View Full Version : Tom, about Perfect Circle balls...

11-19-2000, 05:45 PM
I saw the patent on the IBM patent database. How long is it going to take to get these into the consumer market? Or will they be commercially availible at all? If the plastic is biodegradeable these will change the entire industry!

11-19-2000, 06:00 PM
To my knowledge perfect circles are used with the sydarm in training, filled with other fluids. They apparently felt the perfect circles didn't add as much as was thought they would to paintball.

11-20-2000, 09:03 AM

Is the web site for perfect circle.

Yes they are now used for police training. They are also used in movies to simulate bullets hitting the ground or other targets. They are also being filled with pepper spray and being used by police/military for riot control.

Tom set out to make the perfect paintball - and did. The bad thing is that it doesnt really perform any better than the regular ones - so no play will spend twice the ammount on a ball that performs essentially the same.

The advantage they DO have over regular balls is that you can fill them with water and other liquids that would melt/damage a geliten ball.

Webmaster - AutoMags.Org
[email protected]
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun." - Ash, Army of Darkness

11-21-2000, 03:15 AM
We are making Perfect Circle Plastic Paintballs every day. Our cheapest price is 13 cents EACH and many are more than .50 so we didn't think you would be interested. It's true they don't fly any straighter than what you buy for .02


11-23-2000, 01:28 AM
Bummer. Did you ever experiment with dimples like a golf ball? It seems it would be easier to do with the pc shell. Or how about a channeled shell like a boat hull. It would be round like a ball but the channels act like fins and it straightens out in flight to break along the seam every time. Well maybe thats a bit out there but golf ball style paintballs was a theory I remember from a while back. The problem was always gel shells IIRC.

I didn't know about that website, thanks webmaster!

11-23-2000, 02:20 AM
As with may "theories" about paintballs the dimples are wrong too. We did make one, it looked eactly like a minature golf ball (pretty cool actually) and curved very baddly. I like to say if dimples gave more range you would see them on jets.


11-24-2000, 12:17 AM
Well, thanks for that information. Now I can work on my plan to squeeze those barrel tests out of you. http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif I'll wait a bit for that though. I know you don't want to put half the aftermarket companies out of business. Wait, what am I saying! Most aftermarket products remain even after documented laws of physics prove them useless. It seems people will buy just about anything after all. http://www.automags.org/ubb/wink.gif

11-27-2000, 10:43 PM
maybe a dimpled barrel would work better? Heh http://www.automags.org/ubb/smile.gif hey it could happen.

-I'm not the smartest but I don't need to be to beat you.

11-28-2000, 04:32 PM
man,I need to get my hands on some of those OC balls and the empty shells. anyone have any ideas on how I could co about doing this. Thanks AZZKIKR

10-19-2001, 06:27 AM
are they out yet?I WANT SOME!

10-19-2001, 08:21 PM
Heh. Perfect Circle 'Stinkbomb' paintballs. No more wipers. If a guy pukes...he's out!!!

You could curve 'em into a bunker and make somebody surreneder that way too :).

10-21-2001, 12:03 PM
scented paintballs are alredy hear, however they are made to smell good like bannana and apple.

What if people made paintballs for team practice, like when you need to work on cover fire or acuracy. make them out of rubber or plastic(don't shoot people) then you could wash them off and not waste 90% of your teams budget on paint.

Most paintball dealers would most likely be agaist this because then teams and players would not spend so much money on paint. And there is also liabillity like if someone bought them and shot somebody with a rubber paintball(ouch)

Could a manufacture do this?

10-21-2001, 05:09 PM
I think i saw foam practice paintballs online. If i find em again, ill post a link here.

10-21-2001, 08:04 PM
lawyers had fun with foam paintballs, some idiot thought hey it feels like a nerf ball, oh but wait arent they...thwack TRAVELING AT OVER 200mph! (discontinued as far as i herd which sucks cause i want to play in the house

10-21-2001, 08:21 PM
Well, they werent designed to shoot other people with...

You'd be surprised********deleted by AGD, not appropriate, safety issue *********.....