View Full Version : help make a camera enclosure

01-14-2003, 03:10 PM
i am trying to film a -paintball movie for school and i was looking for a way to make a plexyglass enclosure for the camera, because the school is loaning us a DV camera so we can edit the film on the movie labs computers. i was just looking for any smart and simple designed enclosures for the camera so it doesnt get damaged.
PS has anyone done this before? if so pics would be nice.

01-14-2003, 03:18 PM
I've always thought of doing this. I think you should make a little mini-refshield in front of the camera so it protects the whole thing (plexiglass or whatever you want). You can tape a mic from the camera to the outside of the sheild if you need to. It might look weird but I think it would work :)

01-14-2003, 03:33 PM
was to use a transparent pitcher....and modify it to accomodate a camcorder.

only issue is that of sound capture.. the pitcher would block out most sound.

Creative Mayhem
01-14-2003, 03:34 PM
A heavy towel will do, along with some REALLY bright clothes. Before you play/make the video tell everyone your intentions, that wy they won't shoot you. I have taken many rolls of pics while out on the field, and just making people aware of the fact that you are going to be out there with your camera will help the matter. And if that doesn't sound good enough... you can always show them a nice heavy baseball bat and tell them if they hit the camera, or you for that matter, that they WILL be getting up close and personal with your friend "Louis"

Hope it helps...

C Mayhem

01-14-2003, 03:44 PM
Back in my SCA days, when there were 200 guys running around in re-created armor and beating on each other with rattan sticks, there were a couple of guys that would film the battles from time to time. They had a regular metal mop bucket that had a pair of holes cut in it for the hands (with padding to protect the skin from cuts). The buckets were painted red and the cameras were inside. It shouldn't be too hard to put some thin plexi on the outside with some holes cut in it for the mic.

01-14-2003, 03:44 PM
I've thought of this. You know the screw that holds your camera to a tri-pod? I wanna make my sheild outta thin plexiglass, then drill a hole in the bottom (plexi wraps under the camera) and just screw the sheild into the camera with that screw. SHEILD: picture a plexiglass cube with the top and side missing where your hand holds the camera. (4 sides of the cube still there.)

01-14-2003, 05:28 PM
Have a look at some underwater camera enclosures, they're a bit expensive for using on a paintball field but they may give you some ideas.

try http://www.ikelite.com/

01-14-2003, 07:56 PM
some good ideas
keep um commin

01-14-2003, 08:07 PM
I have thought about doing the same thing but My idea was to use a Small plexiglass fish tank, like the little 5 gallon type you can get for $10-15 bucks. You could drill a hole in one side to use the tri-pod mounting bolt to hold it on, and tape a extra mic to the front.

01-14-2003, 08:10 PM
your sig pic is too big, limit is 15k. And plz only use it once per page.:)

01-14-2003, 08:53 PM
what about just using an extra set of goggle lens ?? at least that way you won't have to worry about wheather it will survive a hit or not.

01-14-2003, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by TheGreatPru
what about just using an extra set of goggle lens ?? at least that way you won't have to worry about wheather it will survive a hit or not.

That's not too bad of an idea, get some duct tape or cord and use a spare mask, if you wanted you could cover the top too.

Basically mount the camera inside the mask... which should cover the sides and front of the camera. There's a slot for your hand and if the camera gets gogged it'll make a cool effect. The other consideration would be some plastic wrap to keep splatter from getting in.