View Full Version : Writers Corner

01-13-2003, 09:45 PM
ok there have been a few of these threads over the years bu non lately so here we go. write anything you want here poems short stories heck novels if you feal like it come here and read and comment! im busy shining my boots for tms inspection so ill post what i have later;)

01-13-2003, 09:48 PM
We should do a story thread, like your will write a paragraph of the story then someone adds to it. It wont be like most thread stories(short and dumb) it could accually be a serious storie. I'm a bit of a writer myself, its a passion.

01-13-2003, 10:30 PM
people can add to the stories but i dont like that write a section of story lets others take it from there then add again i want my own story.

01-14-2003, 11:24 PM
ok finaly feal like writing so here we go...

i stumble out of my bed at 7 am on a wednesday morning. as i quickly run through my morning routine my mom is yelling hurry up the whole time. i finaly stumble out to my jeep at about 8 or so. i hop in start up pop in a cd and go. when i finaly finish my daily trip to my school i realize how much h/w i blew off last night... o well.as im walking to 1st hr i see courtney...

im having writers block ahhhh...ill add more later

01-15-2003, 06:00 AM
Well, I don't have a story right now, but has anyone seen about writing for the contest, "Writers of the Future" (I believe that's the name of it). I'm going to (hopefully)enter soon. If you win the quarterly contest, I believe your story goes into a book with other winning stories. The story must be under a certain limit, be sci-fi related, and completely original. I also believe that you still retain all rights to your story.

01-15-2003, 08:51 AM
Here is a poem that I wrote to/for a poster at another forum. I posted it there for comments by others, thought I'd copy it here too. :D (I am NOT a poet, but have one a couple no-name awards) - oh and Ojibwe is an indian nation, more commonly known as Chippewa (ever hear of dream catchers?)

A poster on this forum has challenged me. Not "on purpose", but rather, with thoughtfullness of purpose. I am part Ojibwe, and some of that comes out here, but this is a poem for that person.

(their avatarname) is it a name
is it a heritage, a belife
do you dream dreams
do you know where I am
did you see me there
Of course you think you know
from times ancient
locked in runes unknown
from the place that you cannot go
to the realm of the city
there I stand looking
glareing, seeing, knowing.
I am one of the two
the smudgeing smells sweet
the ash burnt still
do not blow with the breath
this is why it is gone
purity, but none found
no sleep for you
no peace for you

The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets.
(No, I will not say who it is for)

Archangel Damien
01-15-2003, 09:29 AM
saw this somewhere can`t remember where

Because there`s a Monster
Living inside of my head
Because there`s an Angel
Sleeping inside of my bed
Because there`s a Warrior
Hiding inside of my skin
And my soul is empty
Because of my Fathers Sins

i think it was a friends website

01-15-2003, 04:21 PM
hehe....all of my poems make women cry and grown men whimper ;) They are too dark and depressing to print, lol. There is one I might post later....

01-15-2003, 04:54 PM
Johnny had to move! The sound of machined metal sliding across metal, racking a shell, found it's way to his ear just before the room disintegrated into a defeaning roar. To everyone else unlucky enough to be in the same room, the gunshot rang out and immediately was met with screams. Johnny had hit the floor fast, pulling Rochelle with him as he slid down. Immediately, he looked up to see the other party-goers running toward the door as if they were participants in a strange hundred meter dash. Miraculously, no one was hit. The man standing at the other end of the room had brandished a twelve gauge shotgun, his orator of choice for any disagreement because of the convincing argument it always made. As his coat had flown back, he had aimed near Johnny and fired, hoping to hit his female companion....a woman who owed him money, an apology, and who knows what else. She was a mystery, but one thing was certain...he would collect what rightfully belonged to him.

Johnny on the other hand had met her the day before in an innocent looking coffee shop, where he couldn't believe his luck at their chance meeting. Rochelle seemed nice enough...educated, possibly a career woman somewhere. That was his impression before being up with her for nearly forty-eight hours...a two day marathon of adrenalin that saw him go from the lower end of SoHo in a cab to a full on plunge into an underworld he never knew existed. "Who are you?" Johnny yelled as they both sprang to their feet, making a dash for a doorway they had to get to. Somewhere in his mind Johnny could here the sound of a pump action shotgun, his Grandfather had several and he always remembered the distintive sound they made, even though the room had gone silent in his ears. He knew the man was reloading and drawing down on them...suddenly, the hair's began to stand up on the back of his neck. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" Rochelle shot back. "Try me!" he screamed as the two leapt through the doorframe.

New as of 1/16/03

The pair hit the floor in the next room in a heavy heap of tangled limbs. Thinking quickly and moving quicker, Johnny jumped up and slammed the door shut behind them, as if the wooden obstacle would prevent their assailant from reaching them. "What are you doing!?" Rochelle yelled as she, too, jumped up. "This way he doesn't have a clear shot...look,..just RUN!" Johnny yelled back in a flustered attempt to explain. He grabbed her by the arm tightly and spun the two of them into the hallway leading out of the buidling. The party they were at only seconds before was being thrown in an old industrial building in the city's lower east side...an ancient cube of loft apartments that now threatened to become their grave. Boom!! Johnny could hear the sound of the twelve gauge chopping through the wooden restraint like a buzzsaw, he knew the man would be in the hallway in seconds. From that point, hitting the two of them in the back would be an easy task given it's long, almost rifle range like expanse. In their haste they ran right past the grated entrance of the frieght elevator, which now served as the primary way in and out of this relic of the industrial age.

Skidding to a halt and nearly toppling over, the pair pulled the gate up and lurched into the elevator frantically clawing for any button that meant "down". They could hear the footfalls of someone running down the hallway in their general direction, and while it could be other party-goers, they new full well it was him. Once the gate closed and the elevator began it's descent, Johnny turned to Rochelle who was beginning to straighten her rumpled party clothes. "Who the hell was that guy!?" he shouted. "Oh..that's Maurice" she said nonchalantly, "he thinks I owe him some money." "Well, do you?!" Johnny yelled, his voice not beginning to calm yet. "Maybe. What's today?" she asked innocently. "Oh my God...this is not happening." Johnny swore to himself while simultaneously placing his hand on his forehead.

01-15-2003, 07:30 PM
thats pretty good dre;)

01-16-2003, 11:44 AM
Thanks bro. I'm bored up here at work so might add to it today.