View Full Version : Soft/Gummy Trigger on ReTro Valve with Flatline

01-11-2003, 10:16 AM
Alright, I've had my ReTro Mag in pieces for the past couple of weeks, waiting on new o-rings from my Flatline to come from AGD. I finally got it back together last night, filled the tank, and my trigger felt 'gummy' or soft before the gun fired. It seemed like there was a good bit of 'slop' before the gun fired.

The only thing that has changed since it worked properly was the rebuild of the Flatline.

Here's what I have:
- ReTro Valve (New in June) Never taken apart, just dropped oil in the inlet and fired.
- Level 10, not sure which carrier, though.
- Classic Powerfeed Mag Body
- Blade Intelliframe
- 68/3000 Flatline Tank (Newly Rebuilt per BlackVCG's post in the Tech Forum)
- Stainless Braided hose with Slide Check from Tank to Valve.

Like I said, when I pull the trigger, it feels gummy or soft before the gun fires. Not like it used to. Before I had it all apart, the trigger was crisp and short.

I have checked and double checked my input pressure from the Flatline. As best I can tell it's ~ 1000psi, which is where it was before I rebuilt it.

Please let me know what you think the problem might be. If you need anymore info, lemme know - this was everything I thought anyone might need.

Thanks ~ Jonesie

01-11-2003, 10:35 AM
open your valve and oil it. Take out the on/off ans oil that up, replace and worn orings( i doubt that you have any), and just take the frame andd evrything off the gun and put it back on maybe you had the gun tightened too much or something, i dont know. that and test that tank on another gun and see if it feels funy and try another tank on your gun to make sure its not the flatline doing somehting.

01-11-2003, 11:36 AM
It sounds to me like your velocity needs to be turned up. By input pressure do you mean the pressure going into the valve?!? Good lord man, that should be down around 950 at the most! If that's your input pressure(1000) to your valve I wouldn't be surprised if the high pressure has done something to the valve, 1000psi is basically the pressure of CO2(but without all the liquid and dirty air). I dunno I could be wrong on all accounts. I'd talk to BlackVCG if none of the above work.

01-13-2003, 09:18 AM
Ok, I took the gun apart last night and checked the sear, on/off assy, and whatnot. Still gummy. I'm starting to think it's the tank...

However, it may not be the tank, and this I will check when I get home. When try to raise/lower the velocity on the marker, I had to take the two halves apart, grip the reg body with a sheet of rubber, and twist REALLY HARD to get the velcoity adjusting nut to turn on my ReTro. Before I empty the tank and check it out, I'm going to grease up my ReTro Reg good, and see if that's the issue.

Any other suggestions are welcome.

Thanks ~ Jonesie

nuclear zombie
01-13-2003, 10:46 AM
unscrew the reg from the valve , and look between the reg and the reg seat holder to see if you used 2 o-rings. (I attached a picture showing you where to look ) If you use two o-rings here it will make your trigger squishy , I actually did this for a while because I prefered how the trigger felt .

01-13-2003, 05:28 PM
I would like to thank everyone for their input in trying to solve my problem. The winning idea goes to.... REMINGTON! Thanks a lot, dude!

I would also like to go on the record as saying that I am a complete moron! :D This is something I should be easily fixed. But hey, you can't learn if you don't break a few fabrige eggs, right?

Later ~ Jonesie