View Full Version : When did BE ruin... I mean, buy, VL?

01-13-2003, 10:05 AM
I picked up a used 9volt revy and I know approximately when it was purchased.

Is there any way to tell whether its got the Brass Eagle stamp of "quality" on it?

01-13-2003, 10:07 AM
I think if it says made in china on the body then its the brittle body :)

Although I've heard only the black bodies have the problems ... the other ones dont seem to have the issue.

Dave K

Will Wood
01-13-2003, 10:12 AM
Well..if it breaks as soon as you use it, then it's BE. :)

Creative Mayhem
01-13-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by digitard
Although I've heard only the black bodies have the problems ... the other ones dont seem to have the issue.

UMMMM..no, they all had the issue. It didn't matter what color, theywould either snap off at the neck or they would break when a ball would hit it from close range. I ahev seen 10+ break in either one of these mannersand toe occasions, right out of the box! Now that's quality!

Unfortunately, I dont know how to tell the difference between crappy BE and new BE revvys, however, if you can get your hands on one of the old VL2000 or VL3000 hoppers you will be set for ever.. I still have the first two VL2000s I ever bought, and they are tanks. No dought about it.

C Mayhem

01-13-2003, 10:22 AM
I think Brass Eagle, JT, and Viewloader are all kinda affiliated with each other, I think all 3 are owned by one corporation...if you go to jtusa.com you notice the BE, VL and challenge park links at the bottom of the site

01-13-2003, 10:27 AM
They are now, but thats because Viewloader was bought by Brass Eagle ...... and when that happened the necks started breaking due to a crappy plastic they're now using (the old ones were like rubbery plastic, it rocked).

I'm gonna get an EvoII next ... cause w/ the WARP the Halo would be mighty heavy.

Dave K

01-13-2003, 12:26 PM
Ah, well that explains it. I was talking with a guy this weekend out at AG/Pev's, and he was complaining about his revvy breaking at the neck, and I didn't understand why it was doing that. He said the new ones where more brittle then the old revvy's, like mine! Glad I got an old one! :D

Evil Bob
01-13-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by digitard
They are now, but thats because Viewloader was bought by Brass Eagle ...... and when that happened the necks started breaking due to a crappy plastic they're now using (the old ones were like rubbery plastic, it rocked).

I'm gonna get an EvoII next ... cause w/ the WARP the Halo would be mighty heavy.

Any idea on who makes the EvoII? Bingo, the same crappy company that uses the crappy plastic for the Revies. Care to wager on whether or not they'll continue that same trend with their current products?

-Evil Bob

01-13-2003, 12:34 PM
as a side note while JT and VL are owned by BE, BE is owned by Daisy. Yup, the bb gun company. They bought BE for the patent on the nightmare valve (one of the OLD BE's pump guns).

Anyways, the VL's that came with an X-board are now made with a stronger, yet more brittle material. I.E. it won't flex for a longer time, but when it does, it snaps. That happened about a year ago I think. You might want to look up Warpigs article on the "new" X-board Rev's and check the date on that article.

01-13-2003, 01:43 PM
Yeah, I know they also make the EvoII but I haven't heard of any problems with the EvoII necks breaking....

Dave K

Creative Mayhem
01-13-2003, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by digitard
Yeah, I know they also make the EvoII but I haven't heard of any problems with the EvoII necks breaking....

PSSST! It's cause no one is buying them cause they're FUGLY!! :D


01-13-2003, 02:54 PM
Im scared... I think I have a newish revvy because of that crappy plastic feel

if it breaks at the neck do you get free shells?

01-13-2003, 03:41 PM
yeah, but you have to wait in line behind everyone else, and odds are, you'll just get another set of the crappy ones..

01-13-2003, 05:37 PM
I'm very happy with my VL that I bought about 5 years ago, pre BE. I've put in a new board, and a new impeller, and it works great, though I think I'll get either the EvoII or a Halo B and use this one as a back up.

Actually, the Evo II's are much improved and everyone I know who owns one is very happy with it - save the odd structure. It's also cheaper and lighter than the Halo B's, but if we were in this sport for light weight products, we'd all be posting on a different board...


01-13-2003, 05:48 PM
yeah, the old pre be's r great. hey mayhem or anyone, do you guys know if running 12-18v into a pre be loader will fry it? its one of the older ones in which the board is really part of the eye and it all sits around the feed nect. the switch is right on the feed neck too. if it will work id really like to cut some stuff out of that old body, and make 15 or so volts work. then with a vortex impeller on it id really like to see if it works just as good or faster than my BE revvy.

also, i think its pretty dam pathetic to know that BE's "improved" x boards actually have a slower reaction time than the pre BE's.

you can tell if its a pre BE loader if it says something like VL2000, power series or something like that on it.

