View Full Version : Why all the X-mag hype?

01-14-2003, 11:13 AM
I begin this question with no intention of bashing AGD....I love the company, there's no way I'd turn my back on it.

But I do want to know...Why is there so much hype surrounding the X-mags? I have certainly seen a lot of news about them lately, and have been following news about these new markers since they were announced. I must admit they are sweet looking markers as well, and that's good for AGD, finally meeting the demand for sexy looking markers.

When Tom was in California, I was privileged to behold his warped X-mag. It sure was light, fast, and sexy. He even let us rip up the shop with compressed air. I was impressed, but also dissapointed. After shooting it, I then beheld my own ULE emag, and I really didn't notice a big difference.

The only advantage that I can think of that would make it better than a standard emag would be the ACE. That in combination with an LX kit, you can be assured that you won't chop paint. But then again, with a well-tuned LX kit in itself is also capable. And that brings me to say...well sure, there's nothing wrong with double protection, LX + ACE will prevent breakage, and that does have an advantage over plain LX. But given the choice, I'd rather have the gun hiss and indicate there was a misfire, than just not shoot at all.

So I guess the X-mag isn't, for me anyway, worth the price. And the only reason why I can come up with that makes others want to buy such a sweet marker would be the "new and captivating" aspect surrounding new and exciting products. Plus it does look sexy.


Will Wood
01-14-2003, 11:19 AM
Well..I personly don't give two hoots about weight. Nor look. That's why I got a Mag in the first palce. Nothing special for looks, and some peopel tend to complain it is too heavy. Neither bothers me. So xmag would be kinda pointless exept on impressing the other people who do care. But it still would be amazing to own one.. just because of what it is.

But if people buy it, then why not sell it?

01-14-2003, 11:35 AM
The hype is because it is the new marker. The same way all manufacturers promote any new product they come out with…. even if the only difference is slight cosmetic changes. It is the nature of business…..

As for being worth the price…. That is subjective. But in honesty, I find few markers now days that I would say are “worthy ” of the price they are sold for. That does not mean I am saying they are not “worth” the price, because after all, if you WANT one, and are willing to PAY for one, and you LIKE it… it was “worth” paying the price… for you.

But prices are what they are, and they are that way for many reasons. Some of it is because they (manufacturers and stores) CAN charge that amount and folks will buy them at that price. And you also have some (such as AGD.. IMHO) that I feel just make too few to allow them to have much lower prices. Again, such is the nature of manufacturing and business. Supply and demand, added with the ability to mass produce or not (or the decision not to, thus causing more demand than supply…. Causing the price to rise.).

For me, I would never run right out and buy the latest marker just because it was the latest. There has to be a justifiable reason to do so. Just like buying a new car… :)

If you WANT to move from a standard E-Mag to the X-Mag, great! But if not… you can bet you are not left if an “inferior” product. :D

Evil Bob
01-14-2003, 11:55 AM
For me the big points on the Xmag are the interchangible breaches, autococker threaded barrel, the ACE, and it's looks, all major improvements over the current Emag.

-Evil Bob

01-14-2003, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by Evil Bob
For me the big points on the Xmag are the interchangible breaches, autococker threaded barrel, the ACE, and it's looks, all major improvements over the current Emag.

-Evil Bob
Yes... other things to keep in mind.... if the person needs them.

01-14-2003, 12:15 PM
I like em cause their kewl...

01-14-2003, 12:32 PM
The interchangeable breaches is what I love ... the fact you can switch between hopper left, right, centerfeed, warp, etc with just the breach and not a whole body is GREAT for the constant player.

Got a speedball type game ... get that WARP setup. Warp battery dies, or dont have it with you, put the powerfeed breach in and so on.

The cocker threads is nice too because you can now have the wide selection of barrels without having to worry about getting the right twist lock type, or paying the couple extra bucks for the barrel .... plus your friend has a new barrel ya wanna try? Well hell, its a pretty standard type most likely it will be able to work on your mag.

Also, even LEVEL 10 has some problems in EXTREME cold weather here and there. Just like any valve if it sticks slightly or the cold gets to it you might chop a few balls. The ACE is gonna help prevent breakage in even the most EXTREME conditions.

The XMAG is the serious players marker ... setup to play in any environment for any situation if needed without carrying around 5 different bodies/etc.

Plus.. ya gotta love the design!

Dave K

Evil Bob
01-14-2003, 01:47 PM
One word... "Redundancy", having a backup plan for when the crap hits the fan and your marker fails.

