View Full Version : PF hopper left or right for a righty?

01-14-2003, 12:05 AM
Just got my my first PF minimag, and it was hopper right but a good deal. Thought oh well, I'll trade off the body and get hopper left to stay tight behind the bunkers.

After shooting it a bit (not in a game), I dig it. With a Rico2k on top, the profile isn't bad and probably a hit on the hopper would be a goggle hit if it wasn't in the way.

It is much easier to sight down the barrel and get on target than the hopper left markers I have tried.

Any rightys out there that have tried both?

01-14-2003, 12:55 AM
Yeah, It doesn't really make a differance to me. I prefer Hopper-RIght tho, just in case you decide to go warp-feed, in which case it'll also work for us righties :)

01-14-2003, 08:55 AM
I am a righty and I prefer hopper left. Main reason is, regaurdless, you have to sight over something and you have a tendency to shoot more out of the right side of the bunker and that means the hooper over on the left side will be behind the bunker more often. Other than that its not realy an issue. As you realy should shoot from both sides some if you can. But its a matter of odds is all.

01-14-2003, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by cphilip
I am a righty and I prefer hopper left. Main reason is, regaurdless, you have to sight over something and you have a tendency to shoot more out of the right side of the bunker and that means the hooper over on the left side will be behind the bunker more often. Other than that its not realy an issue. As you realy should shoot from both sides some if you can. But its a matter of odds is all.

01-14-2003, 09:12 AM
I'am a righty to and use a hopper left mag, but one day when my warp died, I put my elbow nice and tight on the warp body and really loved the way a hopper right on a short powerfeed worked.

01-14-2003, 09:33 AM
I'm a righty and I use a HRPF Mag. I currently run a Warp feed on the left. This allows me to rotate the marker to the left a bit, so the Warp is a little more 'below' the marker. then I can sight down the body and barrel with the powerfeed nearly vertical.

I have also used my HRPF body with a Revvy up top. Having used two Tippmanns befor ebuying my Mag, the Hopper on the right just felt natural...

Later ~ Jonesie

01-14-2003, 10:11 AM
i am a righty, and i have used both. I personally say if it works good enough for you then keep it. That way if and when you want a warp, you are good to go