View Full Version : Tom Kaye & "Bad Idea" team members at PSP Press Conference about X-BALL

01-14-2003, 03:30 PM
Tom Kaye is EVERYWHERE! This is a good thing. He cares enough to be at the events/meetings that involve the paintball community...

Players and Teams - you are the paintball community. Team Bad Idea members Matt and Josh were in attendance to simply FIND OUT WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH THE PSP XBALL Organization.

Get involved outside of the AO Forum as a group and voice your opinion. When something is wrong within the industry and you feel it needs to be changed, GET INVOLVED. IF YOU ARE THE ONE THAT FALLS CULPRIT TO COMPLAINING ANONYMOUSLY, stop complaining about it on forums and voicing it against the parties making the mistakes.

The question came up - WHO OWNS THE 'NPPL' NAME? THE PLAYERS DO. So, excercise your right... Matt and Josh did by being in the "know" and taking the time to attend. (PATTING MATT AND JOSH ON THE BACK)...

Nice to have met you guys and of course, always nice to see Tom... <3

This is a note of thanks to the AO FORUM members who do voice their opinion and help Tom be the one to represent you all as a whole... :) :) :)

The reason for this post was to congratulate those who do get involved. I will try to let you know of more meetings that come up that are OPEN to the public and if you can't make it, I will post it for you. :)

01-14-2003, 03:33 PM
(Neither of those guys is Tom...) ;)

Thanks Bea, but how indeed does one voice his opinion other than being at this meeting I never knew was taking place? A little help here as I am ignorant on this one.

A Press conference does not sound like an open meeting for expression of any players concerns to me nor was I invited to it nor know anything about it. Perhaps you mean get involved in general? Not this specific thing? I am lost if they are connected.

01-14-2003, 04:48 PM
Ditto for what Phil said… and…

Originally posted by djbea
Players and Teams - you are the paintball community. Team Bad Idea members Matt and Josh were in attendance to simply FIND OUT WHAT WAS GOING ON WITH THE PSP XBALL Organization.

Get involved outside of the AO Forum as a group and voice your opinion. When something is wrong within the industry and you feel it needs to be changed, GET INVOLVED. Stop complaining about it on forums and voicing it against the parties making the mistakes.
I find this a bit unfair to say the least. To act like normal folks have the time, funds, or ability to travel around and personally attend ANY and ALL meetings that go on is ludicrous at best. Of course Tom Kaye and others in the industry do it… it is part of their JOBS. It is also a way to keep THEIR faces in the spotlight. That is how the game is played.

Also, if you knew AO our members, and our history, you would know that almost every paintball related issue that has come up has had action taken by AO members. We often voice our opinions, and not just on AO. We try to get involved in any way we can…. Sometimes that means only posting about it, and other times it means petitions, letters, attending meetings, etc.

I take offense at your post. It sounds like you are chastising AO members for NOT doing something we try to do as often as we can. It seems you are a little misinformed or uneducated as to what we have done as a group, or what certain of our members do on a regular basis.

It is one thing being a cheerleader and trying to rally support and interest, it is yet another to act as if no one is doing anything.

01-14-2003, 05:13 PM
"NPPL" belongs to whoever has or can get the rights to it.

The players own it? The players fund it... they are customers... and their opinions are on the level of customer complaints and suggestions... hardly worth the effort to make a plane trip to put your 2 cents into the suggestion box.

For big name people representing the sport of paintball... sure... it could worth their time.

01-14-2003, 06:49 PM
This the same Josh from PB2X??
okay so Tom Kaye was there, be a little more informative and detail who he took sides with. Owners or players.
Put that PB2X journalism talent to work. I; as well as ohers, would probably want to know what went on rather than being accused of sitting on our laurels for not attending a meeting that very FEW of us were informed of to begin with.


01-14-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by wimag
This the same Josh from PB2X??
okay so Tom Kaye was there, be a little more informative and detail who he took sides with. Owners or players.
Put that PB2X journalism talent to work. I; as well as ohers, would probably want to know what went on rather than being accused of sitting on our laurels for not attending a meeting that very FEW of us were informed of to begin with.


i agree 110%!

01-14-2003, 07:10 PM
If you missed the meeting, Web Dog is hosting an MP3 of the highlights. Including Jerry's take on the NPPL name.


Actually, it was refreshing to see PLAYERS There, Bea and others, to at least find out what is going on in the leagues they play.


