View Full Version : Overshooting?

01-12-2003, 12:58 AM
Greetings all.

I spent a pleasant afternoon of rec-ball today at paintball feild in Forney Texas. Aside from a few gun problems, my day was only troubled by one incident.

During the first half of my day my minimag was experiencing a large amount of ball breaks (in the barrel, not chops) due to what I assume was the low temp (about 40 deg.) and a poor size match. After having to stop to clean my barrel for about the umpteenth time I decided to swap to the Rainmaker. (oddly enough I fired about 700 rounds through it after that with out a single break...but that's a different story)

The next scenario involved the defense of a large fort made from landscaping timbers in the middle of a wooded field. Said fort was dominated by a pair of 15 foot towers giving an excellent field of fire onto the aproaches to the fort. I chose the tower overlooking a dirt path that led to one of the fort's gates and settled into overwatch positions with a fellow 'mag owner. (for the life of me I can't recall this fellow's name, but he was a hell of a nice guy and I hope to play at his side again.) To make a long story short the next 15 minutes involved one of the most intense firefights I have experienced at that field and left 6 of my 100 round pods and my empty N2 tank rolling around on the floor of the tower.

However before I ran the Rainmaker dry (and had to continue the fight with my PT) two opposing players made a break for the fort's gate. I had been under cover topping off my Revvy when they made their bid. Noticing them when they were perhaps 40 feet from the base of the tower I shouted the larm to my partner and we both engaged them. Now, I'm not the best at snap shooting fast moving targets and they were within seconds of winning the game by entering the fort. Therefore I worked the trigger as fast as I could (Forney does not allow full auto fire, so I was on semi) and simply swept over them twice as if firing a sub machinegun. They continued to run for about two seconds before they both called themselves out.

Then both complained that they had been over shot. One player shouted that he had been hit about six times. I was dubious of this at first but then noticed that he had three of my hits on him and my partner (who was using a different color) had hit him as well. The other eliminated player was in similar condition. Nothing much was said after that and the incident was not commented upon by feild staff. However after the game I aproached one of the victims and apologized. He replied that it was simply "one of those things" and was "no big deal, really". We parted on good terms and with a handshake.

It's not weighing on my mind too much, but I wanted to gather opinions. Which of the following applies?
1>I'm a scummy over shotter with poor trigger control.
2>It was an unfortunate accident that was more or less unavoidable due to the circumstances.
3>Both my targets and I were victims of today's high rate of fire guns and play style.

What do you think?
Opinions eagerly awaited.

"Trench Raider"

01-12-2003, 01:05 AM
Six times or sixty...they don't get them hands in the air and call yourself out...Light em up. It's fair game. No biggie. They should know that and it sounds like after they had a chance to think they realized it.

Get busy and fix that paint match issue. Changing markers proves it coulda worked. That one obviously had a match. You got level 10? Get it. It helps down the barrel breaks some too. However paint match sounds like something you KNEW you had a problem with. So time for you to get with the program and be prepared to deal with it. :)

01-12-2003, 01:08 AM
Well there's always three sides to a story, but from the sounds of it, I wouldn't sweat it. If those players were obviosly dead and you were lighting them up that would be one thing, but they charged an area occupied by opposing players at a climactic point in the game, hence they're going to get shot at, a lot. And maybe hit, a lot.

01-12-2003, 01:39 AM
I had a simmmilar experience today. One player even threatened to "break our necks" if we continued to fire on someone who was out.

...Thing is, how are we supposed to know you're out if you don't let us know? If their hands aren't up, or they're not screaming "HIT! HIT! HIT!", then as Cphil said, light 'em up.

I've learned to quickly annouce my elimiation audibly, and to physically show that I'm hit. I'll worry about putting a barrel-plug in once I'm off the tape (but not off the field, mind you), continuing to hold my hand in the air.

Over-shooting is partially part of the firepower available these days, and cheaply so. If it takes you 1/2 a second to annouce your elimiation, that means that at 9 bps, there's 4-5 balls 'still in the air (depending on distance of course).

I don't think what you did was wrong, in fact, I would say that it was their own fault.

01-12-2003, 10:30 AM
trench u play in forney??? i go there alot now... just not this weekend, i went last tho. mabey we could meet up sometime.

01-12-2003, 10:48 AM
Personally I don’t get offended or upset if I am hit by 5 or 6 balls in rapid succession. They tend to hit at about the same time and although it may be a shock, it is far better than being hit by 5 or 6 shots one per second.

It is the idiots that KEEP shooting even though they clearly see you are raising your marker over your head and shouting “OUT!” or "HIT!" that piss me off. I have had to have refs jump between me and a player who refuses to stop firing even though I am shouting at the top of my lungs and have my marker raised FAR over my head. I give much credit to refs that take their jobs that seriously, they are a credit to the sport.

