View Full Version : Anodizing

01-12-2003, 08:12 PM
I am starting this thread so people can post companies that have done Anodizing for their Sluggo bodies. I want to get one done but do not have the skill or equipment to do it myself. The nearest store to Boston that can does the carving but has to send it to CALIFORNIA to anodize it, and then it'll cost about 150-200 bucks to do that when all I want is black. Anyone know someone who does Anodizing cheap around Southern Boston? And if you live in a different town and know a company that does good work for a fair price by all means post it for everyone else to see.

Anyone have an update on when AGD's official ones will be available?

01-12-2003, 08:16 PM
I would recomend White Wolf... even though his service tends to be backed up...

Give him a look and ask who he sends stuff to...


~da baller