01-14-2003, 07:19 PM
Well I bet it was not only refreshing but a surprise since no one here even seemed to know about it. Did they just stumble into the wrong bar at the right time? :(

Why do I feel improperly chastized and defensive? :confused:

01-14-2003, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
[B}Why do I feel improperly chastized and defensive? :confused: [/B]

I dont know Phil, maybe its your common sense poking through. I'm not taking sides, but I dont know why we insist on driving people certain people away. Bea Youngs is a celebrity like it or not. I for one enjoy having her around.

I'm not saying we should give her free reign to spew a bunch of crap (she doesnt), but lets give her a bit of a break. Phil this isnt a personal attack, but I know you're fairly level headed.

01-14-2003, 08:38 PM
Thank you for posting...

Yes, it was an open meeting. It was actually really hard to find and I almost felt like although it was an open meeting, they probably didn't want people to go... so I wasn't saying that you should have been there, just saying, stay involved by what you have already proved - that you are the voice.

I never will EVER chastise anyone, reprimand, or scold anyone for not getting involved but ENCOURAGE. You are intelligent people, who have a strong impact through your words of expression about certain issues.

With that energy, I would hope that you would concentrate on joining an organization to help make the industry of paintball take the players more seriously and cater more to the needs and wants of the players.

Please never think I would ever chastise any of you, just want you to realize your voice is strong and that paintball needs you in order to be more respected to a lot of people on the outside world who only stereotype paintball and don't take it as a serious sport as you and I.

And we will be putting the highlights in Pb2x. But, honestly, I attended as a player more than a press rep. and discovered at that meeting that those meetings that are called are open to the public - just wanted you to know. With that said, I just want things to get better for paintball just as much as you do. I am just sharing that with you, thinking that I can, based off the history of this AO forum, and how I admire you all.

And I do realize who the AO Forum is and the people that make it - and respect you all... perhaps you need to realize that and give yourself more credit and not take it as me trying to be offensive to you.

I probably should have added a smiley face to the post, as sometimes, reading the posts I write seem to put people on the defensive...

So sorry, guys, that I have made you frown on my post... I was simply proud of the AO guys I saw at the meeting and seeing Tom there, too, was a delight.

See Tom's picture I took of him at the meeting. He represents the AO forum... and you get involved here, at this forum... just keep getting involved, as you have... just a pat on the back to you all, those of you who have voiced your opinions...


01-14-2003, 08:45 PM
the problem with posting on the net is you really miss out on the context of whatever the post intends. i dont know bea from adam but i am willing to cut her some slack in that she is not pointing fingers or attacking the ao community just pointing out that this community is large, active and could have quite a voice at meetings. i also think that inorder to do that we should have some relatively easy way to know when and where these meetings are so we can make plans.

maybe i should make sure she doesnt post right infront of me. :)

01-14-2003, 08:49 PM
OK Bea thanks for the explanation. I was just surprised to see anything about it let alone be told I shoulda been there. I see what you MENT to convey and thought you might have ment it that way. But it realy did not come across that way. I agree with that but I would like some notice is all. Someone woulda been there if they had known. I do not think it got any pre-publicity here at all. this was the first we heard about it. Let us know ahead of time next time if you can. We will help out! :)

To those two of you who commented already I indeed asked that and wanted to know if thats what she MENT to say. You had to take a leap of faith to hold out for that though! And I awaited her answer. Perhaps you should wait till you know as well. I accept her explanation as I has hoped she intended it that way.

01-14-2003, 08:55 PM
Oh, truly, I'd be seriously crazy to attack you all here at the AO Forum... please, you all, I am really trying to make an effort here to help you understand my purpose and my reason for even posting here in the first place...

I don't have to post, I don't have to come here, but I do because I do learn from all of you. I have the utmost respect for other paintballers and care enough to defend you guys.

I want more people to play paintball, I really do want it to be on tv, even in the olympics, because really, it DESERVES it.

Just know this - I LIKE YOU ALL. I really, really DO. I especially like TOM KAYE and AIR GUN DESIGNS history in paintball. Just want to HELP - Key word: HELP.


01-14-2003, 08:57 PM
shes alive!!!!

anyways, i agree witcha bea, more people should be aware and step up to deal with these things.

01-14-2003, 09:02 PM
NO seriously Bea I was just disapointed we missed an opportunity to help out is all. No intent to kill the messenger at all. I just hated we didn't even know is all.

