View Full Version : Just got J&J edge: my review ;)

01-11-2003, 07:55 PM
Well got it today and was playing with one of the backs when i decided to try out one of the others, when i went to take it out i found out that the front of the barrel was NOT reverse threaded for my powerfeed (i can never remember which powerfeed is which, is right when the tube is on the left of the body?).

Anyways evertime i tried to take the back out it just unscrewed the tip AND because i have a minimag body, the back is completely inside the body, so no part of the back is sticking out.

I got it out a few times by pulling up on the front of the barrel hard as i turned, which finally got the back to budge some.

Other than that the barrel worked flawless with Polar Ice paint, but that stuff is hard to break anyway. No breaks at all. The case it came with was really hard to snap open at first but its gotten loosened up.

Besides having trouble getting the backs out the only other thing i was hoping for was that it came with orings and ball detents (nubbins) for the backs or at least one.

Very good barrel for the one outting, recommend to anyone. I got it off www.paintball-discounters.com for $115 with free shipping. Ordered it tuesday and got it friday :)

01-11-2003, 08:50 PM
Sounds pretty good. I'm getting one ordered on Monday from the same place. The one question that I haven't been able to get a clear answer on is how the twist-lock is set up on them. Is there a seperate slot for hopper right/hopper left or is there the T-Slot setup like on the stock emag barrels? Where there is one slot to put the barrel into the body and then you either turn it left or right. Hope that makes sense. Good review by the way. Maybe some pics of how it looks on the gun.:p

01-11-2003, 09:23 PM
I own a J&J Two Piece and all I have to say is: I will never by a different brand of barrel as long as I live. :D I love my J&J so much, I'm sure the Edge kit is 10x better.

01-11-2003, 11:25 PM
Eclipse to answer your question..... they have the T shaped twist locks. It was the first time i've seen that kind, i thought it was neat until i encountered my problem :(

01-11-2003, 11:51 PM
here are pictures, may not be crystal clear. trying to get used to the new digi camera we got it for christmas :)

01-11-2003, 11:53 PM
they were mighty shiney

01-11-2003, 11:56 PM
If you can see, the black front part of the barrel starts RIGHT where my mini body ends. The back is the EXACT length as the mini body, makes it tough for me to get it out due to my type of powerfeed :( Wonder if there is some kinda tool i could make/use to take out the back without messing up threads or scratching the finish....maybe some cloth covered needle nose pliers ?

01-12-2003, 12:06 AM
On paintball discounters it says they can only give you black backs? Did you call and ask for silver backs or what?

01-12-2003, 12:09 AM
It said black backs but they came in the chromey silver, which i was hoping for.

I didn't even know they made black backs until i saw the site. I didn't call them either, just ordered right off the site and everything worked out :)

01-12-2003, 02:34 AM
I dunno... I think I'm convinced to def. get the kit now for my SFL.....

Think I'll call ahead first....see if u get an option of black or chrome backs....

Skoad...wut is the weight like of the barrel ?

~da baller

01-12-2003, 05:26 AM
Originally posted by Skoad
It said black backs but they came in the chromey silver, which i was hoping for.

I didn't even know they made black backs until i saw the site. I didn't call them either, just ordered right off the site and everything worked out :)

yea same here i thought i was getting black to b/c of the pic but i also got silver/stainless(?). but i get to use the barrel for the first real time 2day and im sooooo excited i cant wait to rip it up :D

01-12-2003, 11:02 AM
Do you know if the threading on the front part is the same as the old 2 peice J&Js?

01-12-2003, 11:29 AM
hexis I'm pretty sure they are different because if you look at the website the sell them under different names.

Skoad - good man, you've restored my faith in JJ performance(i lost faith in them after using their ceramics on my spyder m98 and mag)

01-12-2003, 02:26 PM
I have a J&J on my 68 and emag, i love my ceramic and my 2 piece.
No other barrel has worked as well as the J&J's have.

01-12-2003, 03:31 PM
the barrel is featherweight, i got the 10 inch kit and i think the entire kit itself including all backs and the case is lighter than the SS mag freak back itself

I believe the threading is the same as the 2 pieces...do a search i think thers another post confirming it somewhere

01-12-2003, 04:23 PM
Can you measure the entire barrel? It looks longer than my old 10" dye ss. Does it have the same length "problem" the freaks do for mags? The problem of having the barrel longer than it's suppose to be. Thanks

01-12-2003, 04:41 PM
I'm trying to make my SFL even lighter by reducing the weight of wutever else is on it... regarding the barrel.

The Red Ano'd Tip Boomer i have on it now is the old SS one... and its a bit much for a barrel... other than being 14" bah...

Think I'll get a Red J&J Kit... 10".... yah...

~da baller

01-12-2003, 04:43 PM
The replaceable inserts on the freak are the cause of the added length. They are all a standard length, and with the hole in the side of the barrel for the ball to drop into the inserts need to start in front of the hole. That's why freaks backs for mags are longer. Since the J&J back is one peice (a different back for each bore) there is no reason why they need to be longer.

01-12-2003, 05:06 PM
here's my measured distances:

from the very end to the very tip its 11.5 inches

from the oring closest to the breech hole to the tip is 10 inches

so i guess they measure from that oring because its right on the money