View Full Version : Why did I get banned?

01-14-2003, 01:05 PM
This is blnk162, i havent done anything near bad in the past few days and then im banned out of nowhere? what the heck for?
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME? any other paintball forum you can have a link to a pimp slapped website but not aog...why in the heck not?

01-14-2003, 01:07 PM
Did you attempt to sent AO Staff an E-mail about this? :rolleyes:

01-14-2003, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by shartley
Did you attempt to sent AO Staff an E-mail about this? :rolleyes:
no where are their emails located?

01-14-2003, 01:10 PM
Isn't cercomventing the ban by registering under another name grounds for a permanant ban? I'd e-mail the webmaster and delete this thread if I were you.

edit: [email protected]

01-14-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by TheTramp
Isn't cercomventing the ban by registering under another name grounds for a permanant ban? I'd e-mail the webmaster and delete this thread if I were you.

i had this account before i was banned.

Evil Bob
01-14-2003, 01:15 PM
You got banned for 5 days for the "xmag for sale" link you had in your sig.

Here is cphillip's words on the matter:

"You have an inappropriate link in your signature. I am removing it. It links to derogator kind of a site but is disguised as a X mag for sale link. You have been warned many times before for other violations. This one is over the top. Imposing a Five Day Temp ban for it. Do not curcumvent it or I will make it permanent - cphilip"

Here is the thread itself: http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63644

-Evil Bob

01-14-2003, 01:22 PM
Well now your banned on this one too.

An Inappropriate link was hidden in your signature as an add for an X mag sale. This was after the fact that you had recieved numerous warnings for cursing in the last few days. I finaly had enough. I gave you Five days temp ban. And I warned you if you curcumvented that it would be permanent. Clear your cookies and you may view the forum. And I will let this one slide as I am not sure you recieved your email by the time this occured so I will email to this new one as well.

New email just sent to you on this.

01-14-2003, 01:23 PM
supermagballa = now banned as well.

01-14-2003, 01:25 PM
thanks Brian...

He now has two emails to read I suppose. :rolleyes:

01-14-2003, 01:48 PM
Uh oh guys I may have to un ban him!!! He has now put forth the eloquent argument below! (I am kidding) FYI it was a link to the Pimps and Ho's web game by the way. Mostly it was his repeated violations though before that one.

How is it inappropriate?! If it said matrix for sale you wouldnt have made a big deal of it I bet. Pbnation and pbcity dont care, why do you, if it was anyone else other than me you wouldnt do a thing about it.

Where are rules saying what is and isnt innappropriate?

And report to my isp!? are you joking me? what are you going to tell them "Yes mr so and so posted a link to an online GAME with NO swearing, NO porno, NOTHING illegal.

Come on now this is gettng ridiculous.

01-14-2003, 01:52 PM
Kids today,they don't make them like they used too...........

01-14-2003, 02:00 PM
well he is right...this is not Paintball City...

I just thought some of you might like to see what goes on behind the scenes is all. I did not use his name but that one is typical of some of them. And of course appropriatness is a subjective thing so it's hard to know. But then again if you have been a trouble maker already the judgment window is considerably narrower. For instance if an member that had always been good and was productive had done that he would just have been told to change it. But...Not to the case here. And the report to the ISP he is referring to was in the case he should attempt to curcumvent again. A temp ban would never include that.

But just so you know some of the thought processes that have to go on and can see its not always black and white to make these calls. And of course there are several steps involved in the actual temp ban being placed.

First is to reply to the thread and then to clean it out and make your comment. Sometimes that means you have to go to his profile and remove something.

Before you can do that you have to copy off any pertinent info and save it for evidence.

Then you have to annouce to the other Mods what you have done and when.

And then you have to go into the control panel and do it and note any other usernames that may crop up and IP's.

then you have to email the person... and so on in response to things like this one.

Its not simple and we do not do it lightly. As its real work.

01-14-2003, 02:02 PM
LOL Folks need to read their IPS’s Terms Of Service a bit closer. ;) I have found that ISP’s would rather terminate an account because of TOS violations and potential future violations, than risk law suits over the actions of their clients. I have personally had quite a few folks terminated from their ISP’s services…. and one person actually terminated from 3 different ISPs. (no, this one was not a kid….. sad individuals though… a man and his wife.)