(did I just end every sentance with "all"? Sheesh!) :)

01-14-2003, 09:18 PM
I didn't know about the PSP meeting or the NPPL meeting until I went to an online website and saw the announcment. I didn't know about the NPPL meeting, either, until I went to their website (www.nppl.info) which is now GONE?!

I realize I've only been involved in the business of paintball for about 1.5 years, and have been playing for 2.25 years, but always wondered why the organizations aren't more structured, don't inform as much as they should, why there isn't some industry-wide commercial (like the GOT MILK commercials), that pool their money from the manufacturers to promote paintball on a worldwide collaborative scale? Or like a billboard, or something, like some organizations do to help promote their sport...

I just started to get involved... that means, getting to know who the owners are of these businesses, who the "presidents" are of these organizations like the NPPL and PSP and asking them directly about issues that I wonder about...

They are approachable, not untouchable.... yet. They are at major events, too, just have to ask around and see who they are and ask the questions direct. So, that's what I did... now, trying to get your support to do the same to ask alot of questions and encourage them to have your best interest in mind moreso than their pocketbooks. Seriously, the more they make you happy, the more attractive the paintball world will become to those who don't play yet.

I will definitely keep you all informed this time and let you know when these groups will meet again...


01-14-2003, 09:22 PM
Do so! We will kick some collective behind girl! :D

01-14-2003, 09:23 PM


01-14-2003, 09:25 PM
hey bea, if i like emailed you some questions i may have for when you'll be meeting with some big-name of the sport would you ask it for me? that'd be cool especially cus my age doesnt allow me to travel to all those meetings that are never near me.

anyways, phil you spelled sentence wrong:D

01-14-2003, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by yeahthatsme
anyways, phil you spelled sentence wrong:D

No that is "Sentance"! LOL! I am off tonight am I not?...all! :D I will leave it for your amusement. :)

01-14-2003, 09:33 PM
Yes, "yeahthatsme", I will ask on your behalf... email me at [email protected]...


01-14-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by cphilip
NO seriously Bea I was just disapointed we missed an opportunity to help out is all. No intent to kill the messenger at all. I just hated we didn't even know is all.

(did I just end every sentance with "all"? Sheesh!) :)

You're from the south, so of course you did:D

01-14-2003, 09:53 PM
If I had the funds and could fly to all these meetings/conferences and/or my lifestyle afforded me the opportunity, you bet I would "get involved." But unfortunatly it dosent. So now I post useless stuff like this on AO and bother people. Glad to see that you can do these things Bea!

01-14-2003, 10:24 PM
bea... you rock

if you guys didnt know about the meeting... then im sorry your paintball internet experience is a small as only AO

try checking out websites like





thanks to all that went to the meeting, tom especially for letting the yo boys know what you found out.


p.s. im not looking for a long followup post to this one... i just want people to know what other paintball website exist

01-14-2003, 11:22 PM
I don't realy have a lot of time to surf other sites Skirts. How about you letting me know? See something I can broadcast I sure will. But I am kind of tied up here myself! :(

01-14-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by djbea
Yes, it was an open meeting. It was actually really hard to find and I almost felt like although it was an open meeting, they probably didn't want people to go... so I wasn't saying that you should have been there, just saying, stay involved by what you have already proved - that you are the voice.

I had heard about it through web dog, but other than that, nothing really about it. I was hoping a major news service would have sent someone, but I'm not surprised. (Read : Pipe dream...)

They went out of their way to tell players tehat they are the voice. Heck, Jerry said the players should form a "players union"! I found that intresting. Actually, the whole thing was intresting. :)


01-15-2003, 12:13 AM
Great job Web Dog... thank you.

01-15-2003, 01:30 AM
Here's my quote concerning the whole PSP & NPPL mess from an early posting by Tyger

I may be the minority, and I'm not trying to be negative and this is from the point of view from someone who doesn't play tourament paintball but has followed it on and off since the inception of the NPPL. I think that both of the sanctioning bodies do not realize what a disservice they are doing to the game by acting like children. I understand that money is what drives paintball and that is fine but i do not see any of this as being good for the game. I see the old promoters (the PSP) as thinking that they are too good for the game and are only concerned about their own products and not the games that and are supposedly "promoting" (and promoting their tournaments and the sport which is something I think they have never done in the first place. Capitalize on the sport, yes; promote it, no.) I also feel like the old Players Union (Chuck's NPPL) did not deserve to have any control over the operation of the league for leaving it in ruins for years while the players played and being totally in the dark about what was going on behind the scenes without their knowlege.

(I only made some changes to the quote for clarity's sake)