View Full Version : Starting up a team

KenNy G
01-12-2003, 06:44 PM
I know most of you have been playing paintball for awhile now and I know some of you play rec and some play on teams. I myself am interested in starting a team. Could i get some feedback from peeps on a team about how they got started? Like how did you recruit members and more importantly how did you get sponsered? Thanx a million.

(sorry about the double posting)

KenNy G
01-12-2003, 07:02 PM
:confused: noone has anything to add?

01-12-2003, 07:22 PM
I am a friend of this person and we are trying tostart a team. We have everything but the moola to practice on a regular basis. We are decent players but we were just wondering what steps we needed to take to get sponsored. Thanks for any responses we get.

01-12-2003, 07:26 PM
I don't have much information to tell and help you out but I can say its pretty hard for a start up team to get sponsorship; try getting something through your parents work;

well good luck

01-12-2003, 07:28 PM
why dont you just join a team that is already made and has sponsorships and all..thats what i am trying to do.

KenNy G
01-12-2003, 07:31 PM
there are no teams for us to join in our immediate area that i know about :( thats why we are trying to start one

01-12-2003, 07:38 PM
Yeah there only four or five teams in our area and we have already asked around. Making a team is what was suggested by 4 out of the five team captains.:(

01-12-2003, 07:46 PM
When starting a new team, unless the team members are from previously well recognized teams, I would not worry too much about “serious” sponsorships. The chances of you getting any are slim to none. This may sound harsh, but is the cold hard truth.

I would recommend working on your skills as a team, going to as many different fields as you can, going to as many events as you can, and getting to know as many local store owners as you can. But I would not “push” yourself on anyone….. you can not imagine how many teams want “sponsorships” and claim to be the best thing going. Let your actions do the talking for you, trust me, if you are worth anything, folks will notice.

Also be advised that most stores, fields, etc. offer “sponsorships” that consists of reduced field fees, reduced paint prices, discounts on equipment, etc. These are the most common form of “sponsorship” going now days. This type of sponsorship should be asked about, but not begged for. No one likes “needy” teams. And don’t worry, if they offer this type of sponsorship, they will be more than happy to give it to you anyway.

Then only with time, skill, exposure, positive reputation, and at least local (or regional) notoriety will you be ready to approach any companies for major sponsorships. But chances are, they will know you are there and may make the first move if they feel you are worth it to them.

I would NOT however, advise contacting your parents’ workplace for sponsorships. LOL I just don’t think the average company understands paintball or what it could do for them in the way of promotional value….. Also if anything should go wrong, it will not be the most comfortable situation for your parents to be in. Best not go down that road.

01-12-2003, 07:55 PM
We have sent out e-mils to local companies and things of that nature. We have had some promising replies. They have just asked for some more information on paintball and its rules. What do you think our approach should be on our return letters?

Load SM5
01-12-2003, 08:03 PM
Explain to them what paintball is and outline what your goals would be as a team and how you would represent them in a positive light.

01-12-2003, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by zyuccinidude
We have sent out e-mils to local companies and things of that nature. We have had some promising replies. They have just asked for some more information on paintball and its rules. What do you think our approach should be on our return letters?
Well, first of all, if they had to ask I would say you didn’t do it right to begin with.

If you are sending off a letter to a company, first of all, don’t JUST send an e-mail. Send a full sponsorship package consisting of your team’s information, pictures, a little about the sport, your goals, your accomplishments as a team and as individuals (paintball and NOT paintball related), how their sponsorship of your team will help them, and more.

Also, if you have to ask how to approach them with a return letter, it shows you didn’t take the time to think it through in the first place. You should be ready for several situations before you even contact them the first time…..

1) No response

2) Thank you, but we are not interested.

3) Thank you, we would like more information before we continue any conversations.

4) Thank you, we want to schedule an appointment to discuss this further.

5) Thank you! You are just what we have been looking for!

And many of these things are almost mirrors of classic job search and interview steps. After all, by being sponsored, it IS a job. You would do well to get a hold of some Job Search, Resume, and Interview literature.

01-12-2003, 08:17 PM
And you may want to read these threads covering various sponsorship issues.








And there may be more…. As you can see, this is not a new topic here and has been discussed time and time again. Enjoy, and remember that this site also has a wonderful search feature. I hope this helps. I know I posted in a few of those threads and just don’t feel like posting it all again. ;)

01-12-2003, 08:24 PM
Thank you this info will be very helpful.:D

01-18-2003, 08:19 PM
you are so lame what kind of ? is that?
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :confused: :confused: :

01-19-2003, 12:27 AM
Another way you could get sponsorship is to go to your local field, you and your team, and help out(ref games, clean up, etc.) When they find out how reliable you guys are, they might start giving you guys discounts, and even sponsorship. It took our team about 1 year to establish the trust from our local field for them to sponsor us.

01-19-2003, 04:18 AM
ok here it is....

win enough tournaments to be recognized.

of course I don't speak from experience, but the way it works is this. it is a business, businesses want money, if you are a recognized team, they will probably consider you as a moving billboard for their product(s)/service(s). if you are not well known and aren't good who would want their company on that? next to nobody.

then again if you personally know a person from a major company that has sponsored then thats an entirely different story.

just like every other sport/hobby to be sponsored, you usually end up spending more money than what the sponsor ends up offering you, but remember you get as much as you put in (usually) so don't be such a lay down and actually work on your game instead of pan handling abilities. :)

01-19-2003, 02:57 PM
I recruited my team from WARPIG player to player.Sponsorship comes in time,concentrate on playing as a team first,worry about sponsorships later,much later.Play all local tournies within a days travel time.Practice every week,work on skills like bunkering,or trying to NOT get bunkered.Make sure you get along off the field as well,go out every once in awhile for a non pb evening.
Assign a captain for on field and a seperate for off field(he does stuff like getting everyones money turned in to the event guys.)
Most important:HAVE FUN!