01-13-2003, 05:48 PM
I bought my clear (java) revy a year ago and it hasnt broke. I dont know if the java thing has anything to do with it, but I do know the java thing is pretty much a diffrent left side of the shell.. sence then I had to buy a new shell and its still fine (old one had warp holes in it)
Its still going strong. I dont have any problems with BE taking over VL. You never know, they may come up with something cool sometime. The feedneck looks like a diffrent type of plastic than the hopper on an eggy btw, maybe they took the hint.

01-13-2003, 05:50 PM
if it breaks you can probably have my 12volt rev for a decent price :)

01-13-2003, 06:00 PM
what kind;) :D

01-13-2003, 06:25 PM

BE owns JT and VL. BE is a publicly held company under the Nasdaq XRTM. BE is no longer owned by Daisy. BE purchased VL some time ago(early 99 if memory serves correctly) and later tried to aquire JTUSA. JT didnt wnat to sell out and have BE take over operations the way they did with VL(they still wanted to run the company), so that was the agreement. JT's headquarters to date are still in Chula Vista, CA whereas BE and VL are in Bentonville, AR. BE has NO CONTROL over JT or its actions. BE does however maintain control ove VL

01-13-2003, 07:03 PM
They bought VL and JT a few years ago.Both immediatly went down the crapper IMHO.

01-13-2003, 07:06 PM
yep,, seems so. Jt's guns suck so bad for the pricetag they carry, and I have heard too many times of BE shells breaking..

but still anyone know if the old PRE BE VL2000's which run on 1 nine volt can handle 15 or 18 volts and work well? its mainly because if i can get my pre BE loader to work as good as or better than my x board then i rather use it since the shell wont break on me, and thats a good thing

01-13-2003, 07:09 PM
I traded my old red revvy for 3 cases of paint from this guy (who wouldnt) Then i bought a revyy, realized it had the **** shell, traded it for a rico2k that already had a broken feed neck, then rico sent me a new one in 2 days, it was the o-ring neck too. Its worked great, but i will get a halo B sooner or later.

01-13-2003, 09:06 PM
when I heard that BE was buying VL back in the day I got as many old style revys as I could find. now 3 years later I'm still using them on all my non electros, and they work great. the rico is a nice loader but still not as fast as an old school revy ;)

01-13-2003, 09:27 PM
This is what i've heard. VL had a really bad batch of the shells, but didnt want to recall them. The next batch coming out will be back to normal. But about the evo2, I just won mine in a turny and didnt know if I would like it. But wow, they are very nice, and very high in quality. I've already banged it into a few bunkers that I thought for sure would bust the feed neck, but it did not.

01-13-2003, 09:30 PM
suckers, i got me some pre be shells.

but i have a question, why dont they just design a new shell that has a replaceable feedneck?? that way if u break one, just replace it. it wouldnt be too difficult. wait thatsa good idea, patent pending

01-13-2003, 09:50 PM
Well i know that my Blue Rev, and my friends Black one are different. Mine is heavier and the lid was clear, where his is like a lite plastic and his lid is not so clear. more like a pod lid. I dont know which one is better, but mine was bought before his and mine is heavier, tougher feeling so i guess it might be mine. also when i went to give him my plastic lid, it wouldnt fit on his..


01-14-2003, 06:09 AM
Originally posted by digitard
Yeah, I know they also make the EvoII but I haven't heard of any problems with the EvoII necks breaking....

Dave K
I don't know about "Eggo II" necks, but if they're still
set up like the "Eggo I" was you're going to be snapping them
too. 2 yr's ago at a C.P.S.A. tourney at C.P.X. I went
to make a run down the tape at endgame, I slipped
in the mud my marker NEVER!! hit the ground But there I
am watching my Egg rolling away from me. The neck was
still in the marker, but the hopper was Ten yard's
down range. Luckily we had other player's Blowing
the other tape so they were able to finish the game
in our favor. I've never used an Eggo since then,
I went back too my Pre B.E. Revvie's until I got
my HALO.

01-14-2003, 12:33 PM
Tht's one of the selling points of the eggo2,stronger feed necks you won't break!Am I the only one who pays attention to ads?;) :D

01-14-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by WARPED1
Tht's one of the selling points of the eggo2,stronger feed necks you won't break!Am I the only one who pays attention to ads?;) :D

I'm not saying the EggoII neck is the same, but they
have'nt been around long enough to prove or disprove
B.E.'s claim. As for reading Advertisement's, they
are written by an agent for a manufacturer to put
they're product in the best light possible.
Don't alway's believe what you read in them.
B.E. has proved to me over the year's that they
are in buisness to make as much $$$ while cutting
they're own cost's as far as possible.
They are more interested in the "PROFIT MARGIN",
than supplying they're customer's with the highest
Quality product they can produce.

Evil Bob
01-14-2003, 12:57 PM
The loading flip door broke on my EggoII on the second day of playing with it, it promptly went back for a refund.

JT's standards did go down after the BE aquisition. The Proteus was recalled for "brittle plastic".... hmmmm... I see a common topic here with BE subsidiaries... I wonder...

-Evil Bob