

01-10-2003, 06:41 PM

Once again I am calling on you for some help in promoting paintball across the known universe. I have been talking with the Creative Light guys and they feel that they are on the verge of getting Shatnerball into the major chains like Best Buy.

The stores are going to to a little survey and find out if there is a demand for the title before they carry it. We think that if just a few people went into each store in the next week or so and asked if they carried Splatattack, it could make a huge difference in our ability to get them going.

We have been getting a bunch of great reviews from online movie groups so lets band together to get our Borg Army in every home in America!!

Are you with me!!!??? THANKS!!!!

Borg General,


ps Reply here if you find a DVD store that has it or intends to get it.

01-10-2003, 06:50 PM
Ill ask next time Im in one!:D

01-10-2003, 06:55 PM
considering how my mp3 player got stolen the first day of school after vacation i doubt id be in a best buy anytime soon

01-10-2003, 07:00 PM
Don't have time to make it to the store, but I know one of the BBY VP's and already have an email into him.

01-10-2003, 07:02 PM
That would be great! I just saw the DVD in one of those mail-order catalogs: Things You Didn't Know Existed... or something like that.

01-10-2003, 07:55 PM
Let them know that I would most likely buy it.. I dont want it enough to order it online (:p) but I would probally buy it if it was in Best Buy..

01-10-2003, 09:15 PM
I'll be going to Best Buy tomarrow anyways so i'll definately ask. I'd be up for buying it if i could get it there rather than online.

01-10-2003, 09:40 PM
Im hooked into my local Best Buy... worked there for two years... I'll go talk to my old boss about it :) .

01-10-2003, 10:06 PM
im going by BB tomorrow...but i wonder if theyll let me in since i was banned from this Best Buy for life (and yes, they have my Pic at security--NO I DIDNT STEAL ANYTHING)...oh well...is curcuit city good enough?

01-10-2003, 10:38 PM
Dang! I just came back from best buy like 3 hours ago! I just read the thread now... poo... i screwed up :(

01-10-2003, 11:54 PM
Kev, may i ask, why were you banned?

01-10-2003, 11:58 PM
I'll try to cover the Best Buy and the Suncoast Motion Picture Store here in Racine, WI. Suncoast should be no problem I have conections there. :D

01-11-2003, 12:04 AM
Hey Tom, do you think Nikki at Paintball Sam's in Racine might be willing to carry the DVD???

01-11-2003, 12:51 AM
I'll try Best Buy too. Oh, Geoff, I got connections at Suncoast too (cough) my brother (cough)!!!!!!!!!

01-11-2003, 12:53 AM
I know that. Thats the connection I was gonna use;)

01-11-2003, 03:38 AM
This is awesome if all you guys can do this. And the beauty of TK's plan is you don't have to buy it, just tell the store ytou would buy it if they had it.

And not only Best Buy. try any video store especially the big chains.

FYE stores are supposed to stock it but I couldn't find it in the one near me.


The Frymarker
01-11-2003, 08:10 AM
What about Block Buster Video Tom?

01-11-2003, 11:51 AM
write them a letter, not an email but a letter. can't remember who, but someone said, 'one letter is worth a thousand sentiments'

simply taking time to write one and send it to them shows them how strongly you feel about it.

01-11-2003, 12:03 PM
Uh...mag man...me and hte Manager had a few "Choice words" that shouldnt be repeated here around the kiddies about how she was runnig her store...I didnt like her policies and let her know...and it ended up with me protesting in line and delaying everyone(who fell onto my side of the arguement--they booed when security took me outside) and causing a scene by the cash register...i told her she was dumb, didnt know how torun a BB, should die, didnt deserve to be on the earth, was a drain on the economy, was stupid, ignorant...and yeh....thats about it