What makes these situations even more comical, is when they are CHILDREN who are using accounts that their parents are paying for…… ;) And I have even heard from some of these parents things like “You must not have a life. Who cares what he does on the internet, it isn’t real anyway.” LOL Well…… I guess since it isn’t “real” they don’t mind NOT having an internet account because of what “Johnny” did. :D

The internet and internet communications have grown so common place, and so prevalent in our society, that it IS real. We do business online, we build friendships online, we share our lives online, and unfortunately some people break rules, and LAWS, online. It is not a “do what you want zone” with no repercussions for your actions….. that make it pretty real to me. ;)

01-14-2003, 02:09 PM
How is it inappropriate?! If it said matrix for sale you wouldnt have made a big deal of it I bet. Pbnation and pbcity dont care, why do you, if it was anyone else other than me you wouldnt do a thing about it.

why are you always picking on meeeeeee!? pbnation and pbcity let me do it. why don't youuuuuuu!? you guys are just upset because i used your precious xmag in the link. so there nahhhhh. :p

Where are rules saying what is and isnt innappropriate?

where are the rules? i don't see any rules. where? the post that says forum rules please read? that couldn't be it. why would it be there? what the pulldown that says "forum faqs and rules"? that's a stupid place to put it. :rolleyes:

01-14-2003, 02:10 PM
Phil, I don't think you are allowed to have an opinion on this matter! ;)

01-14-2003, 02:12 PM
Well that was a judgement call and he was a repeated violator so he got it on that one. I realize inappropriate is a hard thing to judge sometimes but most people just get a talking too about it. Trouble makers do not. And ussualy if you have to hide it that might be a tip off...

01-14-2003, 02:14 PM
I hope you recognize that I was alluding to the new marker from Punisher thread. :)

01-14-2003, 02:17 PM
Oh yea Tramp! I stand corrected!!! :D

OK now let me give you another example of someone who got banned yesterday for three days and is taking it like a man. He did repost but since then he has been very good to deal with. And I will give him credit for that. And I will probably end his ban early because of his good attitude about it. (again no names)

Read from bottom to top...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Philip Carroll" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 3:01 PM
Subject: Temp ban

> OK clear your cookies and you can read all you want. I will overlook the one return. Clear the cookies as its trying to log in to the site and until the 16th you cannot log in. You can read though as a guest. Got it?
> cphilip

Creative Mayhem
01-14-2003, 02:17 PM
Here, here! Well said guys. I thank all of the mods for thier diligence. You guys deserve more credit than you get. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of the behind the scenes action. Now I no how to goof off and get away with it...hehe;)

C Mayhem

01-14-2003, 02:17 PM
I know I was offened and annoyed by that game,a link from AO was wrong to me,I'm glad Phil got rid of it.

01-14-2003, 02:17 PM
I did indeed get that one Tramp! ;)

01-14-2003, 02:18 PM
well maybe if he had put matrix instead of X mag it wouldn't have been a problem, cause nobody would have even checked the link (kidding, seriously I have nothing against matrixes).

01-14-2003, 02:19 PM
Well the post was titled correctly for it so I figured why not! :)

01-14-2003, 02:22 PM
Oh goody there is now some more!

Just do the time and all will be fine. Its only a temp ban. We run a tight ship. Nudity is allowed on TV but not here.


At 01:13 PM 01/14/2003 -0600, you wrote:
Last time I checked Im pretty sure pimp and whore were allowed on national television and not blocked out as well as being everyday occurances and job roles.

Seriously man, pick fights, that was really stupid to ban me, now if it was a disgusting porno site or something I can see you banning me but its a game that says "pimp" on it...oh no...virign ears...

As for the freezing of pc's thats not my fault, I dont get the pop ups from that site and I dont have any filters

01-14-2003, 02:28 PM
for pete's sake, give him a perm

01-14-2003, 02:28 PM

01-14-2003, 02:29 PM
Naw...we don't give em...you have to EARN em! ;)

I must be a "virign" (whatever that is) :confused:

01-14-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by wyn1370
for pete's sake, give him a perm
But what Phil is posting was done OFF the forums. And he did not break any rules in what has been posted by Phil.

He may be an idiot, but that is not grounds for being banned. I would just not reply to him anymore, and if he THEN breaks the rules.... PermBan. But that is just me. ;)

01-14-2003, 02:34 PM
Exactly right Sam. He can argue with me all day long in Email if he choses to and if he does not go too far it will be between us. I am breaking that normal rule that I have for myself to keep these semi private in this case because I want to show you guys kind of what it's all about. Not to humiliate him or anything. I just felt the learning opportunity was so great with this example and it's real life happening now so its very effective to use it. I hoped it might make some difference in the long run is all.

01-14-2003, 02:41 PM
Yes I know it's phil posting emails. I was being sarcastic. Should have put more smilies.

01-14-2003, 03:44 PM
Phil, this Moderator job looks like a lot of work. Does your university approve of this?

01-14-2003, 03:52 PM
Eh not realy to much their concern as I am a long timer (often called a short timer) and just keep this in the background all the time while I am working and deal with it when I can. A lot of days its quite and I can just keep checking emails. Plus I am active in the Students Paintball club with it and its kind of an extention of my "Student life" support activities that we all are charged with doing. In fact I was off the whole month of December I have so much time in. I have to devide my time and it helps if people report posts so I can not have to monitor every minute. I got good Bosses and got my program in good shape so I can afford to mess with it. Soon I will retire out and then I even got more time!!! :) So I am lucky in that respect that I can do a lot of things from right here and give some time to this. Not many can.