The interchangible breach is one of the biggest reasons for me to consider the Xmag over the Emag. I bought the Emag for the reason that it had a manual mode in the event I lose the electronics or the battery, I'm still able to play. I can manually press the feed button on the warp to keep playing, unless it is the warp that has gone dead on me, in which case I'm screwed for that game.

I have a center feed body that I carry as a spare in my parts kit in the event that I have to go completely manual mode from a dead battery, dead board, or dead warp (which to date I haven't needed).

The center feed breach module for the Xmag could easily be tucked into a pocket to be carried onto the field and easily swapped out in game in the event that either the warp or the emag dies, allowing me to continue playing. Unscrew the barrel, swap the breach, screw in barrel, move HALO from warp to center feed, back in business in under 30 seconds.

-Evil Bob

01-14-2003, 02:15 PM
No matter what you have ACE, LX, COPS, even ELFS that chamber each ball. You can, and will, still get breaks down the barrel. Which totally negates anything that the above do. :mad:

01-14-2003, 02:30 PM
BUt breaks in the barrel can normally be shot out and quickly squeegied ... when you chop a ball that gets the feed tube and everythign full of paint and paint chips.

Dave K

Creative Mayhem
01-14-2003, 02:36 PM
Everyone has thier own reasons of buying the marker they do. I have owned a mag since early 1992, the quality is A1. I currently own a 2000 Dark Angel, while the quality is just as good as my old mag, it just has too many bells and whistles that I just don't use. I want to gas up and go, play ball, and when it breaksdown, fix it(or have it fixed) in a timely manner. The Xmag does this, allows for ease of use, actually has features that you will use and looks just as good as any Angel or Timmy ever could. I just recently decided to get a newer mag, so I figured what the heck... go for the top! The standard Emag is good I would have no problem buying one, but I am a firm believer that life is to short, NOT to get what you want. If you want the IR3 go for it, if you want the Timmy get it, and if you want to get an old beat up VM68, hell get that too. You have to do what you want, because the choice you make is yours, and no one has to live with it but you.

C Mayhem

01-14-2003, 03:01 PM
"No matter what you have ACE, LX, COPS, even ELFS that chamber each ball. You can, and will, still get breaks down the barrel. Which totally negates anything that the above do. "

Yes the above is true, but the break is localized within the barrel which can be simply removed and squegeed clean.

Like somebody mentioned a chamber break is much worse because of the paint fill getting all over, especially if you have a warp...bleh. and if you really want your gun to fire "right" then you have to take the valve out and clean out the entire tube.

I still get barrel breaks but not often enough to frustrate me as the chamber breaks had done in the past.

anti chop should be industry standard at this point.

01-14-2003, 05:14 PM
just FYI, the LX bolt kit even decreases the number of barrel breaks....

Evil Bob
01-14-2003, 05:53 PM
Barrel breaks are more based upon the age and overall consistancy of the diameter and roundness of the paint you are using and whether or not the barrel you are using has enough tolerance, those 4 magic words... "Paint To Barrel Match"

-Evil Bob

01-14-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by Kevmaster
just FYI, the LX bolt kit even decreases the number of barrel breaks....

Is that what the rounded edge on the bolt was for? I remeber earlier Tom or someone posting about how the sharp edge of the older bolts would knick the balls waiting to be fired causing them to explode down the barrel once they were fired. Because other than that I don't see how LX can prevent barrel breaks.

01-14-2003, 07:34 PM
i dont thisnk it is that good looking, it would look alot better without the big ugly rectangle on it, also it may shoot nice but it wont be as nice as an ir3 or a gz.

01-15-2003, 12:18 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong but what rectangle on top? I don't see anything squarish at all, are you talking about the CNC xmag? Like most said it is personal preference period, don't like don't buy it, its pretty simple. Although if I had the money the purple CNC xmag would be my next marker hands down, nothing is sweeter looking than that to me.:D

01-15-2003, 01:23 AM
I have noticed LX increases the accuracy through barrel breaks, i have no idea why, but i noticed a huge difference.
However i get the same amount of barrel breaks with and without it.

01-15-2003, 01:24 AM
Originally posted by youguysrchoads
i dont thisnk it is that good looking, it would look alot better without the big ugly rectangle on it, also it may shoot nice but it wont be as nice as an ir3 or a gz.
you are a fool. well, i guess with these forum rules I'll try not to flame you any more than that. Have you ever shot an xmag ever in your life?

01-15-2003, 01:35 AM
All I know is that LX eats your bumpers..damn..I was going through a bumper a case...