01-11-2003, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
Uh...mag man...me and hte Manager had a few "Choice words" that shouldnt be repeated here around the kiddies about how she was runnig her store...I didnt like her policies and let her know...and it ended up with me protesting in line and delaying everyone(who fell onto my side of the arguement--they booed when security took me outside) and causing a scene by the cash register...i told her she was dumb, didnt know how torun a BB, should die, didnt deserve to be on the earth, was a drain on the economy, was stupid, ignorant...and yeh....thats about it
I can understand all of this…. don’t even get me started on Best Buy and their screwed up policies. I am at this very moment trying to get a Dryer taken care of with them. Purchased it last month from them, now my electric bill went up $300+ and although it blows warm air, does not dry clothes worth a darn. Takes 2+ hours to dry ONE full load of laundry (that should take about 20 minutes) while it makes our electric meter spin like a whirling dervish. And it takes about 40 minutes to dry a small load (underwear and socks only)….

They told me to call the 888 number and have them schedule a service call. I called it and they said they don’t cover where I live (and I live in the Greater Concord, NH area.. it is the darn State Capital for crying out loud), so I would have to call one of two 3rd party service centers in NH… which are of course closed on the weekends. So I then called the store back and asked what it would take for them to simply bring me another dryer and take this one away.

I am currently waiting for them to call me back on that one……

Best Buy? Yeah, maybe in price alone and by a few dollars over their competitors….. but you better hope nothing goes wrong with what you purchased. (And I will not even get into the problems I am having with my Laptop…. That was posted already in another thread in Friendly Corner.)

I have made 3 major purchases from Best Buy in the past 6 months…. 2 of them have given me problems and more problems trying to get them taken care of. Not a good record………………..

01-11-2003, 12:26 PM
shartley id recommend buying laptops directly from dell or ibm(not gateway you dont want to know what they have done to us with this junky computer we payed $3000 for) it tends to be cheaper and their customer service is better(and more experienced for that matter) and less loop hole policies and such if a problem does occur

01-11-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by FutureMagOwner
shartley id recommend buying laptops directly from dell or ibm(not gateway you dont want to know what they have done to us with this junky computer we payed $3000 for) it tends to be cheaper and their customer service is better(and more experienced for that matter) and less loop hole policies and such if a problem does occur
No kidding? ;)

01-11-2003, 01:19 PM
ehehehe just a friendly heads up :)

01-12-2003, 02:52 AM
I'm gonna die on this mission arn't I............

~da baller

01-12-2003, 04:29 PM
TO make this go back on topic, instead of talking about a tard who told best buy workers they should die.

I will go call best buy in like 5 min as I wanna see this and dont wanan buy it online, and pay for shipping.

01-12-2003, 04:39 PM
OK. If you are having problems w/ best buy, do what I did. I bought a DVD player for myself around the begining of last year. I used my dads credit card to pay for it. Discover. The DVD player worked for about a month. And than, it didnt work at all, as in, it wouldnt turn on. So by than, I had lost the recipt. I went back to best buy, and explained my situation, and asked for an exchange. They said no, they needed the recipt. I said I didnt have it, and went home and forgot about it for a while. Found the DVD player sitting under my bed in June, and the Rage built up. I went back and explained my situation again, and they said no once again for the same reason, including some bogus reason, which I dont remember. By this time, my did was standing right there, and my dad said "Fine." Pulled out his cell phone, called discover, and Said cancel the order to best buy last january, on a DVD player. Lets just say, we left the store with a Brand spankin new, in the box DVD player. (the funny part was my dad never even called discover he was just talking into his cell phone like he was) :D

Getting back to the point; yes tom, I will do that next thime I am there.

01-12-2003, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
TO make this go back on topic, instead of talking about a tard who told best buy workers they should die.

I will go call best buy in like 5 min as I wanna see this and dont wanan buy it online, and pay for shipping.
What a HERO you are! (Not to mention SO smart with your perfect spelling and grammar. hmmmmm tard anyone? ;))


01-12-2003, 07:13 PM
lol...next time i go in there i will ask them for it...

ill also ask walmart,and whoever else also?

01-12-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by pbguy888
Ill ask next time Im in one!:D

me too

what about In Your Face??

01-12-2003, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by shartley

What a HERO you are! (Not to mention SO smart with your perfect spelling and grammar. hmmmmm tard anyone? ;))


Its slang for retard. Happy now? Idiot. And who gives a flying freak about grammar on a site? Apprently your sorry *** does.