So for me, overshooting is not just a matter of how many balls hit you, but what the situation is. Also, as Cphilip said, if an individual does not call themselves out, or show the classic “out” signs (such as raising their marker over their head), they are open season….. even if they have been called out and are leaving the field. If I don’t see a barrel condom, and your marker is not clearly over your head, you will get a quick reminder to do so in the way of a couple nice shots. Heck, when I am out, I hold my marker over my head with a fully extended harm… elbows locked. There is NO reason to mistake me for an “active” player. LOL

01-12-2003, 11:10 AM
Here are a few things I keep in mind...
1) I dont stop shooting until i see your hands go up in the air
2) Even when I see those hands up in the air...there are prolly 5-6 balls still comming at you
3) some of those will hit, and I cant stop it

So, basicly, you did nothing wrong if you didnt shoot them after they were called

01-12-2003, 11:25 AM
Get busy and fix that paint match issue. Changing markers proves it coulda worked. That one obviously had a match

I'm not so certain of that. You see the Rainmaker has an anti-chop feature rather like a lvl 10. It simply has never chopped a ball and only rarely breaks one in the barrel. It's also extremely tolerant of ball size. I could probably fire rocks in it if I wanted. Bad ball matches does however affect accuracy and range.

However I DO need to work on getting a good match for both guns. :)

Aliens-8-my-dad--- I sure do. I live a couple hours away but it's one of the better feilds in the area. I also have a freind who lives in the DFW area that goes with me.

"Trench Raider"

01-12-2003, 11:31 AM
yea, it's cool, you had no way of knowing hta tyou kit them mulitiple times, it's hard to hit a moving target, and what most of us do, if just open up on them, light them up like a f*cking x-mas tree. if i get hit like upwards of 4 times when i'm a behind a bunker, i say that's a little bit much, but then again, if i get hit that many times behind soemthing, i must be doing seomthing terrrible wrong. when i'm running, that's another story, i've gotten hit 8 times in 1 short run, 3 guns were fixed on me the entire time (and i'm a pretty good sprinter too) and even after that, i did nothing more than put my barrel plug in and walk off the feild. and besides, do you expect to only get hit once???? how many times do you actually only shoot 1 shot? i know i normally shoot 3 round bursts (if i have time, i usally do though) when i'm snap shooting

01-12-2003, 11:31 AM
if someone kept shooting me I'd light em up. Once a noob guy got pissed cuz I shot him 3 times cuz he really sux at paintball and doesn't know the rules. He then proceeds to shoot back at me but he was already out. I then shot him with all the balls left in my hopper (not many. But it might've been full velocity on my spyder since we have no chrony ::outlaw field::)
He then says something like "Its common sense to stop shooting when I'm out"
I just say "Then why were you not holding up your hands in the air and saying out?" (he just kept on walking after I shot him a couple times.)
He then started calling me and idiot and other crap but I just ignored him.

Its always those people who don't do what they're supposed to who ruin the game for us. BOTTOM LINE: If ur gonna complain make sure its not ur fault u got hit a lot in the first place. Clearly say you're out and shot it, too. DOn't just keep walking (or running if you actually play smart) like a retard.

Since I play outlaw most of the time and usually veryone has full velocity on their spyders I am always quick to get out. Spyders + full auto e-spyders + full velocity + shooting hot = OOOWWW

01-12-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Trench_Riader

You see the Rainmaker has an anti-chop feature rather like a lvl 10.

See, thats Scott getting to you. the RM has no such feature(No the exhaust valves do NOT do that...ive proven that) other than a LPR to control the bolt...which a Cocker, Angel, Timmy, Impy, Bushy, etc all have

01-12-2003, 01:16 PM
wow, not six times, omg, how did he deal with the pain *sarcasm*. i got shot 9 times in the butt and 5 times in the back one game, and i didnt complain, even tho it was hard to sit down for the next week. Drachinfire, another AO member, got shot like 30 times.....lol

i mean, i understand getting shot like 13 times, cause when the first ball hit you, there could be 13 more in the air

01-12-2003, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
Six times or sixty...they don't get them hands in the air and call yourself out...Light em up. It's fair game. No biggie. They should know that and it sounds like after they had a chance to think they realized it.

Get busy and fix that paint match issue. Changing markers proves it coulda worked. That one obviously had a match. You got level 10? Get it. It helps down the barrel breaks some too. However paint match sounds like something you KNEW you had a problem with. So time for you to get with the program and be prepared to deal with it. :)

:eek: :eek: :eek:


With a player walking off the field I will still put one or two more breaks on him just to be sure, Its part of the game, I know from doing them how embarresing it can be to be dead man walked so I make sure it will never happen to my team.