WARNING - Curse filter activation is the same thing as cursing - do not attempt to avoid or deliverately avoid the curse filter - cphilip

01-12-2003, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by CRog075
Its slang for retard. Happy now? Idiot. And who gives a flying freak about grammar on a site? Apprently your sorry *** does.
Well... I thought we were doing well with the other threads (you are actually hitting these all in reverse order), but I guess not.

First of all... Idiot?

Second…. I knew it was slang for retard.

Third…. Yes, I care about grammar, in LIFE as well as on a web site. And I would hope others did as well.... unless they feel they can be educated in the real world and then act/look like a total fool, as well as being uneducated, online. You may think that is “cool” but I would be willing to bet that most don’t.

And last but not least..... grow up kid. I would also advise watching your language, and following the posed rules. As for the personal insults directed at me themselves… I would have to care what you think for them to bother me. Needless to say, they don’t bother me.

01-12-2003, 09:38 PM
Crog, I think you should just let up. This shouldn't turn into a flaming thread. As I see it, youu attacked shartley, and he tried to shrug it off.
hmmmmm tard anyone?;) And then you attacked him again. Shartley is a respected man on this site, you shouldn't attack him because he disliked Best Buy to much for your tastes:rolleyes:.

Oh, and I also give a "flying freak" about grammer. It makes everything a lot easier to read. In my posts, I (try to) use good grammer, and I think you should put a little effort into your posts. That goes for a lot of people.

01-12-2003, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by shartley

Well... I thought we were doing well with the other threads (you are actually hitting these all in reverse order), but I guess not.

First of all... Idiot?

Second…. I knew it was slang for retard.

Third…. Yes, I care about grammar, in LIFE as well as on a web site. And I would hope others did as well.... unless they feel they can be educated in the real world and then act/look like a total fool, as well as being uneducated, online. You may think that is “cool” but I would be willing to bet that most don’t.

And last but not least..... grow up kid. I would also advise watching your language, and following the posed rules. As for the personal insults directed at me themselves… I would have to care what you think for them to bother me. Needless to say, they don’t bother me.

Yes I thought so too untill I see your trying to diss me on my grammar and ****. I dont let flames get by.

I warned you earlier in this thread about challenging the curse filter...Final warning - cphilip

01-12-2003, 11:14 PM
I am NOT a "Tard" thank you very much....

The manager would not accept a return on a CD Burner i bought the day before on the recommendation of her salesman who even came up and said i bought it the day before on his advice...because i didnt have the stupid recipt...i did end up with a spankin new CD Burner though after i threw a fit, created a scene and made BB look bad. thats all you have to do in a store toget your way. Dont go into the "Back Office" where you can do whatever you wnat and they dont are less..if you do it in public, it makes them look bad

01-13-2003, 04:51 AM

Lets stay focused here, this is NOT about Best Buy. It's about spreading the gospel!! Calm down or I will have to get tough.


Archangel Damien
01-13-2003, 10:52 AM
are you going to try and get a canadian store or 2 to sell them?

01-13-2003, 03:05 PM
Yeah can't hurt to nag some Canadian stores too. Just ask if they have it in stock. if they so no ask if they can get it in stock.

If they hear this from 3 or 4 people (seemingly unrelated) they might place an order.

01-15-2003, 09:58 PM
Ill try, I think emailing will work too

01-18-2003, 12:29 AM
I have been into 3 differnt best buys 2 times each asking for it and i call them all once a week looking for it because i want it. ill keep it up

01-20-2003, 12:24 PM
WTG SpongeBob thanks

hey did you know the voice of Spong Bob (Tom Kenny) is working on amovie (http://www.comicbookthemovie.com) with us (Creative light)?

01-20-2003, 12:40 PM
asked at both the local BB's here. :D

01-20-2003, 01:17 PM
It shows up on BestBuy.com at least :)

I'll hollar at a few stores!

Oh and by the way .. the only <b>TarD</b> here is ME ... GOT IT! :)

Dave K