01-12-2003, 03:03 PM
aliens8mydad shot a guy six time by himself at the cyberball feild in forney so dont feel bad :D

01-12-2003, 03:05 PM
but he didnt mean to he didnt know he hit the guy.....or did he??:p

01-12-2003, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by painball
if someone kept shooting me I'd light em up. Once a noob guy got pissed cuz I shot him 3 times cuz he really sux at paintball and doesn't know the rules. He then proceeds to shoot back at me but he was already out. I then shot him with all the balls left in my hopper (not many. But it might've been full velocity on my spyder since we have no chrony ::outlaw field::)
He then says something like "Its common sense to stop shooting when I'm out"
I just say "Then why were you not holding up your hands in the air and saying out?" (he just kept on walking after I shot him a couple times.)
He then started calling me and idiot and other crap but I just ignored him.

Its always those people who don't do what they're supposed to who ruin the game for us. BOTTOM LINE: If ur gonna complain make sure its not ur fault u got hit a lot in the first place. Clearly say you're out and shot it, too. DOn't just keep walking (or running if you actually play smart) like a retard.

Since I play outlaw most of the time and usually veryone has full velocity on their spyders I am always quick to get out. Spyders + full auto e-spyders + full velocity + shooting hot = OOOWWW
No chrony + FA + Disreguard to overshooting = Someones going to seriously get hurt. I'd highly suggest you buy a chrony before you go out and have an accident you weren't expecting. I know my Spyder, along with others, chronoed at 340+ fps out of the box, which is 40 fps higher than what is legal at feilds. Please just take this into considerating before someone catches 3+ balls in the throat at 340+ fps, K?

01-12-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by blnk162

:eek: :eek: :eek:


With a player walking off the field I will still put one or two more breaks on him just to be sure, Its part of the game, I know from doing them how embarresing it can be to be dead man walked so I make sure it will never happen to my team.

Yep! LOL! We found some common ground! Hey! You do not call yourself out where people can see it your not out! I been lit up before and reminded to keep my hand up and its not anyones fault but mine if I do not. It's the rules...

01-12-2003, 07:24 PM
lol...if a dead man is walking towards MY dead box,and he isnt on my team..he is getting shot...

i have overshot people before for not calling themselves out....poop happens....its their fault.

01-12-2003, 07:24 PM
dang it chuckxster... it was an accident and i tried to apologize to the guy.

01-12-2003, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Ov3rmind

No chrony + FA + Disreguard to overshooting = Someones going to seriously get hurt. I'd highly suggest you buy a chrony before you go out and have an accident you weren't expecting. I know my Spyder, along with others, chronoed at 340+ fps out of the box, which is 40 fps higher than what is legal at feilds. Please just take this into considerating before someone catches 3+ balls in the throat at 340+ fps, K?

Its funny you say that cuz today we played and I bunkered a kid and shot him from 2 feet and he was crying. A chrono id def. on my to get list. tho

01-12-2003, 07:45 PM
Getting hit 6 times while charging is not what I'd call overshooting.

Want to know about over shooting....
I had been playing paintball less than 1/2 dozen times. I was moving up on a woods course and got caught between bunkers. The guy in front of me popped out before I got to cover and tagged me in the chest. No big deal I think and put up my hands and yell "out"....then...

he continues shooting. I get 3 more in the chest, 2 in each leg, and one in the palm of each of my hands (my hands were UP mind you.) It occurs to me that he does not plan on stopping, so I ball up into a "turtle" position (legs under belly, hands over head) and the *jerk* puts more into my back. I know I had over 12 hits on me from all that.

Of course the Ref saw nothing of this and I had to take matters into my own hands :)

That's overshooting.

01-12-2003, 08:01 PM
Thanks all for the comments. Just one (rather off topic) reply at this point:

See, thats Scott getting to you. the RM has no such feature(No the exhaust valves do NOT do that...ive proven that) other than a LPR to control the bolt...which a Cocker, Angel, Timmy, Impy, Bushy, etc all have

Well, my comparison to the lvl 10 was a bit off. The fact of the matter is, though, whatever the RM has in the way of anti-chop hardware works like a charm. In the last 4 cases I have put through mine, I have never chopped a single ball and broke only a few in the barrel.

"Trench Raider"

01-12-2003, 08:09 PM
I walked off the field against aftershock with 17 counted breaks on me after trying to bunker roland...oh man was that fun...lol

01-13-2003, 12:50 AM
Not much to add here, except that Rainmaker is LOUD. I was hanging around the right flank of the fort about 50 yards out when I heard Trench Raider let rip...that thing just about drowned out the smaller "pops" that the other guns made. I don't know about the guys that made the mad dash to the door, but after coming under fire of a gun that barks like that, I'd have to rethink my strategy...;)

Proud new Automag owner

01-13-2003, 01:07 AM
Sharky! Buddy!

Yeah I was wondering about that overshoot so I decided to bounce it off the folks at the most mature PB forum I've encountered.

Shark here just joined the 'mag club. He scored a 68 Automag in good working shape (with a smartparts 16" and a Dye stainless) for a mere $125 and put it to good use at the game I described above.

And yes, the RM is a bit loud. :D

"Trench Raider"